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- Sentient Rationality in the Digital Age: Integration of Neuroscience and Philosophy for Decision Making
- Consciousness: On its Source, and Operations
- Isolated Intracranial Rosai-Dorfman Disease: A Diagnostic Challenge
- Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Gene Val66Met (G196A) Polymorphism and Alzheimer’s Disease Susceptibility
- CNS Melioidosis: A Diagnostic Challenge
- Frontal Lobe Volume Predicts Knowledge Gain During Cognitive Group Therapy in Major Depressive Disorder
- Ecocatharsis of the Earth – Awareness of the Need and Ways of Implementation
- Causes, Identification & Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Prior Head Trauma Impacts Onset and Severity of Parkinson’s Disease
- Demographics, Treatment Characteristics, and Bio-Psycho-Social Burden of Patients with Migraine Seeking Help from Pain Specialists in Germany-Results of a Cross-Sectional Analysis of Depersonalized Data Provided by the German Pain E-Registry
- Bio-Psycho-Social Burden of Patients With Fibromyalgia – Results of A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Depersonalized Data Provided by the German Pain E-Registry
- Sleep and Neurodevelopment Convergence is Reflected in the Overlap of their Genetic Architecture
- Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: Clinical Case and Literature Review
- A Young Lady with Unilateral Sudden Painful Complete Ophthalmoplegia: Tolosa- Hunt Syndrome
- Systematic Research and Case Report: A 60-Year-Old Caucasian Male with Mycotic Aneurysm in the Right Middle Cerebral Artery Stemming from Infective Endocarditis
- Cognitive Trajectories and Psychological Well-Being of Severe SARS-CoV-2 Patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: A One-Year Longitudinal Analysis Including Caregiver Perspectives
- Klinefelter Syndrome Comorbid with ADHD and ASD in a School Boy: a Case Report
- Different Kind of Epilepsy, and different Kind of Color Vision Impairment: Neurophysiological Implications
- Right-Hemispheric Disinhibition as a Neural Basis of Acquired Savantism and Foreign Accent Syndrome
- How to Control the Rising Ocean of Dementias in the United States
- The Anatomy of the Long Thoracic Nerve Origin, Course, And Branching Pattern: Implications for Long Thoracic Nerve Palsy and Serratus Anterior Dysfunction
- Influencer’s Presence in the Ad: Does It Really Work?
- qEEG/Brainmapping: An Essential Tool for Assessing Alternative Therapies Beyond Neurofeedback
- Substantial Improvement in Intraoperative Motor Evoked Response During Surgery on the Cervical Spine: A Case Report
- Episodic Hypothermia Related to Autonomic Dysfunction Improved on Cyproheptadine and Pyridostigmine
- Association of APOE Polymorphism with Stroke in North Indian Population
- Ontological Coaching Method of Self-Knowledge and as a Strategy to Promote Mental Health at Work
- Alice In Wonderland Syndrome: A Rare Psychiatric Manifestation in Medical Science
- Senegalese Experience of Acute Polyradiculoneuritis: Cross-Sectional Study Over 7 Years at the Department of Neurology in Fann Teaching Hospital
- Towards Novel Ideas in the Design of Active Field- Driven Implants and Scaffolds Based on PVDF and Related Materials for Electroactive Tissue Regeneration
- Proven Novel Method to Curtail Covid-19 Pandemic, Long Covid, any Future Viral Pandemics, Including Influenza, Due to RNA/DNA Viruses Through Inactivation of their Naked RNA/DNA, and Hospital Acquired [Nosocomial] Infections
- Is The Cerebellum Involved in Color Vision Pathway for Essential Tremor?
- Pseudo Hypoparathyroidism Narrative Revue
- Cervical Neuralgia Revealing Eagles Syndrome about a Presentation
- Intercellular and Intracellular Networks: Signal Processing and Evolution
- Facial Nerve Paresis Functional and Aesthetic Improvement with Min- Invasive Methods
- Acute Transverse Myelitis Post-Vaccine Covid 19 as A Revealing Mode of NMOSD: A Case Report
- Increase in Neurological Conditions in the German Healthcare System
- Exploring the Interplay Between Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Pain Characteristics, and Disability in Migraine Patients
- Antopometric Evaluation of Employees at the Municipal Hospital of Cuiabá-HMC
- Thalamic Brain Abscess by Fusobacterium Nucleatum
- A Call to Action: Person-Centered Care Aligned with Reproductive Justice for Incarcerated Pregnant People with Substance Use Disorders
- Lumbar Microdiscectomy with Preservation of Ligamentum Flavum as A Means of Preventing Epidural Fibrosis
- An Embodied Cognition Perspective on Neural Mechanism and Rehabilitation of Freezing of Gait
- A Rare Case of Cysticercosis Involving the Spinal Canal
- Gratitude and Brain: Representation and Integration
- Ring Models of Atoms and Molecules with Two Opposite Spins of Proton and Neutron Rings (Atom Type A and Atom Type B)
- The Relationship Between Perceived Stress and Compassion Competence of Nursing Students: A Descriptive Study
- Physics Life Psychiatry: Cellular Model and the ZPE
- Behavioral Measures of Gain-Loss Asymmetry as a Function of Gender and of Virtual v. Actual Money
- Autism with Severe Mental Retardation: a Therapeutic Challenge and Expert Opinion
- Peptide Upregulation and Inflammatory Cascading: The Unseen Outcome of Autonomic Dysregulation
- Two Cases of Seizures Due to Lignocaine Toxicity Following Elective Circumcision
- Blindsight as the Plausible Explanation for the Black/White Vision in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
- Recent Findings about Morality as an Evolution Model a Brief Overview
- Clinical Case of Magnetite Nanoparticles (Micromage-B) Application in Multiple Sclerosis
- Non-Suicidal Autoaggression in Patients with Paranoid Schizophrenia in Conditions of Long-Term Social Isolation
- The Role of Dopamine on Color Vision Impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease and in MCI
- Source of Free Radicals and Consequences of Oxidative Stress Following Secondary Brain Injury after Intracerebral Haemorrhage
- Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristics of Guillain-Barré Syndrome and its Variants in Tijuana General Hospital
- About the Physiology of Hearing
- Fenugreek Decreases Total Cholesterol, TGs, and LDL Cholesterol
- Plato’s Social Psychology
- Neuronal Malady in Epileptic Brain – Amendment with Mushroom
- Case Report on Vein of Galen Malformation with Intranidal Aneurysm and Diverticulum
- The Role of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Diagnosing and Grading of Gliomas
- Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evaluating Historical and Current Trends through the lens of Neurodiversity
- The Neuroeducational Perspective in an Ecosystem Scope in a Globalized World
- Altered Whole Brain Gray Matter Volume in High Myopia Patients - A Narrative Review
- Crossed Intralaminar Screws for Fusion of the Cervicothoracic Junction and the Thoracic Spine: The Experience in a Iberic Service With Cases Series and Review of the Current Literature with Technique Description
- Targeted Temperature Management: Systematic Review of Current Literature and Commentary on Future Trends
- Preliminary Study on the Short-Term Effects of Entomic Exercises: Evaluation Through Biofeedback
- Similarities and Differences between the Neurobiology of Gambling and Substance Addiction
- Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation is Efficient over the Time in Parkinson’s Disease: A Clinical Evaluation
- Excitatory Amino Acid Transporters in Parkinson’s Disease: Mini-Review
- Advances in Molecular Biology of Pediatric Brain Tumors
- The Relationship Between Listener Ratings of Speech, Primary Motor Symptoms, and Global Cognitive Functioning in Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease
- Electroencephalography at the Thies Regional Hospital Center: Implementation and Assessment at 20 Months of Activity
- Variety and Variability in the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease: A Look from the Relational Cybernetics
- Violations of the Ultrastructure of Neurons in the Cerebral Cortex of Rats with Total Cerebral Ischemia
- Reshaping Leadership in Schools: A Social Neuroscience Lens
- Epidural Steroids Injection: A Mini Review
- Comparing Pre-Post Heart Rate Variability Change between Two Spinal Adjustments: A Case Study
- SSPE with Ocular Manifestation “Eye as Window to the Brain”
- Hypnic Headache: A Rare Type of Primary Headache Disorder
- Clinical Observation of Chronic Sphenoiditis With Moderate Cognitive Impairment
- Management and Assessment of the Patient with Refractory Epilepsy: Some Considerations
- Acute Transverse Myelitis After Spinal Anesthesia: Should Anesthesia be Condemned?
- Classifying the Forms of Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Clinical Impact of the Use of Biomarkers in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Dementia
- Effects of Different Postures and Ankle Pump Movement on Venous Hemodynamics of Lower Limb
- Pyrimidine Nucleoside-Mediate Prevention of Neurobehavioral Consequences Related to Cerebral Ischemia in Rat Models
- Outcome Of Outdoor Activities as Part of Person- Centered Care in The Dementia Ward of An Acute Hospital
- Spontaneous Hemorrhagic Synovial Cysts of the Lumbar Spine and Early Fusion: Case Report and Review of the Literature
- Computer Guided Mapping and Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
- Is Autonomy Worth a Bother in Neuroscience?
- Impact of Post-Exercise Orthostasis on EEG Amplitudes in Age-Matched Students: Role of Gender
- Neuropsychiatry Revisited: Consciousness and Memory
- Nurses’ Perspective on Using iPads as Part of Person Centered Care in an Acute Hospital Setting
- Augusta Code Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Application of High-Resolution MRI and Contrast- Enhanced Ultrasound in The Stability of Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque
- Inpatient Rehabilitation Admission Rate and Functional Improvement in Pediatric Patients with Autoimmune Encephalitis
- Transcranial Ultrasound Neuromodulation and Gamma Entrainment in Neurological Disorders
- Rapid Resolution of Carotid Thrombus within Two Hours
- Harmful Substances in the Blood Can Affect the Brain
- Neurocysticercosis and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Correlations
- Relationships between working memory and the ability to repeat sentences in Alzheimer’s disease
- Cerebrovascular Accident as a First Manifestation of Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; a Comprehensive Review; a Case Report
- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia-Associated Encephalopathy: A Case Report
- Prognosis Factors in the Treatment of Chronic Subdural Hematomas at the Mamadou Gueye Clinic of Fann Teaching Hospital: Review of 205 Cases
- Investigation of The Frequency and Risk Factors of Hyponatremia in Patients Receiving Levetiracetam Treatment
- Effect of Light Exposure on Serum Melatonin Levels of ICU Patients: A Preliminary Observational Study
- Neuroscience and Blockchain
- Analyzing Magnitude and Frequency of Video Verified Head Impacts in Relation to Impact Location in Collegiate Soccer Athletes
- Immediate Effect of Vibration to Plantar Flexors on Functional Mobility in Stroke Patients
- Changing Paradigm of Care of Neuromuscular Diseases in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review
- Correlation Between Functional Strength of Lower Limb, Sit to Stand and Functional Ambulation Capacity in Stroke Patients: an ICF Perspective
- Vibration- Acoustic Stimulation a New Approach for the Treatment of Hearing Loss
- Rest-Activity Circadian Rhythm and Light Exposure Using Wrist Actigraphy in ICU Patients
- A Blended Learning Develops the Basic Physical Exam Practice Skills for Nursing Student
- The Role of the Strategy Map in Managing a Strategic Medical Entity During the COVID 19 Pandemic
- Transitional Emotional Intelligence Theory
- Science of Divinity: Part IV
- Perampanel Monotherapy- A Novel Treatment for Seizures: A Systematic Review
- Is There Any Correlation Between the Ingestion of Some Kinds of Foods and Headache?
- Frontier and Integral Aspects of Neurobiology
- GBAMutation Analysis in Turkish Parkinson’s Disease Patients: Comparison of Clinical and Cognitive Performance
- Sleep-Dependent Sensory Gating and Synaptic Priming Mechanisms
- Inguinal Hernias Repair by Laparascopy (TEP)
- How Brain Changes as We Learn
- The Proper Treatment of Pain and Chronic Pain, Artemisia Californica
- The Value of a Second Operation in Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme: is it Medically Justified and Ethically Appropriate?
- Improvement of Photocatalytic Methods to Treat the Wastewater at Sohar Oil Refinery, Oman
- Neural Conductional Impairment in the Brainstem Auditory Pathway in term Infants with Perinatal Problems
- Psychomotor Retardation, Brain Calcifications and West’s Syndrome in an Infant
- Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) Score and the Prognosis of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hematoma
- Cenobamate: New Antiseizure Medication with High Efficacy
- Compromise Between Individual Rationality and Collective Rationality in Decision-Making in Schistocerca Gregaria (The Desert Locust)
- Sleep Quality and its Lifestyle Associated Factors among Secondary School Students in an Egyptian City
- Reasons for Discontinuation of Dantrolene in Persons with Brain Injuries with Spasticity: A Retrospective Review
- Infected Dermoid Cyst of the Posterior Fossa: Case Report
- Variability Index of Optic Nerve Diameter with Hyperosmolar Therapy in Patients with Acute Neurological Injury
- Intravenous Laser Therapy in the Complex Treatment of Nervous System and Brain Diseases and the New Development Mechanism of the Diseases
- The Importance of the Psychiatric Hospital in Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic - Experience Report
- Water, Food and Population with a Focus on Developing World: A Sociological Appraisal
- Brainstem Auditory Impairment in Very Preterm Infants who Experience Chronic Sublethal Hypoxia
- More Effective, Faster, and Safer Fibrinolytic Treatment of Heart Attack and Ischemic Stroke
- Spontaneous Resolution of a Traumatic Cataract in Cerebral Palsy Libyan Patient a Case Report
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis
- Anosmia – The Missing and Common Link Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Covid-19
- The “Ecliptic” of the Pineal Body
- Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma of the Sphenoid and Orbit: Case Report-Tripoli-Libya
- A Case Series Outlining the Relationship between Dolichoectasia and Ectrodactyly-Ectodermal Dysplasia-Clefting Syndrome
- Sex Bias in Preclinical Studies: The Case of Gut Microbiota on Alzheimer’s Disease
- Oral Health in Parkinson’s Disease: How Long are we Going to Neglect it?
- Some Clinical, Psychological, Laboratory, and Genetic Aspects of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in Upper Egypt
- Is there still some reason for classic presentation of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis described in the literature?
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Cardiac Function: How can we do with Hummingbird’s Racing Hearts?
- Post-COVID-19 Infection and Cognitive Deficits: Permanent or Transient?
- How Useful is the Electroencephalogram (EEG) as a Tool for Signaling Cognitive Decline in Parkinson’s Disease?
- An Atypical Case of Progressive Spinal Amyotrophy (Type I) Likely Explained by Genetic Modifiers Case Report
- Good Response to Thiamine in Bilateral Thalamic Infarction Simulating a Wernicke Syndrome: Does it Has a Role in Acute Stroke?
- Development of the Family Support Scale (FSS) for Newly Pregnant Women
- Therapeutic Indications of NAAG Peptidase Inhibitors for Parkinson’s Disease
- Prolonged Encephalopathy in COVID 19
- Basic Hypothesis and Therapeutics Targets of Depression: A Review
- A Case Report of Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in a Libyan Child Stung by Scorpion and Review of the Literatures
- An Unusual Cause of Dizziness: Persistent Ground Sickness in Duane Syndrome
- Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy with Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure and Recurrent Rhabdomyolysis: A Case Report and Literature Review
- The Neuroscience of Motivational Interviewing
- Immunological Aspects Related to the Pathophysiology of Multiple Sclerosis and the Possible Checkpoints for Target Therapy: An Integrative Literature Review
- Clinical Utility of Thrombelastography in Acute Stroke- a Current Point of View
- The Link Between Brain and Auditory System and Possible Role of Vestibular System in Hearing System as a Second Middle Ear and the Role of Melanocytes and/or Neuromelanin in this Process
- Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Symptoms Diagnosis & Treatment Incorporating Historical Perspectives
- Sleep Disorders During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Specifics and Psychological Diagnostic
- Social Pathology of Dementia
- Reproductive Dysfunction in Young Men with Epilepsy
- Investigating Learning Process Factors Related to Online Learning and Physical Examinations Among Nursing Students
- A New Theory for Ball Lightning Proposed: Aberrant Cellular Dust Discharges [Aerial Extra Corpuscular [“Epilepsy”]
- Systematic Review of Methodical Local Studies Re Usefulness of Antidepressants on Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
- Quantum Consciousness and the Heart Based Resonant Frequencies Theory
- Sometimes the Best Thing to do is Nothing: A Chiropractic Case Study
- The WAIS-4 as a Supplementary Part of a Neurological Examination
- Benign Episodic Unilateral Mydriasis: Normal Phenomenon in Migraine? Considerations from A Clinical Case
- Kuru: The Neurodegenerative Disorder; Roles of PrPC and PrPSc in infection, Effects in Blocking Neural Synapses and its Comprehensive Observation
- Consciousness Field Theory
- Child with Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine: Case Report
- Ganoderma lucidum Modulates Neuronal Distorted Cytoskeletal Proteomics and Protein-Protein Interaction in Alzheimer’s Disease Model Animals
- Physiological Changes During Conscious and Unconscious Emotional Reactions in Persons with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Pilot Study
- The Science of Divinity
- Proposal of Categories for the Retrospective Documentary Study of Treatment Adherence
- Human Consciousness: The Universal Heart Based Resonant Frequencies and the Massive ecosystems Hierarchy
- Lithium Action in the Treatment of Mania Episodes
- Race, Reality and The Road to Redemption: COVID-19 ‘s Precipitous Pandemic Problem Among Black Lives That Matter
- Effect of Memantine on Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Epilepsy
- Cerebral Perfusion Associates with Short-term Clinical Outcomes of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
- Weight and Body Mass Index in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in a Population from the North of Mexico
- Mental Health Awareness and the Importance of Socialization for Education in the Post-COVID19 Era
- Ethics of Seclusion Usage among Aggressive Patients in Psychiatric Setting
- Emotional Health in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- The Current Advance of Clinical Drug for Treatment Alzheimer’s Disease and the Research of New Drug
- Smartphones Addiction and its Correlates among University Students, Egypt
- The Ability of Health Organizations to Change - Why do Change Need a Process and Project Approach?
- Relative ESR1 Gene Expression in Major Depression a Biomarker for Hormone Therapy
- The Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on the Psychosomatic Status of Athletes and Sports Stakeholders in the City of Zadar
- Man-in-the-Barrel Syndrome as an Atypical form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Intraocular Silicone Oil Implant Migration in a Patient with a Craniopharyngioma
- Neurorehabilitation Algorithm in Multiple Sclerosis: Traditions and Challenges
- Multiple Exostosis and Embryonic Clubfoot in a Premature Newborn: Case Report
- Suicide Attempt: Temporary Ultimate Dyspraxia?
- Acetic Acid Bacteria Supplements that Possibly Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
- English Version of CWPT (Color Words Pick-out Test)
- Neurostimulation and Therapeutic Advance: Iterative or Principled?
- A Case of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- A Case of Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion with Macular Edema Presenting as Sub-Acute Vision Loss
- 2020 - Limitations of the Current Literature Regarding Anesthesia and Mechanical Thrombectomy for Anterior Ischemic Stroke
- Clinical Study of Neuroendoscopic Treatment of Subacute Subdural Hematoma (SSH)
- Investigating the Effect of Drainage Tube Placement Depth on The Draining Effect of Chronic Subdural Hematoma Surgery
- Acute Lymphocytic Meningoradiculoneuritis Complicating Primary Sjögren Syndrome
- Psychomotor Retardation, Brain Calcifications and West’s Syndrome in an Infant
- Long Porous Silicon Probe Array for Neural Recordings
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Tinnitus Distress
- Increased Familial Risk and Evidence of Genetic Factor in Migraine
- Psychophysiological Features of Primary Headache: New Findings and Some Confirmation
- Discrepancy of Microglia Activation in Acute Ischemic Stroke and Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion
- Investigating TRSV Phytoalexin Infusions as a Novel Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease Using ApoE4 Plasmid Transfections in Neuro2a Cell Complexes
- Neuropsychiatric Involvement in Subclinical Hypothyroidism
- InformationBased Hierarchical Brain Organization/ Evolution from the Perspective of the Informational Model of Consciousness
- Socioeconomic Factors Responsible for Obesity Hypertension among Bangladeshi Adults
- Analysis of the Effects of the Acceptance and Use of the Mobile Internet Technology by the Elderly on Successful Aging
- A Rational and Scientific Explanation for Metempsychosis
- The Effect of Bupivacaine on Pain Relief After Lumbar Decompression Surgery
- Comparison of Fluocortolone and Fluocortolone + Acyclovir Treatment in Patients with Bell Palsy
- Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: Is it Always Posterior and Reversible?
- Spontaneous Regression of Intraprocedural Carotid Stent Thrombosis Achieved Using Antiplatelet Agents
- Trochlear Nerve Palsy: A Review of Etiology, Incidence, Diagnostic Methods, and Treatment Alternatives
- Low Free Serum Triiodothyronine is Associated with More Severe Neurological Deficit in Patients with First-Time Ischemic Stroke: A Single-Center Clinical Study
- Beta Amyloid, Brain-Derived Growth Factor and Cognitive Function in Circadian Rhythm Disturbances
- Successful Multimodality Management of Refractory Cancer Pain on Shoulder Caused by Lung Cancer Metastasis and Resistant to Analgesics: A Case Report
- Stroke as a Very Rare Complication of Multile Bee Sting: A Case Report
- Psychological Aspects of Binge Eating Disorder (ACT)
- Antitumor Activity of Novel Azoles on Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells in Mice
- Charcot, the Man, the Joint and its Care
- Theoretical Foundations of Latent Aging and Imitation of Aging
- Is Sensitive Skin a Disease, a Syndrome, a Disorder or Else?
- Obstacles to Nursing Process Implementation
- Role of Private Sector in Advancing Neurosciences in Africa: Memfys Hospital Example
- Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Orbital Tumors of Various Localizations and Histostructures
- What we Can Learn from Neuroligin Gene Mutations and Autism Spectrum Disorders?
- Continuous Spike and Waves During Slow Sleep in the Neurological Department of Fann National University Hospital of Dakar: Topographic Aspects and Age
- Patients with Dementia Assessing their Quality of Life
- Long Non-Coding RNAs in Spinal Cord Injury
- Targeting Astroglial Glucose Metabolism to Treat Alzheimer Disease
- Effectiveness of Dexmedetomidine as a Coadyuvant in Analgesia and Epidural Anesthesia in Hysterectomies
- Approach to Hand Weakness from Clinical, Neurophysiological, Neuroradiological and Laboratory Data
- When the Perfect Environment is Not Enough for People Living with Dementia
- Neurodevelopment is Particular Vulnerable in Neonatal Male Rats Subjected to Maternal Separation
- Predictors of Chronic Subdural Hematoma Recurrence Following Surgical Intervention: A Review of the Recent Literature
- The Relation between AEDs and Liver Disease
- Niosome Encapsulated Bromelain Reduced IL-6 and TNF-α in LPS Induced in Mice
- Risk of Seizure Recurrence after Withdrawal of Antiepileptic Drugs in Multiply Handicapped Egyptian Children with Epilepsy
- Vascular and Degenerative Dementia Convergences More Than Differences
- How Much Time Does Our Brain Need to Relax?
- A Field-View on the Generation of a Single Neural Pulse and Delay in Neighboring Pulses
- Future Insight to Mannuronic Acid (M2000) in Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Primary Progressive Aphasia: Diagnosis and Contribution of Graphic Markers
- Monitoring Autonomic Progress Using Outlier Analysis of Heart Rate Variability: A Case Study
- Suitability of Neuroimaging in Diagnosis of Sleep, Fatigue, Perfusion and Metabolite Deficits after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
- The Relationship between Thrombolytic Therapy and Hemorrhagic Transformation in Patients with Acute Anterior Circulation Stroke Treated with Mechanical Thrombectomy
- Water Immersion-Induced Skin Wrinkling: More Accurately Reflects Neurovascular Coupling rather than Just Neural Function
- How to Provide Adequate UV Dosimetry to Avoid Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders
- SSA Positivity as Predictor of Relapse in Patients with Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
- Brief Case Report: Neurocognitive Assessment of a Child’s Ability to Benefit from Psychotherapy and Strategy for Court Testimony
- Fahr Syndrome with Fluctuation in Consciousness and Temporary Vision Loss
- Sleep Researchers are Studying Addiction but Don’t Know It
- On motivation as a Target for Intervention in Anorexia Nervosa
- Disability as a Space for Creation: A Social Perspective
- A Case of Extrapyramidal Symptoms Secondary to Long-Acting Injectable Paliperidone Palmitate
- When Your Patient’s Symptoms do not Fit with Common Neurological Conditions, Consider Rare Diagnoses in the Differential Diagnosis
- A Case of Brain Injury on Two Different Occasions: IQ and Halstead-Reitan Test Scores
- Peripheral Neuropathies Under New Combined Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV Infection at Fann National University Hospital: Electrophysiological Aspects and Risk Factors
- Brain Homeostasis and Aspartate Levels in Maintaining of Brain’s Functioning
- Bilateral Intracranial Subacute Subdural Haematoma
- To the Question of the Natural-Scientific Basis of the Classification of Mental Diseases
- A Novel Approach for Therapeutic Use of Phenolics for the Prevention and Management of Mental Illness
- EEG Connectivity Аnalysis in Patients with Left and Right Hemispheric Mediobasal Meningiomas before and after the Therapeutic Radiation Exposure
- Location of Glioblastoma and its Significance in Response to Treatment
- Dementia Knowledge among Kuwait University Students: a Descriptive Study
- Reducing Anxiety in Children: Creating Emotionally Safe Places for Children to Learn
- Walking Makes the Brain More Creative and Heals Your Sorrows
- Lifestyle Factors Contributing to HPA-Axis Activation and Chronic Illness in Americans
- Cognitive and Emotional Symptoms in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
- Usefulness of Toys in Neurodevelopmental disorders-A Survey amongst Physiotherapists
- An Interview with James Medcalf: CAMCOG
- Blink Rate Behavioral Pattern Changes in Patients Affected by Acute Stroke: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Early Onset Dementia (EOD) and its Impact on Employment of Young Adults
- Seizure in Psychiatric Inpatients: A Retrospective Local Study
- Inside Out: From the Brain to the Education
- Autism and Addiction to Video Games?
- Time Equals Brain - Retrospective Analysis of Thrombolysis in Regional Australia to Determine Factors which Influence Door to Needle Time
- Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia: MVD vs GKS
- Acetylcholine Transmission Related to Age Evaluated by the Quantitative Electroencephalographic Vigilance-Index
- Meditation May Alter Medication Sleep Disorder and Mental Illness
- Anthropometric Effects of Intravenous Methylprednisolone Versus Oral Corticosteroids in the Treatment of Juvenile Dermatomyositis
- Comparative Role of Paroxatine and Clomipramine on Anxiety in Mice Recovering from Stress
- Is there a Difference in Cognition between Epileptic Subjects and Healthy Siblings?
- An ICF Perspective on Impact of Environmental Barriers on Community Participation in Stroke Patients: A Qualitative Approach
- Quantitative Characterization of Postural Sway During Quiet Stance Under Muscle Fatigue in Healthy Young Adults
- An Interview with Dr. Jerry Burgess: SPANS (Short Parallel Assessment of Neuropsychological Status)
- Progress in knowledge of Alzheimer’s disease
- The Demographic Features of Concomitant Facial Fractures with Closed Head Injuries in Maricopa Arizona
- The Brain as Peace Maker: Healing Methods Based on Nature, Art, Science, Fractal Geometry, Brain Research, Yoga etc.
- Communication of the “Objective Reality” as Signal to the Senses in Orchestrated Non-Reductive way
- Adaptation of Mini Mental State Examination within a Population of Healthy Subjects in Mali: The Mamse
- Dyslexia, Neurodevelopmental Conditions and Comobidity: A Rule Rather than an Exception
- Neurobiological Fingerprints of Psychiatric Disorders: An Opportunity to Refine Diagnostic Categorization
- Hypertension Induction and Avoidance in the Patients with Neurosurgical Pathologies and Concomitant Cardiovascular Disorders
- Developing a Modern Mythology for Alzheimer’s Disease
- Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (Nld) – Clinical Description about Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
- Evaluation of Usefulness of Cholinesterase Inhibitor in Management of Schizophrenia: A Controlled Clinical Trial
- Informational Neuro-Connections of the Brain with the Body Supporting the Informational Model of Consciousness
- Intervention of Sleep Quality in the Onset of Concomitant Symptoms in Hospitalized Patients
- Extremely Prolonged Expiration Suppresses Left Amygdala Function; A Pilot Study
- Acute Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy as an Early Sign of Periarteritis Nodosa: Report of a Case
- Multiple Subpial Transection (MST) Technique in the Treatment of Epilepsy
- Molecular Characterization of Brain and other Structures in Vertebrates and Invertebrates
- Surgical Treatment of Caudal Cranial Nerves Schwannomas: Literature Review and Analysis of Own Clinical Observations
- Epilepsy: Age and Gender Aspects
- A Preliminary Survey Regarding Suicidal Conduct among Iranian Juvenile Psychiatric Inpatients
- Stroke - TIA Patients Profile: A Wide Analysis of 157 Cases
- Levodopa Induced Movement Disorders
- Comparing the Motivational Structure and Coping Strategies in Patients with Somatoform Disorder and Normal Population
- Static Automated Perimetry: Hand in Hand with the Neurologist
- Basal Ganglia Role in Motor Control and Movement Disorders
- Decussatio Pyramid and Optical Chiasm as an Interesting Example of Evolutionary Process Useful in Understanding Some Spinal Cord Phenomena?
- Graphic Design and Neuroscience: The Visual Perception of Brands Graphic Signatures and its Cerebral Responses
- Comparative Analysis of Epidemiological Indicators of the Prevalence and Incidence of Epilepsy among Young Men on the Example of Kharkiv and Transcarpathian Regions in Ukraine
- Remembering the Rossolimo Sign
- Impact of Trauma on Neurodevelopment and Learning
- Domestic Studies as a Foundation for Progression of National Mental Health
- Constellation of Narcissistic Traits by Birth-Order: Nature Vs. Nurtur
- Dynamics of Epidemiological Indications of Epilepsy Prevalence, Morbidity and Disability among Children in Kharkiv Region, Ukraine
- A Rare Case of Thoracal Spine Lymphangioma
- Proposed Neurobiological Processes Associated with Models of Vertebral Subluxation: Dysafferentation, Dyskinesia, Dysponesis, Dysautonomia, Neuroplasticity and Ephaptic Transmission
- The Role of Monoamine System in Core Affects and Basic Emotions
- Computer Assisted Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery and Related History
- Lingual Spasms Associated with Internal Carotid Artery Tortuosity
- Psychological Dissection of Homicidal Behavior in Schizophrenia: Focus on Frustration Tolerance, a Pilot Study
- On the Possibility of Knowledge, The Mechanisms of the Brain Mental Activity (Consciousness)
- Continues Mannitol Infusion Might Provide Effectiveness in Patient with Malignant MCA
- Zero-Point Energy State of the Brain
- The Magic Flute I and II as Holistic Healing Approach in Honor of Asclepios, Copernicus & Co.
- Diagnostic Coding: A Novel Approach to Quality Assurance in Private Practice
- Telomerase and the Brain: A Special Relationship
- The Musicality of Ethnolingustics Cognitive Benefits
- Coding Self Representations: Linking Postural Dynamics to Egocentric Tuning
- A New Approach in the Study of Hypertension in the Elderly Subject: The Role of Epigenetics
- LRRK2 Signalling Pathways in Parkinsons Disease
- Enhancing Academic Performance of Children with Cerebral Palsy through Technological Aids: A Mini Review
- Molecular Method in the Biocybernetics Clavitherapy, Non Invasive, Neuropathic and Oncology
- Childhood-Onset Myasthenia Gravis, a Troublesome Clinical Entity with Heterogeneity in China
- Initiatives to Improve Awareness of Delirium in a Teaching Hospital in Singapore: for Better Patient Care
- Is Working Memory Load Irrelevant to Inhibitory Cognitive Control in Negative Priming?
- Challenging Saccular Aorto-Iliac Aneurysms in Behcets Disease
- Mozart and Super Brains for a Sustaining Future
- Significance of General Practitioners and Nurses Diagnostic Skills in Managing Delirium in Elderly Patients
- Isolated Left Insular Infarction and Acute Psychosis: A Misleading Clinical Presentation
- The Impact of Injuries on Patients with Epilepsy
- Brain Evolution: Brainstem and Cerebellum followed by Spinal Cord
- The Bender Gestalt-II an Underutilized Tool in Brief Neurological Screening
- Cognitive Inhibitory Control Capacities Revealed by Cross-Language Priming
- Unmasked Vertigo
- Could Abnormal Distribution of Interstitial Cells of Cajal be Involved in Gastrointestinal Disorders in Patients with Parkinsons Disease?
- Oculomotor Disorders in Patients with Diabetes
- Effect of Attachment Profile on Affective Symptoms of Beginning Cognitive Disorders: the Oxytocin Receptor Polymorphismse
- The Concept of Autism Spectrum Disorder-A Review Literature
- The Role of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Mechanism of Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Posterior Transverse Plication of Tortuous Internal Carotids in Post Stroke Carotid Endarterectomy
- SYNGAP1-Related Intellectual Disability Syndrome
- What is the Relationship between Chiari I Malformation and Obesity?
- West Nile Virus Nervous System Manifestations
- Child Development Assessment: A Guide to Nurses (Malay Version)
- Simultaneous Monitoring of Intracranial Pressure and Cerebral Blood Flow in Patients with Severe Brain Injury
- A Clinical Usefulness of the Electroencephalogram in Acute Stroke-A Preliminary Study
- Syncope in the Context of Disorganization of Neural and Glial Network of a Brain
- A Pork Butcher Threatened by Pork Disease: Experience of Lome Teaching Hospital
- Efficacy of a Therapuetic Program for Memory/ Neuropsychological Deficits in a Mild Cognitive Decline/Dementia Population
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in a patient with RicheCannieu Anastomosis
- Anti-NMDA Encephalitis Cases Secondary to Teratoma and Pregnancy
- Neurochemical Effects of Vitamins C, E and DMSO Combinations on Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Severity of Ischemic Stroke in Wistar rats
- Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus in Ischemic Stroke and its Impact on Prognosis
- The Effectiveness of Attentional Training on Stress and Self-Esteem
- Depression from Sadness to Melancolia
- Mioclonic Epilepsy with Red Ribbed Fibers (Merrf): Report of a Case and Review in Literature
- How the Musicality of Ethnolinguistic Affects the Cognitive Abilities for Further Learning
- Guidelines for Structural Health Monitoring
- Effect of Concrete Strength on the Design of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders
- Capsizing Mechanism of Self-Elevating Platform Based on Structural Stability Theory
- Evaluation and Comparison of Curve Numbers Based on Dynamic Land Use and Land Cover Changes
- Sustainable Decision-Making for Construction Projects
- Prediction of Self-Healing Efficiency of Cementitious Composites Using Artificial Neural Network
- Structural and Corrosion Performance of Continuous Galvanized Rebar (CGR)
- Construction Sites Visits for Civil Engineering Students: Gains, Barriers, and Suggestions
- Analysis and Prevention of Forced Vibration and Resonance Mechanism of Machine Foundation in A Petrochemical Plant
- Evaluating the Impact of Reduced Working Hours on Construction Project Losses: A Case Study from South Korea
- Assessment of Scaffolding Systems in Addis Ababa Public Building Projects; Current Practice, Related Problems, and Potential Solutions
- Thermal and Chemical Validation of the Compatibility of Virgin and Recycled Asphalt Binders
- ChatGPT: Perspectives of an International PhD Student and his PI
- Emergency Modular Buildings in Developed Countries: CODEMOSCH Project
- Geotechnical Practice of Strengthening the Foundation Base of a Three-Storey Administrative Building
- A Methodology to Measure Pedestrian Crash Rates against Statewide Averages for Roadways and Intersections in Central Florida
- Geotechnical Practice of Construction on Unstable Slopes
- Study on Damage and Failure Mechanism of Steel Structure Affected by Temperature
- Assessment of the Quality of Rolled Steel Bars according to the Bekaert Criterion, used for Prestressed Concrete
- Extrapolation Techniques for Experimental Determination of Plates’ Buckling Loads
- Study of the Behavior of Joints with Full Continuity in Ground- Level Warehouses – A State of the Art Review
- Enhancing Predictive Models for Longitudinal Welding Distortion in Thin Plates
- A Feasibility Study on the Development of Eco- Friendly Compressed Recycled Sand Brick Stabilized with Low Blast-Furnace Slag Cement Content
- Impact of COVID-19 on E-Scooters Utilization and Users’ Behaviors over Time Before and During the Pandemic in the City of Chicago
- Rapid Construction Method for Bridges with Long- Span Precast Girders Made of C80/95
- Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Behaviour of Corroded High Strength Steel Strand
- Sustainable Mortars with Slag for Green Facades
- Experimental Data Collection for A Sphere on A Forced Oscillating Track
- Negative Experience of Geotechnical Calculations and Installation of Retaining Buried Structures
- A Case from the Geotechnical Practice of Construction in Cramped Conditions
- Evaluation of the Seismic Behavior of Composite Knee Braced Frame
- Simulation of Traffic Flow under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions using VISSIM
- Studying and Investigating the Effect of Soil Porosity on the Dynamic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Piles under Explosive Load
- A Review of Developments and Challenges of Pre- flight Preparation for Data Collection of UAV-based Infrastructure Inspection
- Tests Carried Out on Roads Containing Steel Mill Slag
- New Concept of Global Reinforcement of a Beam
- True Compression Behavior of Concretes and Fiber Reinforced Concretes
- The Use of Electric Discharge Technology in Strengthening the Base of the Reconstructed Object
- Determination of Toughness Characteristics of Concretes
- Evaluation of Seismic Performance Factors for Steel Multi-Tiered Special Concentrically Braced Frames
- Basis of Probabilistic Semi-Explicit Cracking Model for Fiber Reinforced Concretes
- Pre-Grouting for Tunnels in Jointed Rock
- ERT Bored Injection Piles as Buried Building Structures
- Causes of delays in the Egyptian Construction Projects
- Geologic and Geotechnical Investigation for Engineering Design of Foundation Systems at the Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
- Effective Lengths of Members in Parallel Chord Trusses Made from Hollow Structural Sections
- Development of the Amplification Factor Fa and Fv map based on the Earthquake Acceleration Map on ground surface and in Base Rock and Seismic Code
- Recycled Rebonded Polyurethane Foam as Sustainable Thermal Insulation
- Sustainability in Civil Engineering (Infrastructure)
- Effect of Calcined Clay on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC)
- Numerical Modelling Trends in Tunnelling and Rock Slope Stability: Current Concerns of Some of us
- Structural Performance of Channel and Angle Shear Connectors in Brick Aggregate Concrete
- A Review on the Strategies of Lean Planning in Malaysia Construction Industry
- Sinkhole Prevention Program in Seoul, Korea
- Probabilistic Bridge Deterioration Prediction, Applied Analytics, and Predictive Modeling
- A Review on the Implementation of Lean Thinking in the Construction Industry
- Mode I Crack Propagation in Concrete Structures under Impact Loadings
- Personal Reflections on Benchmarked Development in Pavement Engineering
- Concrete for Drilling and Injection Piles ERT
- Application of Nano-Additives Reinforcement towards Concrete with Excellent Mechanical Properties: A Review
- Evaluation of Furrow Irrigation Efficiency: A Case of Omo Kuraz - III Sugar Factory Irrigation Farm, SNNPR, Ethiopia
- Depth of Significant Consolidation Pressure underlying Highway Embankment
- Assessing Water Security Through a Set of Consistent Metrics and Application to Water Funds in Latin America
- Controlling the Lateral Drift Using Hydraulic Systems
- Curtainwalls’ Resistance of Building Movements, including Seismic Effects
- Experimental Verification of the Mechanical State Equation Adequacy for Description of the Creep of Some Polymer Materials under Non-stationary Modes of Static and Cyclic Loading in Plain Stress
- Investigation of the Effect of Steel Fibers on the Thermal Behavior of Fibrous Concrete under FEM Finite Element Analysis
- Finding Optimal Routes for Main Haul Roads Development in Mountainous Open Pit using A* algorithm
- HBIM Applied in Structural Project in the Refurbishing of an Antique Building
- Unused Raft Foundation Spaces as Detention Ponds to Mitigate Urban Flooding
- Drilled Piles Ert as Reinforcement of Bases of Increased Bearing Capacity
- Condition Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks: Current Practices and Future Perspectives
- Crack Detection in Environments with Complex Backgrounds Using Deep Convolution Neural Nets
- A Systematic Review of Existing Methods plus the State-of-the-art Technologies Used to Collect RoadRelated Data and its Usage
- Current Trends from Safety to Security Engineering
- Installation of Pit Fencing in Cramped Conditions
- High-Resolution Modelling of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Before and After the Implementation of a Designated Truck Lane
- Circular Economy in the Building Sector: Experience from the URGE: Circular Building Cities Action Planning Network
- Opportunities to Increase the Reliability of Existing Retaining Walls
- Curvature-Deflection Relations for Polypropylene Fiber-Reinforced Deflection-Hardening Alkali Activated Slag Composite
- The Case of Strengthening the Base of a Deformed Retaining Wall
- Effects of Vertical Component of Earthquakes on Cable-Stayed Bridges
- Response of Coupled Power Transmission Tower Line Systems Subjected to Blast Loads
- Response Modal Nonlinear Time-History Dynamic Analyses of the Northridge Earthquake of a TwoStoried Steel Structure with Rubber Isolator and Fixed-base Systems
- Deployable Dome Form Finding Using Physical and Virtual Models
- Discussion of Fiber Bragg Grating Technology Applicability on Diagnostic Field Testing of Steel Girder Bridges
- 2021 Sea level rise projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for Coastal Design
- Value of Reservoir Operation Coordinating in Hydropower Enhancement for Roseires and Sennar Dam System in Sudan
- Vesicular Material for Reducing Expansion of Soils
- Mobile Modular Systems of Water Treatment and Storage in Crises – Solutions used Depending on the Type of Threats
- Carbonation Processing and Characterization of Fly Ash-Portlandite Blends as Cement-Free Binding Agents
- A Parametric Study on the Effects of Shear Wall Locations in a Typical Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Structure Subjected to a Severe Earthquake
- The Calculation of the Parameters of Buildings Protection from Radon
- Project Monitoring and Early Warning of Time-Cost Overruns in Earned Value Management
- Thermodynamically Consistent Models of Elastic-Plastic Materials
- SFRC Modelling and Non-Linear Analysis of BeamColumn Joint Under Cyclic Loading
- Operational Modal Analysis and Structure Health Monitoring
- Geotechnical Perspective of the Causes of Cracks in Building of University Campus (Sindh University Jamshoro Sindh Pakistan)
- About the Sustainability of Buildings
- Residential Property Development Feasibility Study – A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?
- Errors in Construction of Facilities in Restricted Conditions
- Literature Review: Concrete Filled Steel Tubes Under Transverse Impact Loading
- Catastrophic Mechanism and Stability Analysis of Jiangdingya Landslide in Zhouqu County, Gansu Province, China
- Experience of Using Drilling Injection EDT Piles in Emergency Response of a Public Building
- The New New? Curated Second Hand as a (Re)Construction Principle for Notre-Dame de Paris
- Optimum Bored Pile Type Selection for Collapsible Soils
- Pulse Discharge Technology for Strengthening of Foundations
- Location of Civil Engineering Infrastructures in Relation to River Areas
- The Emerging Need for Civil Engineering Design to Embrace a New Systems Approach to the Solution of Complex Problems in Rapidly Changing Technical and Political Landscapes
- Application of Measurement Technology in the Teaching of Bridge Inspection Course
- Comparative Analysis of Engineering Properties of Indus River Sand Concrete with Quarry Dust Concrete, District Jamshoro Sindh Pakistan
- Fundamentals for Cracking Verification of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Causes of Construction Delays in Different Buildings Typology in Portugal
- Proportional Examination of Pf Mechanical Composition of Concrete Produced with Washed and Unwashed Gravel
- Green Construction Materials and the Circular Economy
- Modern and Future Issues facing Civil Engineering and Construction
- Computational Examination of Aerodynamics Forces and Evolution of Vortex Shedding of Flow Past Three Square Cylinders at Two Symmetrical Vee Shapes
- Research Progress of Effective Stress and Effective Stress Equation
- Temperature Variation on Concrete Structures- A Case Study
- Finite Element Analyses in the Tunnel: An Overview
- Benefits of Vehicle Automation for Public Transportation Operations
- Temperature Field in a Material Containing Asphalt-Resin-Paraffin Substances in a Microwave Electromagnetic Field
- Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of New Seismic Details for Connection of Post-tensioned Flat Slabs to Edge Steel Columns
- Review of Forensic Engineering, Legal Considerations, and Property Damage Assessment from Construction Vibrations by DS Saxena, Prashanth Vaddu and Anu Saxena
- Achieving A Higher Optimality for Lattice Steel Structures Utilizing A Multi-Layer Optimization Scheme
- Analysis of the Global Impact of the Pandemic (COVID-19) on Construction Industry: Possible Scenarios
- Simultaneous Determination of Technical, Social, Environment and Economic Feasibility in a Portfolio of Construction Projects, followed by the Selection of Best Projects, Using the SIMUS Method
- Steel Structure of a Tunnel Dormitory for the Armed Forces Troops
- Using Foundry Waste Materials in Concrete for a More Sustainable Future
- Size Effects on Concrete Damaged Plasticity Model
- Stochastic Modeling of Uncertainties in the Wind Load Pressure on Residential Buildings Using Different Stochastic Techniques
- Nonlinear Analysis of Local Corrugated Steel Shear Wall under Lateral Loading
- Predicting the Corrosion Initiation Time in Reinforced Concrete Bridges Using Stochastic Simulation Methods
- Mechanical Metastructure in Structural Engineering: A Short Review
- GIS and Processing data with SIMUS
- Approach to Increasing the Carrying Capacity of the Pile Base
- Electroimpulse Device for Manufacture of Continuous Flight Augering Piles
- Evaluation of Flexural Capacity of RC Elements Exposed to Fire
- The Role of Synthetic Superhydrophobic Surfaces in Construction Materials
- Determination of Concrete Characteristics Using Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests
- Review Study of Dynamic Relaxation Numerical Technique Used in Bending of Laminated Composite Plates
- The Revival of Old Hydraulic Turbines for Innovative Hydropower Generation: Water Wheels, Archimedes Screws, Deriaz and Girard Turbines
- Legal challenges of 5G Mobile Technology in the European Union -Strategic Environmental Assessments & necessary update of the EIA Directive
- Project and Design of a Special Agricultural Warehouse Developed in Phases in Valencia (Spain)
- Some Major Challenges Faced by Civil Engineering Professionals in the Execution of their Profession and the impact of the challenges to the Environment, Society and Economy of Developing Countries
- Evaluation of the Quality of Concrete Structures by the Rebound Hammer Method
- Possible Discrepancy between Project management Approaches and their Appliances in the Building Practice
- Active Control of the Nonlinear Vibrations in Suspension Bridges due to Wind and Vertical Moving Loads
- Assessment of TC-Dominated Extreme Wind in the Scenario of Climate Change for Wind-Resistant Design of Super-Tall Buildings
- Rethinking the Collaboration of Civil Engineering and Human Geography
- Hydraulic Facilities Characteristics along the Upstream Lanchang River
- Hydraulic Project Development and Corresponding Ecological Factor Analysis
- Recent Bushfire Impact on Timber Bridges in Northern New South Wales
- How Ground Improvement Addresses the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals: A Review
- Compact Urban Constructions and Disease Outbreaks
- The Core Value of Modern Mass Transit Systems
- Carbonation of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Application Review of Machine Vision (MV) Technology in Construction Industry
- The Four Corners of Waste Management Sustainability
- Calculation of Dynamic Load Factor for Reinforced Concrete Slabs Subjected to Above Ground Explosion
- Numerical Investigation of Integrating a Trombe Wall into a Single Room
- Ultra-High-Performance Concrete-A Game Changer in Structural Engineering
- Construction Classification -Approach in Small Societies
- An Experimental Investigation of Carbon Fiber Plates Used for High Strength Reinforced Concrete Beams
- Preparations of LNG Bunkering Facilities in the United States
- Current Research and Developments for Civil Engineering in Germany
- Evaluating the Effect of Support Rotation on the Buckling Modes and Critical Displacement of Elastomeric Base Isolators
- Cost-Effective as-Built BIM Modelling Using 3D Point- Clouds and Photogrammetry
- The Effectiveness of Thermal Insulated Concrete Blocks in Oman
- Quantifying the Influence of the Horizontal Slab Systems on the Building Resisting Performance against Earthquake
- Structure, Building Envelop and Form integration in Architecture
- Suitability of Igneous Rocks as Aggregates in Road Pavement Layers in Greece
- Seismicity and Water Level change in the Caspian Sea, an Explicit Function Based on Genetic Algorithm
- TS3 – A New Technology for Efficient Timber Structures
- Phenolic Compounds Contaminants in Water: A Glance
- An Overview of Zaha Hadid Biography: a closer look at Architectural and Structural Designs
- Case Study of Low Energy Office Building
- Controlled Blasting in Mines & Quarries- A Paradigm
- Innovative Spatial Cross System Cable Arrangement for Seismic Response Mitigation of Cable-Stayed Bridges
- Assessment of the Theoretical Methods to Estimate the Tension Load Capacity of CFA Piles
- Steel-Concrete Interface Influence on Chloride Threshold for Corrosion – Empirical Reinforcement to Theory
- Application of the Virtual Information Fabric Infrastructure (VIFI) to Building Performance Simulations
- Current Trends in Transportation Engineering
- Day Light Simulation of an Institutional Building by Using Autodesk-Ecotect
- Prediction of Lateral Confinement Stress for Concrete Filled Steel Tube Column
- Compaction and Strength Behaviour of an Expansive Clay Modified by Lime and Quarry Dust
- Prediction of Compaction Parameters of Soil using Support Vector Regression
- The Cause of Formation and Characteristics of Algal Blooms in Channel-Type Reservoirs
- Arable Land and Climate
- Subdomain Method for Layout Optimization of Piles in a Composite Pile Foundation
- APSDIN: An Expert System for the Design of Different Types of Concrete
- Effects of Superstructure Components on CWR Track Buckling
- Development of the Trenchless Installations for Underground Structures in Highway Systems
- Decision Support Framework for Inspection and Maintenance; A Focus on Bridges using Post-Tensioning Tendons
- Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Two Prestressed Girder Bridges
- Using Ambient Vibration Measurements (AVM) and Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) to Characterize Telecommunication Monopoles
- Review on Hot and Control Rolling of HSLA Steel
- Resilience and Uncertainty in Engineering Decisions
- A Modest Proposal: Field Monitoring and Measurements Education
- Seismic Response of Concrete Components and Systems Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars: Trend and Challenges
- Cost Effectiveness of Energy Piles in Residential Dwellings in Australia
- Issues Related to Pile Tile Grillage Calculation
- Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Polymer-Modified Concrete (PMC): A Review
- Role of Mentoring in Civil-Structural Engineering: Two Greats Who Touched Many- Sozen and Ersoy
- Effect of Creep on Stability of Structural Elements
- Practical Design and Modelling of Precast Concrete Structures
- Production Methods of Laminated Al Alloy Composites
- Current Market Trends of Basalt FRP Rebars
- Reactive Problem Solving and Proactive Development in Infrastructure Projects
- What do Old Newspapers Hide?
- Civil-Structural Engineering: Artist to Technician to Scientist
- Deep Roads: Innovative Solutions to alleviate traffic Jam and Pollution Problems
- Public Transportation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Case Study of the e Thekwini Municipality, South Africa
- Review on Nonlinear Behavior Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Frames by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers under Blast Loading
- Drone Integration with BIM: A Review
- A New Method for Reinforcing Concrete Rectangular Section Columns
- Non-structural Performance of Pastes and Mortars Fabricated from Alkali Activated Electric Arc Furnace Slag
- The Fire at Notre-Dame: Roof
- Application of Management and Control Techniques in Brazilian Construction Industry
- Construction of a Rounded Skew-Superelevation
- Historic Masonry Walls Strengthened with GFRP Strips Under Compression and Shear
- Lecturing Engineering Ethics for Graduate Students of Civil Engineering
- Roadway Condition Survey Technologies: Past, Presence and Trend
- Perygee-Syzygy Tides in the Atmosphere
- Risk in The Construction Industry
- Effectiveness of Cape Seals on Asphalt Pavements
- Prevention and Reduction of Geological and Environmental Problems in the Iranian Cities by Development of Geoscientific Knowledge-Base and Cyber-Infrastructure in the Urban Scale
- Asset Management of Linear Civil Infrastructure Through the Lens of a Changing Climate
- Engineering at the Service of Corruption: The Response of Technological Courts
- A Mathematical Model Proposal for Establishing the Appropriate Urban Transformation
- Design Parameters of a Screw Extruder for Biofuel Production
- Morphometric Indicators Analysis of Relief for the Engineering Design Problems
- A Review of Autonomous Buildings of the Future: Wisdom on Sustainable Design in Architecture and Engineering
- Usage of Optimization Techniques in Civil Engineering During the Last Two Decades
- An Overview Water Resources Management in Turkey
- Building Information Modeling-A Quick Overview
- Engineering Innovation (EI) and Network Operation
- Quality Control of Concrete in the Southern Region of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Using Local Materials
- Road Safety in Brief
- Stability Performance Assessment of Pipelines under Hydrostatic Pressure
- Effect of Garment Wastes on Swell-Consolidation Characteristics of Expansive Soil
- Assessment of Sanitation Practices and Attitudes of The Kotoko Community in Suame, Kumasi, Ghana
- Erodibility Potential of a Sand Dredging Site in Rivers State, Nigeria
- Italians Public Opinion on the Road Roundabouts Safety
- The Current State of Nuclear Electrical Power in the United States
- Green Construction Towards Reducing Energy Consumption and Minimizing the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions
- An Investigative Technique on the LBS Principals between Reinforcements and UHPC Containing Nano-Silica
- Road Parameter in Conversion or New Settlement Areas
- Geotechnical Indications and Shallow Bearing Capacity Analysis within Lekki Peninsula, Lagos using Direct Shear Analysis
- Wide Flange Beams: Trends Towards Higher Steel Performance
- Hybrid Subsea CCS System-CO2 Storage in Offshore Ultra Deep-Water Salt Caverns
- A Review of Pit Latrine Emptying Technologies for Low-Income Densely-Populated Settlements of Developing Countries
- Application of MOO Techniques for the Time-Cost Trade off Problems in Civil Engineering
- Circular Economy in Hydraulic Engineering
- Geo-Environmental Engineering in any Civil Construction
- Climate Change and Research Challenges in Civil and Structural Engineering
- Current Trends in Computational Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
- Current Trends in Civil Engineering
- The Architect-Civil Working Paradigm
- About Climate Change
- Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms and Civil Engineering
- Latest Trends in Civil Engineering
- What are the New Challenges in Civil Engineering?
- Design, Construction and Performance Comparison of Fuzzy Logic Controller and PID Controller for Two-Wheel Balance Robot
- Reform and Practice of Teaching “Structural Dynamics and Its Engineering Applications” Based on the OBE Concept
- Exploration of Experimental Teaching Reform in Civil Engineering Materials Course Based on OBE Concept
- Enhancing Eye State Detection Using Deep Neural Networks and Random Forests on EEG Data
- Sequential Future Selection and Machine Learningbased Firewall Logs Classification
- Research on the Application of Finite Element Simulation in the Teaching of Principles of Steel Structure Design
- Application of BIM Technology in the Construction of Intelligent Medical Laboratories: A Review and Prospect Analysis
- On Droplet Combustion with Controlled Ambient Environments Under Microgravity
- TPM Case Study on Bus Bar Bending Machine
- Load-Settlement Behavior of a Shallow Foundation in Saturated Clay Assessed from Geophysical Shear Wave Velocity
- General AI Rising: A Major Societal Risk, a Blessing, or a New Horizon of Collaborative Intelligence?
- Durability of Sand Concrete Based on Marble Mineral Admixture in Sulfate Environment
- Drone Education, Research and Application
- Advancement In Agricultural Practices with Use of Drones in The Context of Precision Farming
- How to Unify the Definition of Shear Stress and Shear Strain in the Teaching of Mechanics Courses
- Serendipity and Leucippity
- Studies on Thickness Uniformity, Stress Modulation, as well as Transport Behavior in Sputtered thin Films of TiN
- Comparison of Physical Properties of Purl- and Rib Structures Produced in a Hand-Driven V-Bed Rib Knitting Machine
- An Operational Analysis of Micromagnetic Emission Response of a Mild Steel to Various Mechanical and Physico - Chemical Influential Factors
- The Algebra of Artificial Intelligence
- Adaptive Signal Control under Platooned Connected Vehicles Environment: Phase Allocation Optimization Using Platoons Departure and Advisory Speed Trajectory Method
- On High-Order Compact Differencing Technique for Numerical Solutions of PDEs
- Analysis of the Wave Solutions of the Nonlinear Evolution Equations Help of Advanced exp(-ϕ(ξ)) - Expansion Scheme
- Design and Develop a Telephony System for Establishing Calls between Two PBX Servers Using IAX2 Protocol
- Literature Review on Hybrid Photovoltaic – Diesel Power System in Sudan
- Fuzzy Adaptive Control by Reference Model of a Submerged Electric Pump: Application to Photovoltaic Water Pumping
- A Review on Geothermal Energy Pile Foundation, Its Construction, Design and Thermal Testing
- Electromagnetic Field on the Earth’s Surface along a Thin Wire Using Wave Propagation
- Energetic and Exergetic Analysis of Refrigeration Systems with Low Global Warming Potential
- Controlling Airborne Infection During COVID-19
- Prospects of Renewable Energy in Sudan
- The Effectiveness of using Advanced Optimization Algorithms in Heat Exchanger Design
- A Novel Method On Translating People’s Names In Mandarin - ‘DT-NTM’
- Silver Alloy Protection by Applying Nanomaterial Coat after Tarnish Removal
- A Mini-Review on Current Difficulties of Self-attention Generative Adversarial Networks
- Page 1 of 7 Increasing The Range Afforded by A MIMO System Compared to A Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) System
- Automatic Control System for an Oil-Hydraulic Actuator of a Scissor Lift
- The Causes and Effects of Domestic Terrorism
- A Mini-Review on High Lift Devices used in Aerodynamics
- Rural Road Can Improve Farmers’ Livelihoods
- Recent Topics on Sophisticated Polymer Compounding Techniques Using Twin Screw Extrusion
- Application of Six Sigma in Improving Welding Quality
- Research on Human-Induced Vibration of Spatial Rope Deck Suspension Bridges
- Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Double-Layer Continuous Plate-Truss Composite Bridge with Three Main Trusses
- A Review of Recent Research Progress and Prospects of Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells (DBFC)
- Thin Films and Heterojunctions Composed with Electron Doped La1-XHfxMnO3 Manganite
- The Dynamic of Quantum Spin Interacting with Magnetic Field Coupled to a Heat Bath
- Effect of Culm Age and Height on the Chemical Properties tf The Culm in Different Bamboo Species
- Analysis of Pedestrian Crashes with a View Towards Mitigation by Connected Vehicle Technologies
- HVAC Automatically Controlled by Motor Control Center
- Energy Audit - A Case Study of Switch Gear Manufacturer
- The Innovative Teaching Model of “Four Integrations and Four Constructs” - The Example of Structural Mechanics
- Malicious Android Applications’ Classification using Machine Learning
- Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Long-Span Reinforced Concrete Composite Slabs Under Different Splicing Methods
- Quantification of Mass Concentrations Aerosols PM2.5 from Secondary Schools in Ogbomoso
- A Review of Recent Water Quality Assessments in Watersheds of Southeastern United States using Continuous Time Models
- A Review Study on the Syllabuses of the Mechanical Engineering College Atbara New Diploma Course for Second Year
- Build a Strong Defense Line of “Advancing and Consolidating Poverty Alleviation” to Help Rural Revitalization
- Adaptation and Management Practices of Communities Vulnerable to Gully Erosion in Anambra and Imo States, Nigeria
- Fairness of Assessment: An Essential Component of Academic Performance
- An Assessment of the Flotation Response of a PGM Scavenger Bank at Varying Reagent Dosages
- Analytical Modeling of Transient Heat Transfer Coupled with Fluid Flow in Subsurface Thermal Recovery Process: Heat Transfer Coupled with Steady Flow
- Hybrid Teaching Practice of Structural Mechanics Based on Deliberate Practice Theory
- Workplace Epidemic Prevention and Control and Return to Work Measures and Difficulties, Based on a Questionnaire Survey Analysis of Employees in the Road and Bridge Industry
- An Understanding The Application Of Helly Theorem For A Topology Of R2
- Analyzing The Mental Health Status of Social Media Users During The Outbreak of Coronavirus
- Progress of Strata Control in Safe and Green Mining of Large Shallow Coalfield in Western China
- Multi-Targeting Approach of αvβ3 Integrin Ligands and their Applications in Diagnostic Field and Cancer Therapy
- Leverage Programmable Networks to Increase Resilience of Future Industrial Control Systems
- Interdependent Influences of the Laser Power and Printing Pattern on Residual Stresses in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
- Towards a More Granular Picture of the Air We Breathe: Recommendations for Local and Federal Environmental Monitoring Agencies
- Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings Using Fuseis Beam-Link Systems
- Opportunities and Challenges of Deep Learning Models for Short Text Data Analysis
- Frequency-Domain Characteristics in FMCW Radar
- Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Thermal-RGB Camera for Remote Monitoring Crop
- Effects of Bauxite Mining on Community Livelihood and Sustainability
- Increasing Durability of Weak Lime Mortars Using Saturated Solution of Calcium Hydroxide or Barium Hydroxide, Aachen City Wall, Germany, Case Study
- Study Regarding Input Data Consideration (Required Accelerograms) for Experimental Test of The Optimal Moment Resisting (MR) Reinforced Concrete (RC) Frame Model on The Seismic Platform
- Biological Processes In Urban Mines
- CUDA-based Accelerated FEM Calculation
- Renewable Energy in Architecture “Used Techniques to Achieve Green Net Zero Energy Buildings”
- Thermal Protection Systems for Buildings in Egypt
- Influence of Green Terraces in Evaluating the Action of Wind on Buildings
- Numerical Computation of Separation Events
- Nuclear Detonation Radiative Heat Effects on Contemporary Building Structure
- Pedestrianisation Zoning and Air Quality in Hong Kong
- Research Challenges for Nigerian Road Transportation Sector in Covid-19 Pandemic Era
- On Computational Modeling and Analysis of Transonic Aerodynamics
- The Contribution of Sedimentological Studies to River Engineering Projects in Khuzestan Province, Iran
- Disturbances of Ozone Layer and Radio Wave Absorption in D-Region of Ionosphere of the Earth During Solar Proton Event: Simulations with СHARM-I Model
- Continuous Orbital Winding of Thermoplastic FRPs
- Elicitation, A Mechanistic Approach to Change the Metabolic Pathway of Plants to Produce Pharmacological Important Compounds in In-vitro Cell Cultures
- Uncovering Problems Caused by Mining Exploration Activities in Sangaredi
- Green Enzyme Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Application of Design Thinking Concept to Assess the Use of Renewable Energy in Rural Areas in Botswana
- Will Rogers Paradox in Basketball Analytics
- Design and Implementation of Intelligent System for Detection and Analysis of Ebola Disease
- Hydrochar as A Vehicle for Phosphorus Cycling from Dairy Manure to Cropland
- The Impact of Mining Exploration on Sangaredi Community’s Sustainable Development: Inhabitants Perspectives on Livelihood
- The Use of Dissimilarity Measures for the Study of Evolution in Scientific Fields
- Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Fuzzy Sets
- Past Advances and Future Perspective of Ti-Ta Alloys
- A357 Aluminum Alloy Cutting Performance Finite Element Simulation
- Studying the Nuclear Structure using the Naturally Occurring Radioactive Sources
- The Characterization of Energy Absorption and Failure Response of Square Paper Tube by Quasi Static Axial Compression Test
- The Future of Higher Education Online Learning
- Heat Transfer Characteristics of Submerged and Free Surface Air-assistant Water Jet Impingement
- Development of Jute Hybrid Composites for use in the Car Panels
- A 3D Star-Shaped zero Poisson’s Ratio Honeycomb with Cubic Symmetry
- COVID-19 Herd Immunity Simulation with Scratch
- On Developing a Runtime Environment for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing
- Research on the Construction of Smart Pension System under the Background of Big Data
- Beyond 5G
- The Dynamics of Qiaoxiang Spatial Cultural Resources Integration - Taking Jiangmen City as an Example
- Engineering Way of Stopping the Pandemic A Realistic Path Forward with Help From Artificial Intelligence
- Investigating an Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Power Plant
- Analysis of the Interaction in Flow Around Three Staggered Square Cylinders at Two Different Triangular Arrangements
- Study on Vibration of Directional Drill String with Affecting the Important Parameters with Energy Considering
- Analysis of Possible Risks in Aviation Safety Issues Associated with the Massive Introduction of Unmanned Aerial Systems
- The Transformation and Reconstruction of Rural Value from the Perspective of the Sense of Place -Take Kaiping Fang Clan as an Example
- Efficient 2nd Order Taylor Series Expansion Model to Integrate Stiff and Non-Linear ODEs: Comparison to Rk45-Type Integrators
- A DFT study of the Optoelectronic properties of Sn1- x A x S (A= Au and Ag) Solar Cell Applications
- Urban Underground Atlas – Horus Project
- Directions Developing Quality Management Systems of Mechanical Engineering Enterprises
- Impact of Climate Change and Anthropic Activity on The Water Quality of Babar Dam in Algeria
- Contribution of Statistical Analysis Methods to Assessment of the Physicochemical Quality of the Dam
- Stress Reduction on Buried Conduits Using EPS Geofoam
- Stiffness of Three-Phase Concentric Composite Solids
- Seepage Analysis for Soork Dam Foundation
- Hydrological Modelling of Bina River Basin in Madhya Pradesh, India
- Mini Review of Statistical, Physically Based, and Monitoring-based Approaches of LEWS
- Remediation Experimental of ChromiumContaminated Soft Soil by Temperature-Controlled Electric Combined Leaching
- From the Maintenance Management until the Physical Asset Management – A Disruptive Paradigm
- Failure Characteristics and Control Technology of Surrounding Rock in Deep Coal Seam Roadway with Large Dip Angle Under The Influence of Weak Structural Plane
- Identifying Gap of Knowledge about Thermal Comfort in Naturally Ventilated Wards in Hot-humid Settings
- Mechanical, Thermal, and Morphological Study of Nanoclay Reinforced Bio-based Poly Lactic Acid/Poly (3-hydroxy butyrate co-3-valerate) (PLA/PHBV) Blend
- Composite Matrix Reinforced with Carbides for Hammers of Grinding Mills
- Effect Analysis of Different Treatment Methods for Soft Soil Foundation of Highway
- Development of a Modular and Sustainable Yam Pounding Machine
- Recycled Waste Glass [WG] in Concrete
- Discussion of Solutions for Combining Rotations
- Tendencies and Possible Application Model of the Domed Skylights in the Construction Sector
- Study Quantum Of Transboundary Groundwater Drainage from India to Pakistan
- Significance of Applying Thermal Analysis on Research of Energetic Materials Containing Metal Powders
- Key Components of A Motorcyclist Safety – Case Study Slovenia
- Ferromagnetic Resonance in Cast Microwires and its Application for The Non-Contact Diagnostics
- Artificial Smart Composites: Bionics Principles
- Explainable and Interpretable Deep Learning Models
- Global Impact of Corrosion: Occurrence, Cost and Mitigation
- Data-Driven Business Opportunity Decision Making Using Markov Chain Model
- A Data Driven Approach to Identify the Contributing Factors of Traffic Death in Low, Middle, and High-Income Countries
- Determination Of The Relief Complexity Factora
- Overlooked Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater
- The Urban Planning and its Evolution in Spain
- Air Conditioning Booster
- Some Thoughts on Reliability of Diagnoses by Human Versus by Machine
- A Short Analysis of Biosorbents and its Potential Removal Contaminants from Aqueous Media
- Comparison of Demographic Changes in Shipbuilding Industry in India & China
- An innovative Method to Extend the Service Life of Future Infrastructure Systems by Using Alternative Materials
- Exciting Developments in Agriculture and Renewable Energy
- Fossil Fuel Consumption Trend and Global Warming Scenario: Energy Overview
- Investigation of the Evolution of Clay Microstructure under Different Loading Paths and Impact on Constitutive Modelling
- Brutalist Architecture in Taiwan, 1960–1970
- An Analysis of the Current Situation of College Students’ Learning: Based on Survey Research Concerning the Need of Wuyi University to Increase College Students’ Obligations
- Mitigation Strategies for Wet Market Food Safety Hazards to Prevent Coronavirus or Other Pathogen Outbreaks
- Importance of Microstructural Analysis in Experimental Soil Stabilization
- Artificial Neural Networks and Hopfield Type Modeling
- What’s new in Point Cloud Compression?
- State of the Art: Deterioration Models of Railway Ballasts and Subgrades. Recommendations and Applications
- SRIN: A New Dataset for Social Robot Indoor Navigation
- A Participatory Model for the Regeneration of Australian Cities: The Case of Geelong
- Internet + and Transportation System
- The Analysis of Spalling Effect on the Stress Distribution of Underground Pillar Spalling Using FLAC3D
- Developing Virtual Equipment to Enhance Learning of Structures and Material Science in an Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Program
- Evaluation of Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Carbon/Epoxy Amino-Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet Composite
- Structural Systems Enveloping a Sport Complex
- Building Mass Rail Transit in Kuala Lumpur:Is its Good Transport Economics?
- Modeling and Optimization of The Energy Bill
- Usage of Hydrogels for Brian Imaging and Diagnostics
- Efficiency of Different Foaming Agents for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Bulk and Dynamic Flooding Screening
- A Rule Based Method to Construct The Mohr’s Circlefor Plane Stress
- Nature-Based Solutions: Traditional Approaches Complying with Nowadays Engineering and Ecosystem-Related Challenges
- Structural Model and Diagram of Multilayer Electro Magneto Elastic Actuator for Nanotechnology
- Analytical Description of Fibre Reinforced Sand Shear Strength
- Synthesis and Characterization of Modified Sepiolite for the Adsorptive Removal of Rhodamine B from Wastewater
- Investigation of the Influence of Film Thickness on Phase Behavior of an Immiscible Binary Polymer Mixture
- ‘Culture, Heritage and Identity’ by Marie-Theres Albert
- Temperature-Dependence of Debye-Waller Factors of Semiconductors Presented in Terms of Cumulant Expansion
- Construction Waste Management in Natural Disasters in Australia
- Environmental Impact of Illegal Construction, Poor Planning and Design in Western Balkans: A Review
- A Strategy With Master-Slave Mechanism Dominates in Spatial Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma
- Biomimetics - A Potential Solution to Drag Reduction in Modern Aerodynamics
- Darkening Agent for Polyester Fabric
- Impact of V2O5 and Gamma Ray Irradiation on The Optical and Structural FTIR Spectra of Lithium Phosphate Glass
- Sand Casting Mold Design (SCMD) Program
- An Expert System for Designing Mold Tooling for Sand Casting
- The Root of Silica Scale Formation and Its Remedy
- Tar-Find Gene Extractor: A VIRmiRNA Tar-Find Companion Application for Extracting Gene Information
- Technical and Environmental Study on Using Light Fuel Oil and Crude Oil in Internal Combustion Engines (ICE)
- Measuring of Speed Flow by Using Ultrasonic Transit-Time Sensor
- Prediction of Deflection Progression of RC Beams Strengthened with NSM FRP Composites
- Literature Review on The History of Bajaj Rickshaw Vehicles
- Recycling Fine Aggregate from Demolished Hollow Concrete Block for Green Concrete in Ethiopia
- Finite Element Study of The Buckling of Cracked Thin Plates Repaired by Composite Laminate Under Compression
- Analysis on the Characteristics and Management Countermeasures of Truck Crashes on Zhejiang Expressways
- Scientific Feat of The Kuban Cossack
- Discrete Model of Three Interacting Pacemakers Taking into Account the Time of Refractoriness as Applied to The Activity of Cardiac Fibrillation
- Design and Implementation of the Astable Multi-vibrator
- The Urban Public Space as The Natural Space for Women
- Controlled Synthesis of Hyperbranched Poly (ester)s From Biorenewable Monomers for the Delivery of Therapeutic Agents
- Outside the Site Boundary
- Adaptive Sliding Mode Guidance Law Considering Input Saturation and Autopilot Lag
- Fatigue Strength and Life Estimation Methods Using Critical Distance Stress Theory
- Huawei Unveils Huawei Mate X Foldable 5G Smartphone
- Gene Editing and The Future of HumanityHow Far Is Too Far?
- On the Role of Saffman Force in Inertial Microfluidics
- A Finite Element Study of The Elastic Properties of a Cracked Cellular Structure with Trapezoidal Beams
- Solving the Non-Damped Oscillatory Problem with Random Loading Conditions using WHE Technique
- Evidence of Electron Charging Induced Alternating Currents in Nanopillar Transistor
- Darcy Convection Anisotropic Problem with Multi Stability of Stationary Motions for Rectangle
- Gully Erosion and Landslides in Southeastern Nigeria: Causes, Consequences and Control Measures
- Health and Environmental Impacts of Nox: An Ultra-Low Level of Nox (Oxides of Nitrogen) Achievable with A New Technology
- The Unique Composition and Stability of Water-Fuel Emulsion
- Comparative Study of Inorganic TiO2 Nanoparticles and Organic Sawdust Dispersed Epoxy Based Composites
- In-Plane Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Rectangular Plates with Elastic Restraint
- Modeling the Transport of Enteric Virus Pressured by Variation of Velocity in Heterogeneous Coarse Deposition in Coastal Environment
- Modeling Void Ratio Influences on Shigella Transport in Heterogeneous Grave Depositions
- Porosity Influenced on Prediction of Enterobacter Transport in Heterogeneous Sand Graved Depositions
- A Cost Analysis for Urban Transformation Applications
- Proppants Categories for Hydraulic Fracturing Process of Petroleum Wells: A Review
- Influence of Different Counting Parameters for the Measurement of Thyroid and Thyroid Related Hormones Using Radio Immuno Assay (RIA) Technique and 125I Isotopes
- Correlations of Physicomechanical Properties of Quarry Aggregates - The Case of Two Quarries in Ghana
- Effect of Lamination Scheme on Buckling Load for Laminated Composite Decks Plates
- Effect of Boundary Conditions on Buckling Load for Laminated Composite Plates
- Serpentine Tribotechnical Composition (Saranovsky). Preparation and Comparative Tests
- Relevance of Electrical Resistivity Geophysical Method in Engineering Site Characterization in A Basement Complex Terrain
- Development of Mathematical Model to Predict Marshal Stability on Modified Asphalt
- Study on the Impregnation of Archaeological Wood with an Automated Equipment
- A Perspective on Chemical Engineering Education
- 2D and 3D Sensitivity Analysis of a Multitiered Retaining Wall
- Virtual Reality and Distance Education
- Express Oil Control for Diagnosis of Machinery and Equipment
- Water Justice and its Dynamic Links to Water Resource Management, Water Security and Conflict in Nigeria
- Nonlinear Mechanics of Microstructures
- Activation of Motor Fuels
- Simulation of Adiabatic Gasification of Corn Straw using Air-Steam Blends as an Oxidizing Agent
- Cross-correlation based Underwater Node Estimation Technique and a Concise Summary of Different Effects on It
- Handling of Brine Effluent of Desalination Plant through Producing Chemicals
- Coastal Flooding on Gravel-Dominated Beaches Under Global Warming
- Finite Element Analysis and Calculation of Normal Section Bearing Capacity of Steel Tube Bundle Composite Shear Wall
- Importance of Technology Acceptance Assessment for Successful Implementation and Development of New Technologies
- Isothermal Thermogravimetric Analysis of Recycled Carbon Fiber Composites
- Dynamic Thermogravimetric Analysis of Recycled Carbon Fiber Composites: Mini Review
- Technological Characterization of Bigadic Boron Works Waste Clay: A Case Report
- Investigation of Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction in a Ramp Flow with MVG Under Different Turbulent Inflows
- Numerical Simulation of Phase Transformation and Reorientation in Single Crystalline Shape Memory Alloys
- Initial Yield Surface of Shape Memory Alloy in Stress Induced Martensitic Phase Transformation
- Interactive Big Data Analytics Platform for Healthcare and Clinical Services
- Lattice Boltzmann Method Computation of Turbulent High-Temperature Plasma Jets
- Performance and Design Optimization of Solar Powered Stirling Engine Using Genetic Algorithm
- Sustainable Keratin Fibre Generation: Dye Removal, Extraction, and Spinning of Wool Waste for Fashion and Textile Applications
- The Use of Roller Blinds to Minimize Heat Dissipation of Buildings
- Influence of Temperature on the Consolidation Behavior of Structural Spool Components Made of Hybrid Yarns with a Shrinking Reinforcing Component and a Matrix Component
- Exploring the Intersection of Digital Fashion and Human Identity: A Hegelian Dialectic Approach to Digital Technology-Mediated Embodied Cognition
- Synthesis of Schiff Base Photochromic Dyes and Dyeing Properties on Polyester Fabrics
- Designing Children’s Garments with Techniques of Printing Using Aquatic-Inspired Nursery Prints
- What’s in an Orange? Squeezing Value from Agricultural Waste into Sustainable Populuxury Fashion and IP Strategy
- Applied Research on the Blue Dyeing in Modern Fashion Design
- The Influence of Social Network on Forecasting in Fashion Industry
- Analysis and Application of Basic Elements in Kazakh Embroidery Patterns
- A Review on Vortex Yarn Spinning Technology (MVS) in the Global Textile Industry
- The Uniform Project 2016 – 2023: A Guided Inquiry Approach to Understanding Overconsumption of Fashion Goods
- Light Fastness Testing of Cotton and Wool Samples Dyed with Natural Dyes and Correlation the Results with the Antioxidant Activity of the Plants
- Creation of Illuminated Sofa Cloth with Innovative Jacquard Woven Structures: A Practice-based Approach
- Technological and Social Impact on Hong Kong’s Young Consumers’ Online Shopping Behavior for Fashion and Casual Apparel: A Statistical Analysis
- Consumers’ Attention Allocation to Branded Vs Unbranded Products Online
- The Relationship between Makeup Behaviour and Narcissistic Personality in Thai Adolescents
- Revolutionizing Automotive Workwear: A UserCentric Approach to Design Adaptive and Safe Coverall Uniforms for Mechanics in Challenging Environments
- A Review on Boron and Its Derivatives Used in Flame Retardant (FR) Applications for Cotton Fiber or Various Cotton Textile Fabric Forms
- Interactive Digital Twins: Creative Tools for Scientific Study of and Viewer Engagement with Historic Textiles
- Discovering the Design of Baby Carriers from Pharaonic Linen Fabrics in Ancient Egypt…Sweeping the Modern World
- Investigating Consumer Purchase Intention of Athleisure Products: A Study of Lululemon’s SNS Ad
- Exploring the Artisanal Heritage and Sustainable Practices: An In-Depth Investigation into the Traditional Craftsmanship and Contemporary Significance of Bhujodi Weaves
- Exploring Apparel Design Students’ Willingness to Use Virtual Reality in the Sketching Phase of the Fashion Design Process
- Systematic Literature Review on Consumer Motivations Regarding Luxury
- Fundamentals of Structure Ball Winding Technology - Characterization of Structure Ball Winding Types
- Investigating Wrinkle Resistance of Cotton and Cotton Blended Fabrics in Relation to a Non-Formaldehyde Durable Press Finish
- Consumer Engagement Through Technology: Luxury Fashion Brands vs Fast Fashion Brands
- Study on the Functions of Hospital Gowns Based on Patients’ Emotions
- Microstructure-Crystallization Correlation with Surface Migration of Additives in High-Crystallinity Polypropylene Composites
- Self-Organizing Hydraulic Textiles for Multiple Room Use
- Structure-Winding Components Made of Paper Yarn for Construction Applications
- Montblanc’s Entrepreneurship from Pens to Watches and Social Contribution through the Act of “Writing”
- The Impact of Instructional Effectiveness on Soft Skills Development among College Students: Mediating and Moderating Mechanisms
- The Influence of User-Generated Content (UGC) on Consumer Purchase Intention
- Feasibility Analysis of the Implementation of Ecofriendly Biological Pretreatment on Cotton Knit Fabric
- Development Knitwear with Vasomotor-Regulated Heating Function
- Recent Developments in Textile Materials Based on the Piezoelectricity Concept
- How Fashion Brands Can Benefit from the Power of Eroticism
- Enhancing Design Ability Through Experiential Learning in Textile Design Education
- Study the Effect of BTCA Crosslinking Agent on Crease Recovery Angle and Washing Shrinkage Properties of Bleached and Dyed with Bi- and Tri- Functional Reactive Dyed Woven Cotton Fabric
- An Overview on the Impacts of Textile Effluents on the Aquatic Ecosystem in Turag River at Bangladesh
- The Fashioning of Southeast Asian Muslim Women’s Clothing from the Perspective of Social Phenomena and Global Market Changes
- The River Island Case Study: Implications for Differentiation and Re-Positioning
- Perspectives of Textile Waste Management in the U.S. – A Review
- Memorandum on the Ethical Fashion
- Tactile Rendering of Textile Materials
- Easy-Care Finishing of Cotton Fiber with DMDHEU - Crosslinking Agent for High Crease Recovery Angle and Low Washing Shrinkage Properties
- The Design and Development of Photochromic Jacquard Woven Fabric
- Research on the Current Situation of Recycling and Application of Discarded Fishing Nets and Pollution Countermeasures
- Generational Cohort Comparisons of Fashion Disposal and Hoarding Behaviors
- A Review: Sustainable Material Selection for Children’s Wear
- The Application of Chinese Song Brocade Concepts in Developing Jacquard Woven Design and Fabrics
- Right-Sized Consumption: Should Doughnut Economics Inform the Textile and Apparel Industry?
- A Comparative Analysis on Changing of Different Properties of Greige Woven Fabric (3/1, 2/1 Twill) After Scouring & Bleaching and Mercerizing
- Fashion of Indigenous People in Bangladesh: Exploring Traditional Clothing Process of Chakma Tribe
- Fashion and Data Mining
- Thermal Comfort and Performance Evaluation of High-End Versus Popular Dupe Athleticwear Leggings
- Focus and Dissolve: The Use of Cinematic Concepts in Developing Woven Textile Designs
- Customer Reactions to Pop-Up Store Communications
- Textile Conductive Thread with Permanent and Uniform Electrical Properties in the High-OHM Range
- The New Representations of Chinese Aesthetic: A Case Study of Four Chinese Fashion Brands
- Value-Creation Through Lifestyle Branding
- Pneumatic Textile Actuators for Transformable Spaces in the City of the Future
- A Review: Sustainable Fashion Industry Combining Supercritical Dyeing Technology with Non-Toxic Dyes
- Window Design of Fashion Storefronts: Its Impact on Consumer Behavior
- Safari Jacket Design Development for Active Senior Women
- Teaching and Learning in Subjects of Fashion Technology in the Age of COVID-19
- Thermal Comfort Analysis of Moisture Management Treated Cotton Fabrics for Sportwear
- The Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 on the Fashion Retail Industry
- Biologically Plant-Based Pigments in Sustainable Innovations for Functional Textiles – The Role of Bioactive Plant Phytochemicals
- Effectiveness of Carbon Electrode Electrolysis Effluent Treatment System in Textile Dyeing
- Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability in the Textile and Fashion Industry
- Investigation of Antibacterial, Antioxidant and UV Resistance Properties of Chitosan, Aloe Vera and Silk Sericin
- Green Technology in Textile Industries
- Removal of Methylene Blue Dye Using Nickel Oxide/ Carboxymethyl Cellulose Nanocomposite: Kinetic, Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Studies
- Comparative Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Four Bangladeshi Medicinal Plants Used as Antimicrobial Finishes on Cotton Fabric
- Running Shoe Experience
- A Review Study on Bicomponent (Bico) Fibre/ Filament
- Retail 4.0 – Digital Customer and Retailer Feedback to Garment Development
- Analysis of Quality Indicators through Fast Fashion and Classic Brands of Jeans for the Apparel Consumer
- Utilization of Nanomaterials in Conductive SmartTextiles: A Review
- Costume Color: The Representation of Bangladeshi Tradition and Cultural Revival
- Development of False Ceiling Board Using Indigenous Sheep Wool Fiber Reinforcement/Gypsum Matrix Composite
- Color Measurement and Colorfastness of Different Weaves and Dimensional Forms
- A Study on Future Substitutes of Leather
- Effect of Structure, Color and Finish on the MIR Emission and NIR Absorption of Knitted Textiles
- Sindhi Patchwork, Artisans and Fashion Industry
- Pop-Up Store Adoption by Brands
- Using Thermal Manikin Systems for Thermophysiological Comfort Evaluations- A Review
- An Evaluation of Leggings Selected by Athleisure Consumers
- Textile Science Behind the Mask Homemade with Love Filtered Cloth Mask
- Knowledge of Leather Alternatives: An Exploratory Study: Implications for Education
- Idea Exchange in The Pleats- The Pleating Workshop as a Research Method
- Study of Recycling of Waste High Impact Polystyrene (PS-HI) and Polystyrene with Flame Retardant Additives (PS-FR) Co-Polymers
- Luxury Strategy Comparing SPA Brands and Luxury Brands — Flagship Store Strategy for Large Store Location —
- Comparative Analysis of Comfort Properties of BioMimetic Branching Structured Plant Fabrics with Commercial Fabrics
- Causes of Woven Fabric Defects and Cost Analysis: Case Study at Bahir Dar Textile Share Company (BDTSC)
- Social Media Analytics in Retail: Exploring Consumer Engagement on Facebook
- Development of 7-Segment Numeral Display Using Electrochromic Yarns for Advanced Functional Textiles
- Application Comparison of Textile Fabric Image Retrieval Algorithms Based on Content
- Physical Properties and Biodegradabilities of the PLA/ Soy-Oil Blends and Their Ramie Fiber Composites
- Impact of Cultural Trends and Consumer Perception on Brand Reputation in Emerging Clothing Brands of Pakistan
- Novel Knitting Model Based on Automation and Industry 4.0
- What Drives Engagement and Disengagement with Social Media Influencers?
- COVID-19, The Ideal Opportunity to Move into the Omni-Channel Retailing
- Design of the Nozzle for Producing Vortex Core-Spun Yarns
- Extract and Characterization of Starch from White Lupine Seed
- Effects of Pattern Maker’s Work Experience with Designer on Clothing Creation
- Function Design of Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment: A Systematic Review
- How Meaning Can Inform Fashion Design – The Semantic Turn
- Optimization of Residual Shrinkage Control of 100% Cotton Woven Fabric Through Sanforization
- Accelerated Technology Adoption by Consumers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Effectiveness of Fashion Industry in Post Pandemic World
- Comparative Studies on Ring, Compact and Vortex Yarns and Fabrics
- Luxury Strategy by Simple and Pleasant Life-Style Brand of MUJI — Flagship Store Strategy for Large Store Location
- Surface-Functionalized Polymer Fibers for Highly Efficient Removal of Metal Ions from Aqueous Solution
- Extraction and Characterization of Starch from Butula Lenta Plant
- Review: Costuming Cosplay: Dressing the Imagination, Therèsa Winge (Bloomsbury 2018)
- Study on the Influence of Modular Design of Garment on Market Innovation
- Microencapsulation of Calamansi (Citrus Microcarpa) Essential Oil onto β-Cyclodextrin for Cotton Fabric Application
- Investigation Impact of Salt, M:L, Soda Ash on Cotton, and Cotton Viscose Blended Fabrics Dyeing Using Direct Dyes
- Curated Generative Fashion Design
- Can Small Business in Retailing Afford Digital Media Data Analytics?
- The Educational Impact of Clothing Construction in Secondary and Post-Secondary Curriculum
- Specifying the Right Textiles for an Interior Commercial Project
- The Exodus Series
- From E-Commerce to M-Commerce
- Design Intervention & Craft Revival with Reference to Pichwai Paintings: A Contemporise Approach
- Failure to Innovate is the Key Reason for Failure
- Thoughts on the Future of Data Analytics Education in College Fashion Curricula
- In Vitro Assessment of Dermal Absorption for Flame Retardant Textile Finishing Chemicals
- An Evaluation of the Quality of Mens 100% Cotton Jersey Knit White T-Shirts
- Acoustic Behaviour of Nonwovens
- Becoming the King’s Men – the Semiotic Molecule of Luxury Brand Heritage
- Surface Modification of Cotton Fiber
- Imposing Application of Nano Cellulose Based Bio Sensor to Produce Test Kit of COVID: 19 Disease
- The Role of External, Internal Influences In Consumers’ Online Shopping Intentions
- Design Drawing: Rapid Prototyping through the Design Process
- Added Value of Barki Wool Comparing to Merino for Woven Fabrics Properties
- From The Trash to High Couture: How Wearable Food Waste is Transforming the Textile Industry In Line with the Agenda 2030
- Sustainability Transitions in Disclosures in the Fashion Industry: Comparative Insights into Social Sustainability, Circularity and Systemic Shifts
- Body Aesthetic of Fashioning Icon and Fashion Icon in Fashion Presentation
- Investigation of the Water–Based Ink Hold onto the Thermoplastic Composites Reinforced with Sisal Fibers
- Make (A Wish upon the Stars) - Handcraftsmanship Work and New Generations, an Arising Love Affair, Hand in Hand
- Reduction of Garments Bottleneck Processing Time on the Sewing Line of the Garments Industries
- Fashion and the Future
- Kinetic Energy Harvesting Suit
- MAT_er.LAB, the Interdisciplinary Playground Where Science Means Personal Growth
- Exploring the Potential of Bacterial Cellulose for Use in Apparel
- Reconnecting With Customers through Culture – Revisiting the Concept of Cultural Diversity in Luxury Fashion Brands
- High Fashion’s New Found Purpose
- Sustainable Fashion- The Most Popular Textile of the Spring Summer 2020 Season
- An Exploratory Study of Consumer Satisfaction and Purchase Behavior Intention of Fashion Subscription-BasedOnline Services (SOS)
- Beacon - The Location-Based Service Technology to Enhance Customer Experience
- Reimagining the Luxury Department Store: Investigating the Millennial Luxury Consumer and the Luxury Department Store from a Systems Perspective
- The Rain Maker
- Antibacterial and Multifunctional Polyester Textile Using Plant-Based Cinnamaldehyde
- Fashion is Big Business
- Omnichannel Customer Experience and Technological Evolvement in Retail
- An Overview of Geotextiles: Industrial Application in Technical Textiles
- New Marketing Strategies for the Millennials of the Korean Luxury Brand Market
- Stretch and Physical Properties of Weft Stretch Denim Fabrics Containing Elastane and Filament Yarn
- Scald Burn Protection of the Commercially Available Children’s Sleepwear
- Blending the Gender Lines: Effectiveness of Beauty Boys as Brand Endorsers
- A Conceptual Model of Listening Effectiveness and Agile Selling Behavior: Moderating Effect of E-Communication and Consumption Pattern
- Optimization Study of Machine-Washed Decontamination Effect of Starch Soil Cloth of Pure Cotton
- Traditional Embroidery as a Method of Decoration in Najd Desert Tribes
- A Study on Thermal Comfort Feeling Properties of 60%/40% and 80%/20% Cotton/Polyester and 100% Cotton Fleece
- Design and Production of Beads Woven Fabric in Fashion Trends for Garments of Egyptian Origin
- Luxury Strategy by Daily Fashion Brand of UNIQLO: Flagship Shop Strategy for Large Store Location
- Analysis the Physical Properties of Twill Derivatives: A Case Study
- Fabrication of Unidirectional Coir Fiber Reinforced Nonwoven Melt-Blown Glass Fabric Composite by Compression Molding
- Increasing Consumer Participation in Textile Disposal Practices: Implications Derived from an Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour on Four Types of Post-Consumer Textile Disposal
- Brief Overview of Developments in BC-Based Biosynthesized Nano-Fabrics Production: Challenges and Future Perspectives
- Comparative Analysis of Laser Treatment on Solid and Yarn Dyed Cotton Fabric
- An Empirical Analysis of Potential Cyclist Injuries and Cycling Outfit Comfort
- Ecology of Matter and the Surface Design in the Leather Fashion Industry
- Insight into Emerging Opportunities for Sustainable-Led Strategies in Textiles
- An Alternative Approach to Sustainable New Fashion Consumption: Shopping in the Retail ‘Waste’ Economy
- The Influence of Grit, Goal Setting, and Social Support When Starting a Fashion Business
- Cultural Sustainability in the Creative Surface Design of Fashion Products of Eco-Textile and Eco-Leather Material Structures
- Facing Textile Industry: Why Circular Design Has to Become a BA Fashion Programme and Creativity Alone is not Enough
- The Use of Mobile Apps for Health and Fashion Management in South Korea
- Strategic Design and UX Design Approaches in the Development of Fashion Design Systems-Products
- Redefining the Future of Retail: Millennials and Gen Z Envision a More Sustainable Retail Culture
- Punk, Fashion and Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism
- Fashion and Health – Utilizing Wearable Technology and Traditional Chinese Medicine to Design Two Wearable Acupressure Prototypes
- Progress in Textile Reinforced Ductile Cementitious Composite for Structural Retrofitting
- On the Future of Fetish/ Affective Value
- Identifying Future Demand in Fashion Goods: Towards Data Driven Trend Forecasting
- Regression Analysis of the Effects of Yarn Counts, Stitch Lengths on Depth of Stripes of Different Single Jersey Fabrics
- Braided Rope Sensor Based on Carbon Nanotube Yarn
- Social Media, Pre-Teenagers and Fashion Consumption: Influence and Consequence
- The Social Interpretation of Knitwear
- Modern Slavery in Global Apparel Supply Chain: An Important Research Agenda
- An Evaluation of the Quality of Men’s 100% Cotton Jersey Knit T-Shirts
- Analysis of Physical & Chemical Properties of Cotton-Jute Blended Denim After a Sustainable (Industrial Stone Enzyme) Wash
- Multivariate Analysis for Fleece Types Classification in Argentine Llamas
- Now and Then: The Fascinating Narrative of Fashion and Clothing Advertisements
- Everything Is Relative: A Review of “Minimalism/Maximalism” at the Museum at FIT
- Fashion Design Entrepreneurship: Skills and Solutions to Create a Fashion Business
- Production of Coir-Jute Blended Yarn: A Comparative Study on the Performance of Jute and Coir-Jute Blended Yarn
- Over the Century, 1918-2018, Masterpieces of Tapestry
- The Textile Reuse Programme: Building Macro Circular Systems for used Clothing
- Sustainable Textile School Goes to the World Textile Forum in Zurich
- Pre-Post Washing Comparison for Horizontal Wicking Behavior of Three Types of Knits in Different Fiber-Contents
- Examination of Colorfastness to Laundering of Naturally Dyed Fabrics using Contact Dyeing Method with Cranberries
- Who Moved My Fabrics? Supplier Management Strategies for Small Fashion Buyers
- Application of Luminous Textile Coated by Tio2 For Photocatalytic Removal of Acetic Acid, Formaldehyde and Toluene from Indoor Air
- Comparative Study of the Inspection Parameters for AQL 2.5% and 1.5% in Garments Manufacturing Process
- An Investigation into the Performance Viability of Recycled Polyester (R-PET) from Virgin Polyester (V-PET)
- Luxury Retail. The Online Experience
- Improvement of Efficiency and Productivity Through Machine Balancing in a Sewing Line
- Pre-Post Wash Wicking Behavior, Moisture Transfer, and Water Repellency of Plain, Twill and Satin Weaves
- Quality Assurance in the Ready-Made Garment Industry
- Fashionability and Comfort: Designing Chemotherapy Uniforms to Enhance the Well-Being of Patients and Oncology Nurses
- Why the Terms Unisex and Gender Neutral are not Fit for Purpose in Contemporary Clothing and Fashion Design
- Exploring Consumers Understanding and Evaluation of their Ethical Consumption and Disposition
- 3D Printing in Modern Fashion Industry
- The Role of Omnichannel Experience for Luxury Fashion Brands
- Research Progress on Electromagnetic Textile Materials
- Effect on Textile Behavior of Fleece Types and Dehairing Process on the Linear Density and Regularity of Yarn from Argentine Llama Fibre
- Investigation of Fabric Behaviours in Compression Sportswear Under Extended Condition
- The Case for Clothing Construction
- Consumer-Feedback Driven- Chain Powers Chinas E-Commerce
- Procurement Risk Management in International Supply Structures. The Case of Italian Manufacturing Companies
- A Review of Ballistic, Slash, and Stab Protection for Integration in First Responder Personal Protective Clothing
- Introduction to Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Textiles
- A Review on Auxetic Textile Structures, Their Mechanism and Properties
- Which Languages That Colors Speaking in Fashion Textiles/Clothes
- A Call for Inclusion of Human Centered Design Framework into Apparel Design Curriculum
- Architectonic: A Hybrid Experiment
- Textiles: The Future
- The Application of Traditional Chinese Elements in Luxury Fashion Goods
- Creating Interest in Textiles: A Pedagogical Perspective
- Profile of the Fashion E-Consumers: A Key for Online Fashion Business Success
- The Rise of Sustainable Fashion - Glossary for an Article
- Saturated Fatty Acids Derivatives as Assistants Materials for Textile Processes
- Globalization of Apparel Technology in University Apparel Programs
- Digital Printing Technology in University Experiential Learning Classes
- South Asian Textile and Clothing Trade and Advances in Digitalization, Industry 4.0; A Review
- Smart Fashion and Wearable Technology: Opportunities and Challenges for Future Growth
- Integration Factor Construction to Improving Aesthetic, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Double Layer Woven Fabrics by Denting and Stitches Systems
- Modern Fibers: A Human- Centered Technology
- Preparation of Activated Carbon Fibers from Fiber Mixtures
- Culture and Fashion Styles: do They Co-Exist in Womens Fashion Magazines? an Explorative Investigation from New York, London and Bangkok
- Development of Innovative High-Fashion Collection Via Conceptual Design Process Model
- An Extensive Study of Examination, Restoration, and Display of a Rare Historical Costumes, Practical Application
- Influence Factors of Frequency Response Characteristics for a Novel Velvet Frequency Selective Fabric
- Cultural Work Instruments in Fashion Technology - Practical Method of Generating Emotional Design
- Sustainability Aspects in Smart/Functional Textiles
- Interdisciplinary Cooperation for a New Era of Textile and Fashion Technology
- A Systematic Selection Method Between Neutral and Control of Running Footwear Insole Products
- Roles of Cooperative Society among Fish Farmers in Awka Agricultural Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria
- Challenges With Use of Grafting for Mitigation of Soilborne Disease in Chile Pepper Production
- Date Palm Scales and Their Management
- Modification of the Phenolic and Fatty Acid Content in Olea europaea Olives from Sardinia as a Consequence of Bactrocera oleae Infestations
- Grape Maturation and Statistical Analysis of Wine Data
- Flooding Impacts to Agricultural Lands with Changing Climate
- Rosemary Decline, an Apparent Disease of Unknown Etiology Affecting the Southwestern US
- Effects of Deficit Irrigation in Pepper Plants (Capsicum annuum) Grown Under Greenhouse Conditions
- Evaluation of Irrigation Frequency and Selenium Fertilization Impacts on the Nutritional Traits of Moringa oleifera and Moringa peregrina
- Improving Carbon Sequestration, Climate Resilience and Increasing the Productivity of Farms using Nature Based Solutions: The Case of Salvation Farming Solutions
- Insect Pest Guide
- Red Imported Fire Ants
- EFFiTILL: An Efficient Tillage System for Tractors Fuel Consumption Reduction and GHG Emissions Mitigation
- Polystyrene Biodegradation
- Cover and Management Research on Horticultural Crops for Nutrient Management and Conservation Planning
- Cloud Computing: Embracing Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture in the Digital Era
- Mineral Resource Exploration and Its Impact on Bidikoum Community
- A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree “Can Deep Sea Water be Processed into Potable Water and Distributed into the Middle East”?
- Toward an Individualized Medicine Model for Plant Health
- Phytoremediation Potential of Ficus benjamina on Soils Contaminated with Crude Oil in Rivers State, South-South Nigeria
- Proteomics of Some “Recalcitrant” Tropical Fruits: Avocado, Banana and Mango
- Potential C and N Mineralisation of Shoot and Root Residues from Ten Grain Legume Species As Related to their Biochemical Characteristics
- Carbon Sequestration Potential of The Main Tree Species and Vegetation Formations in The Ecological Zone of Sudan in Mali
- Integrated Management of Maize Pests in Vegetation and in Storage
- A Feasibility Study for Different Crops in a High-tech Greenhouse in Turkey
- Influence of Vine Pruning Level and Varieties on Growth and Yield of Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) at Wondo Genet, Southern Ethiopia
- EffiSpray: Development of an Innovative Decision Support System for Increasing Spraying Application Efficiency
- Phosphorus in Soils and it’s Management Effects on Crop, Soil and Water
- Correlation, Path Coefficient and Multivariate Analysis for Yield and Yield-associated Traits among Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Genotypes Grown in Eastern Ethiopia
- Production Fields of Peppermint at University of Presov, Slovakia, and their Analyses of Essential Oils for 5 Years
- Environmental Effects and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Returning Agricultural Waste to Field By Carbonization
- Effects Of Glyphosate Application on Soil Ecological Health After Continuous Planting of Transgenic Glyphosate-Resistant Soybeans in Harbin, Northeast China
- Research and Development Tax Credit Case Study
- Review on Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Production Challenges and Opportunities in Ethiopia
- A Review on The Role of Breeding for Stem Rust Disease Resistance in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)
- Effects of Pot Sizes and Biochar Base Media Composition on Nutrient Uptake of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Seedlings in South Ethiopia
- Agroforestry: Enhancing the Prospects for Ameliorating Climate Change
- Evaluation of White fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Varieties for Maximum Root Yield and Quality Traits at Wondo Genet and Koka
- Momentum of Re-Acidification Over Time in Lime Reclaimed Acidic Soil of Bako Area in Soybean (Glycine max L.) Production, Western Ethiopia
- Effects of Natural Forest, Plantation Forest and Grazing Land on Soil Microbial Biomass and Soil Enzyme Activities in Ethiopian Highland
- Evaluation of the Performance of Improved Potato (Solanum Tubersom L) Varieties for Mid Altitude Areas of Southern Ethiopia
- Effect of Different Fertilizer Formulations on Growth of Pineapple (Ananas comosus) and Soil Nutrients
- Flaxseed, its Lignans Content and their Effect on Hormonal Cancers in Humans
- Pastia Characteristics, Improved Use Efficiency
- Individual vs. Group Housing of Dairy Calves: An Arbitrary or Provisional Rule?
- Hypothermia as a Threat to Young Calves in Cold Ambient Temperatures: Development of a Workable Therapeutic Protocol
- Use of Water-Saving Agricultural Practices in Imo State, Nigeria
- Impacts of Fire and Restoration Techniques on Soil Properties
- Severe Winters and Interruptions in Shipping Traffic in The Port of Elbląg in The Period 1585-1700
- Life has No Blueprint. Cells are Pixels in a Living Jumbotron
- Interaction between Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and Rhizobacteria with Legumes : A Promising Strategy to Fight with Abiotic Stress
- Uganda Agriculture Human Capacity Development: Organic 3.0 Agriculture Gap and Need Analysis
- Haematological and Iatrical Response of Clarias Gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) Fed Different Commercial Feed and Farm-Made Feed
- Evaluation of Watering Water Productivity in Three Cotton Varieties
- Status of Soil Quality Under Different Land Use: The Case of Juka Watershed of North-East Wollega, Western Ethiopia
- The Hard but Joyful Work to Convince Students The Everyday Importance of Soil and Sediments!
- Chemical Drying of Nematodes for Scanning Electron Microscopy Observations
- Food Security in Africa: The Future of GMOs
- Effects of Toxic Chemicals on Plants
- Methods of Application and Incorporation of the Biochar into Soil
- High Times and Headaches for Hemp as it Seeks to Re-Establish Itself as a Viable Industry
- Effects of Nanoparticles on Soil Microorganisms
- Cottonseed Yield and its Quality as Affected by Mineral Nutrients and Plant Growth Retardants
- Reduction of Nitrogen Fertilization in Green Peas by Using Vegetable Compost
- Whey, Waste or Value?
- Evaluation of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas (L) Lam) Varieties at Tepi, Southwestern Ethiopia
- Perceived Constraints to Adoption of Improved Poultry Technology Among Poultry Farmers in Owerri Agricultural Zone of Imo State, Nigeria
- The More that Changes, the More that Stays the Same
- Adaptability of Released Potato (Solanum tuberosumL.) Varieties at Masha and Chena, South western Ethiopia
- Geochemical Characterization of Vertisols Developed on Granites from Kaele, North-Cameroon: Implications for REE Exploration
- The Importance of Agriculture in COVID-19 Pandemic Times in Puerto Rico
- Biomonitoring of Titanium Contamination by Moss Samples
- Leatherback Sea Turtle Meat and Eggs Consumption: Evaluation of Public Health Significance in Grenada, West Indies
- Watershield (Brasenia schreberi J. F. Gmel.), from Popular Vegetable to Endangered Species
- Women Farmers’ Perceived Reasons for Use of Indigenous Knowledge in Crop Pests and Animal Diseases/Disorder Management in Imo State Nigeria
- Soil and Water Conservation Measures in Ethiopia: Importance and Adoption Challenges
- Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Performance of Community-Based Women Organizations (CBWOs) in Rural Development Projects in Imo and Rivers States
- Rural Livelihood Activities/Services Performed by Community Based Women Organization (CBWOs) in Imo and Rivers States, Nigeria
- Reclaiming Phosphorus from Wastewater Effluents including Renewable Biochar
- Review on Methanogenesis and its Role
- Using a Novel Cheap Rhizotron for Root Growth System Analyses on Chickpea and Lentil Plants
- Biofertilizer Impacts on Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Rhizosphere: Soil Microbiome Engineering, Genetic and Sustainable Agroecosystems, Igbariam, Nigeria
- Morphological Properties and Nutrient Status of Different Waste Derived Slow Pyrolyzed Biochars
- Cottonseed Yield and its Quality as Affected by Mineral Nutrients and Plant Growth Retardants
- W.F.P.’S Nobel Prize, The Pandemic, & Our Emerging Existential Food Crisis
- Physico-Chemical Properties, Functional Properties, and Chemical Compositions Of Ziziphus Mauritiana (Jujube) Seed Oil
- Study of the Agro-Industrial Properties of the Soil Cover of the Agjabadi Region in the Example of the Garadolag Administrative Village
- Review on Agricultural Extension Impacts on Food Crop Diversity and the Livelihood of Farmers in Ethiopia
- A Call for Holistic Soil Ecology
- Whither Taxonomy?
- Responses of Solanum Lycopersicum to Organic Fertilizers Application
- Potentials of Commercialization of Smallholder Farming in Kigoma Region, Tanzania: Gross Profit Margin Analysis of selected Crops in Selected Districts, Kigoma Region
- Reassessing the impact of Food, Mating and Ageing on Callosobruchus maculatus’ Fecundity, Oviposition and Longevity
- The Untapped Mystery and Potentials in Termites
- Effect of Consorted PGPMs and Mineral Fertilizer on Grain Yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Malt Barely (Hordium vulgar L) in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia
- Pedigree Selection for Lint Yield in Two Segregation Populations of Egyptian Cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.)
- Mechanical Behavior of an Ultisol Under Different Sugarcane Management Systems in Brazil
- Soil Salinity Research and Mapping using Remote Sensing GIS
- Going Back to the Well: Women, Agency, and Climate Adaptation
- Biochar and its Use in Soil: Lessons from Temperate Agriculture
- Critical Analysis of Soil for Better Rice and Sugarcane Farming in Thanjavur Region of India
- Achieving Soil Security through Biobased Residues
- Use of Salt-Tolerant Plants and Halophytes as Potential Crops in Saline Soils in China
- Goat Breeding Objectives in Relation To Agroecological Zonation Under Dryland Farming Conditions of North Kordofan, Sudan
- The Growing Up Use of Pesticides in Brazil Compared with the World
- Assessing the Risks of Spatial Spread of the New Coronavirus COVID-19 by Models
- Bio Farming for Agricultural Sustainability under Climate Change
- Growth Response of Heterobranchus Longifilis Fingerlings Fed Diets Supplemented with Moringa Oleifera Leaf Meal as Replacement of Soybean Meal
- Agricultural Statistics for Developing Countries: Where Do We Stand?
- Suitability Evaluation of Urban Soils underline by Asu River Parent Material forCassava Manihotesculenta and Bambara groundnut (Vignasubterranea (L.) Verdc) Production in Ebonyi, Southeastern Nigeria
- Iodine Nutrition Knowledge of Food Handlers: A Capricorn and Waterberg District Study, Limpopo Province, South Africa
- Effects of Calcium with and without Surfactants on Fruit Quality, Mineral Nutrient, Respiration and Ethylene Evolution of ‘Red Spur Delicious’ Apple
- Creating a Multivariate-Multifunctional Database for Weed Control to Support Organic Mixed Vegetable Production
- Remediation Methods of Crude Oil Contaminated Soil
- Nutrient Intake, Fermentation, Digestibility and Growth Performance of Barbarin Lamb Supplemented with Sweet Lupin
- Current Application of Microencapsulation Technology in Bioremediation of Polluted Groundwater
- Effects of GA3 and KNO3 on the Germination and DNA Content of Flax (Linum Usitatissimum L.)
- Antimicrobial Effects of Herb Extracts Against Foodborne Pathogen Listeria monocytogenes in Vitro
- Exploring Indicators of Food Choice for Chimpanzees at Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire: Aroma and Antioxidants
- Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Pectinase Producers from Agro Wastes (Citrus sinensis and Ananas comosus)
- Ailanthus Altissima (Mill.) E Varroa Destructor (Anderson & Trueman) - Two Alien and Invasive Species With Impact on the Environment and On the “Hive System”
- Soil Fertility Management and Cropping System Function in Ameliorating Maize Productivity in Ethiopia
- Raising Calves in the Dairy Period Without Antibiotics
- Variability of Crude Palm Oil Acidity Among Individual Oil Palm (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Progenies of La Dibamba Germplasm
- Coenzyme Q10 Concentrations in Perennial Rye Grass and White Clover
- Adaptability and Performance Evaluation of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) varieties under irrigation for Tuber Yield
- Effects of Seed Rate and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate on Growth and Biomass Yield of Oat (Avena Sativa L.)
- Non-Conventional Methods as a New Alternative for the Estimation of Terrestrial Biomass and Carbon Sequestered
- Biofertilizer Impacts on Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Cultivation: Improved Soil Health and Quality, Igbariam, Nigeria
- Increase in The Use of Organic Fertilizers as Complements to Inorganic Fertilizers in Maintenance of Soil Fertility and Environmental Sustainability
- Side Effects of Insecticides on Beneficial Insects: A Practical Tool to Identify Organic Agroecosystems
- Biofertilizer Impacts on Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Rhizosphere: Crop Yield and Growth Components, Igbariam, Nigeria - Paper 1
- Growth, Yield and Yield Components Response of Local Sorghum Varieties to Nitrogenous Fertilizer Rates in Northern Ghana
- Soil Restoration: Drought Resistance, Soil Health Improvement, Toxin Sequestration and Worms
- New Trends of the Polysaccharides as a Drug
- A Review on the Effect of Rooting Media on Rooting and Growth of Cutting Propagated Grape (Vitis vinifera L)
- Performance of Different Varieties of Cauliflower (Brassica Oleracea Var. Botrytis) Under Different Levels of Phosphorus Application in Pot Culture at Lamjung, Nepal
- Determinants of Savings and Capital Accumulation among Rural Women Farmers in Ganye Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria
- Determinants of Savings Capacity among Agribusiness Entrepreneurs in Yobe State, Nigeria
- Sonar Sensor Based Intra Row Weeding Prototype for Row Crops
- Yam-Based Cropping Systems Performances with Herbaceous Legumes and Chemical Fertilizers
- Influence of Agricultural Lime in Alleviating Acidity Level of Various Acid Soils
- Sustainable Food System and GM Foods in Era of Climate Change and Variability: Indian Perspective
- Infiltration and Swelling Under Capillary Flow
- The Cause of Increased Effectiveness of Water-In-Oil Emulsion Over Water Application of Trichoderma Ovalisporum on Theobroma Cacao
- Environmental Impact Assessment and Source Identification of Total Suspended Particulate Matter and Some Elements Emitted from a Workplaces in Jordan
- Yam-Based Cropping Systems Performances with Chemical Fertilizers
- A Prevalence Study of Ectoparasites on The Long-Eared Hedgehog (Hemiechinus Auritus) in Sohag Governorate, Egypt
- Tomato Shading Study- Las Vegas 2018 Results
- Tapping Soil Microbiota: Overlooked Underground Players in Agricultural Production
- The Effect of Growing Season on the Nutrient Composition and in Vitro True Digestibility of Browse and Forb Species Commonly Consumed by Goats in the Southeastern United States
- Horticulture Development in India: Issues and Scenario of Space Technology
- Chitin, Chitosan and Glucan, Properties and Applications
- Modelling the Relationship Between Agricultural Commodity Prices, Energy Prices, And Exchange Rate: Evidence from A Three Stage Markov-Switching Model
- Oil Mill Wastewater and its Effects
- Smallholder Farmer’s Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change in The Case of Este Woreda, South Gondar Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
- Prediction of Aulacaspis Tubercularis Newstead (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) Populations Using RCP Scenarios in Luxor Governorate, Egypt
- Review on The Expected Role of Climate Smart Agriculture on Food System in Ethiopia
- Antifeedant Potential of Some Aromatic Plants Against Cowpea Weevil, Callosobruchus Maculatus
- Viability of Microorganisms in The Conditions of Permafrost
- On Accounting for Evaporation or Infiltration Free Surface in Some Problems of Filtration Theory
- Influence of Planting Dates on Cane and Sugar Yields for Some Sugarcane Varieties
- The Effectiveness of Soil and Water Conservation as Climate Smart Agricultural Practice and Its Contribution to Smallholder Farmers’ Livelihoods. The Case of Bambasi District Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Northwest of Ethiopia
- Estimation of Carbon Stored in Reforestations in The Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico
- Analysis of Growth Performance Data in Sheep using Linear Mixed Model
- Use Rodents as an Indicator of Environmental Pollution
- Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate and Time of Application Affected Yield and Quality of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L) at Tepi, Southwestern Ethiopia
- Experience from Traditional Irrigation Management in Ethiopia. Case Study of Holetta River
- The Effect of Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Sources on The Growth and Seed Yield of Bambara Nut (Vigna Subterranean (L) Verdc) Variety
- Destroyed Windbreaks as One of The Main Causes ofAgricultural Production Decrease in Georgia
- A Review on Production and Marketing of Mango Fruit
- Arbuscular Micorrizal Fungi and Farm Management Practices
- Food Security Via Improving Crop Water Productivity in Some Arab Countries
- Winter Pasture Lands of Azerbaijan and their Agroecological Features
- Target and Non-Target Lepidopteran Pest IPM in Brazil Bt Crop Refuge Areas
- Review on the Production and Marketing of Banana in Ethiopia
- Survey and Seasonal Distribution of the Rodents in El-Kawther City, Sohag Governorate, Egypt
- Methods for Protecting Hotels Against Rodents
- Dealing with the Sins of the Past and Work towards a Nature-Based Future: New Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture
- Development of a Dynamic Model for Predicting Humic and Fulvic Acids Production in a Composting Process Using Olive Mill Wastes
- Foragers and Food Production in Africa: A Cross-Cultural and Analytical Perspective
- Forest FiresThe Disaster in California and Spain
- Sewage Water Effects on Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench) Growth Affected by Organic Matter, and Avm of Pseudomonas fluorescens
- Chronic Exposure and the Risk of Building Antibiotic Resistance in Rural Communities of the Developing World
- Utilization of Raw, Dehullled, Autoclaved and Soaked Pea Pisum Sativum Seed Meals as Replacement for Fishmeal in Practical Diet Formulation for Juvenile Sea Bass in a Recirculating System
- Trends in Soil Measurement Performance of Australasian Laboratories by Methods and Time
- Analysis of Growth Performance Data in Sidama Goats using Fixed and Random Regression Models
- Nutrients Recovered from Organic Residues as Fertilizers: Challenges to Management and Research Methods
- Role of Stratospheric Temperature and Humidity in Occurrence of 2011 Spring Ozone Anomaly in the Arctic and on the Northern Territory of Russia Using Aura OMI/MLS Observations
- Influence of Production Receptions on ProductivityPerspective Variety of Winter Solid Wheat in Dagestan
- Wheat Response to Nitrogen and Irrigation under Semi-Arid Conditions
- Operational and Environmental Impact of Ashes Produced from Combustion of Vineyard Wastes and their Blends in Fixed and Fluidized Bed Units
- The Role of Extracellular Space (Apoplast) in The Regulation of Physiological Processes in Plants
- Determining the Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Countryside Stewardship
- Photosynthetic Activity of Fodder Grasses Under Conditions of Drought Stress
- Cover Cropping in Rainfed Fruticulture
- Performance of Different Varieties of Cauliflower (Brassica Oleracea Var. Botrytis) Under Different Level of Nitrogen Application in Ultisols of Lamjung Nepal
- Determinants of Rural Household Food Security and Coping Up Mechanisms in the Case of Woliso Woreda Western Ethiopia
- Degradation of Synthetic Agro wastewater (Fipronil) using Electro Coagulation Process by Iron Electrodes
- Genetic Polymorphisms in New Zealand Sheep Breeds
- Development of New Elements of Precision Farming Systems Based on Precision Farming Centre of Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy Named after K. A. Timiryazev.
- Effect of Different Potassium Rates and Hybrid Maize Varieties on the Grain Yield Under Field Condition at South Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Cytochrome P450 Gene in Silkworm ( Bombyx mori ): A Review Article
- Pre-Clinical Validation of Cannabinoid and Mushroom Preparations for the Treatment of Cancer
- The Secret of Attending Music Concerts in Post- Pandemic: A Thought of Enhancing Well-Being
- Does Allicin Obtained from Garlic Have a Role as An Inhalation Therapy in The Treatment of Covid-19 Infections?
- Integrating Complementary Medicine in Support Programming for Gynecologic Oncology Patients
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Mexican Oaxacan Communities: An Experience from an Indigenous Oaxacan Nurse
- Implementation of a Stress Reduction and Enhanced Resiliency Program Among Nurse Faculty
- Evoking Solutions to Maternal Self-Harm and Mortality
- Enhancing Knowledge About Use of Herbal Interventions in Cancer Care: Resources for Patients and Healthcare Providers
- Protecting the Protectors: Supports for Fathers During the Transition to Parenthood
- Can Spearmint Be a Natural Alternative to Spironolactone in Treating Increased Androgen Levels?
- Anticipated Satisfaction of Technologies in the Homes and Lives of Older Adults to Prolong Independence
- Categorizing Molecular Features of Venom Toxins Using Bioinformatics Tools
- Acupuncture and Propolis Combination May Be a Good Option for Herpes Zoster Treatment
- Nutrition and Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Chinese Medicine for Patients with Depression and Anxiety
- Explaining Acupuncture: Testing Traditional Chinese Medicine versus Western Biomedicine Explications
- Drug-Drug Interactions in Common Mental Disorders Patients in Primary Health Care
- The Prevalence and Patterns of Use of Herbal Medicine in Wad Madani, Sudan, 2016: A Community Based Cross-Sectional Study
- Effectiveness of Mindfulness Strategy to Promote Cultural Awareness Among Undergraduate Nursing Students in Egypt and the United States
- Aromatherapy for Burnout
- The Need for a Paradigm Shift in the Existing Strategies for Effective COVID-19 Control
- Efficacy of Automated Text Messaging Services on Sleep Health, Stress, Pain, and Function in Physical Therapy Patients
- Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of the Leaf Extract and Fractions of Ipomoea Quamoclit in Albino Wistar Rats
- Knowledge About Cervical Cancer Among Urban and Rural Women in The East Coast of Malaysia
- Psychedelics for Use and Wellbeing Cultural Context and Recent Developments: A Jamaican Perspective
- The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Anxiety of Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A pilot Quasi Randomsied Controlled Trail
- Effectiveness of Music Therapy on Anxiety and Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
- FOOLS RUSH IN: Exploratory Research, Change Moments and The Work of Fools for Health
- Growing Rate of Intimate Partner Violence and Psychosocial Effects in Women Living in The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico During The SARS-Cov-19 Pandemic
- Dynamics of The Universal Test and Treat Strategy in HIV Patients in Nigeria: A Narrative Review of Studies
- Prevalence and Comorbidities of Overweight and Obesity Among Patients Admitted in Madonna University Teaching Hospital Elele, Nigeria
- Long Haulers, Vocal Fatigue and Respiration: An Interdisciplinary Manual Therapy Approach
- Bravery in Research
- Improved Quality of Life Following Myofascial Release Treatment Case Report of Police Officer
- A Spiritual Care Perspective on Caring for the Whole Person
- Effects of Resting in Different Postures and Ankle Pump Movement on Hemodynamics of Deep Venous Blood Flow of Lower Limb
- Hepatic Injury Induced by Moringa Oleifera with Rechallenge
- Psychomotor Evaluation: A Mandatory Requirement for CAM Continuing Education
- Veterans’ Therapeutic Partnership with Horses: A Review of the Literature
- Could Probiotic Supplements Be an Effective Intervention to Reduce Hypertension? A Systematic Literature Review
- The Overall Effects of Using the Balanced Epiphany© 21-day Ayurveda Program
- Recent Developments in Search of Effective Herbal Medicine for The Treatment of Leukemia
- Impact of Modern Systemic Therapies and Clinical Markers on Treatment Outcome for Metastatic Melanoma in A Real-World Setting
- Community Based Recreational Therapy Treatment Case Report: Parkinson’s Disease
- Fertility-Preserving Transcervical Complete Resection of Progestin-Treated Atypical Polypoid Adenomyoma: A Case Report
- Global Health Crises and Alternative Teaching Modalities
- The First Case of Stage IVB Vulvar Cancer Treated with Carboplatin Plus Paclitaxel-based Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Definitive Radiotherapy
- Application of Infrared Thermography in “Color Diagnosis” of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Postoperative Human Papilloma Virus Positivity Rate Due to Differences in Surgical Procedures in Patients with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
- Covid-19 Response: The Importance of Amino Acids, Trace Elements and Polyphenols for Immune Competence
- Aseptic Meningitis After Spinal Anesthesia
- Dietary Supplements and Supplemented Diets
- Nutritional Control Improves T2D Diabetic Condition and Reduces Pharmaceuticals
- Evidence Based Prescribing of Herbal Medicines for Medical Curricula
- Temozolomide Resistance in Glioblastoma Multiforme: Mechanisms, Ramifications, and Potential Solutions to an Urgent Clinical Problem
- Covid Reminds Us to Provide Advance Care Planning to All
- A 10 Week Study to Determine the Effects of Live Vs Virtual Delivery of Transitions Program on Body Image
- The Effects of Strengthening the Lumbar Multifidus and Transverse Abdominis in Healthy Individuals Using an Augmented Feedback System: A Randomized Control Trial
- Red Yeast Rice: Lipid Lowering Properties and Safety Considerations
- Consideration on The Effect of The Place Where The Cane is Attached on The Standing Motion
- Beet Juice: The Science Behind the Sale
- Adoption of a Medical Model to Address Literacy Deficits in Children and Adolescents
- Micro-Psychology in Public Health Promotion
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Nutritional Therapy in the McClelland Teaching Clinic at the University of Worcester
- Be Mindful of Mindful Practices: Integrating Successful Practice May Require Continuing Group Mindfulness Sessions
- Bio-Touch: A Non-Invasive Tool to Improve Outcomes
- Quality of Life Improved by Adequate Physical Activity Levels Among University Employees
- Mandalas in the Nursing Classroom
- American Culture: Keeping Public Health Professionals Gainfully Employed
- Visualizing Traditional Chinese Medicine and Information Representation and Retrieval: Opportunities and Challenges in a New Era of Big Data
- COVID-19 and Holistic Medicine
- The Ecological Approach to Public Health Root Causes
- Maxillary Sinusitis of Odontogenic Origin
- The Myofascial System and Mind-Body Connections for Improving Health
- Gut Microbiome: A Potential Controller of Androgen- Modulated Disease
- The Need for a Deeper Notion of Holism in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Case Report on Acupuncture Treating Wilson Disease
- Experience of Integrative Medicine in the Hospice Ward of the University Hospital San Martino in Genoa, Italy
- Comprehensive Role of Otorhinolaryngologists in the Management of Headache: A Prospective Tertiary Care Centre Based Study
- Clinical and In-Silico study of COVID‑19 patients using Thymus capitatus extract as adjuvant Therapy
- Medicinal Uses of Juniper Tree Cones
- From Evidence to Practice: Importance of Developing Guidelines for Clinical Practice in Migraine Prophylaxis with Acupuncture
- A Perspective: Has Masking, Hand Washing, Distancing and Sheltering in Place for the COVID-19 Pandemic Adequately Addressed Immunity?
- Our Vision
- Fearing the Future: A Call to Teach Hope
- Essential Oils for weight Loss
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Managing Chronic Pain and Preventing Analgesic Misuse in the Community
- Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Menopause Symptoms and Its Effect on Quality of Life Among Turkish Women
- Integrative Approach
- Exploration on “Preventive Treatment of Disease” Service Pattern of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shanghai
- Acceptability and Impact of a Breathing Awareness Meditation Application on Stress, Strain, Sleep Quality Among Caregivers of Kidney Transplant Recipients
- Faculty Resilience in Higher Education: A Review of the Literature
- The Health Concept in the Complementary Medicine
- Collagen Supplements: Benefits, Uses and Side Effects
- The Health and Safety of Nephrology Nurses and The Environments in Which They Work
- Selective Systematic Review: Planned Healthcare Environments Impact on Healing, Health and Well-being
- Elements of Prevention Against the Coronavirus and “Hypothesis of Iodine Dependent Immune Collapse in Coronavirus Micro Clots “Microvascular Covid-19 Lung Vessels Obstructive Thrombo Inflammatory Syndrome”
- Taking Time to Enjoy Some Coffee! Adding Mindfulness to the Curriculum
- Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Breast Cancer Women in Jordan
- Cannabidiol – A Role for COVID-19?
- Toxic World
- Qualitative Outcomes of an Occupation-Based Theatre Intervention for Substance Use Disorders
- Alternative Therapies in Pain Management: A Brief Review
- The Effect of Anaesthesia on Oral Fibreoptic Tracheal Intubation in A Patient of Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Paracelsus’ Medicine – an Effective Holistic Approach to Contemporary Health and Ecological Issues
- Dynamic Modeling of COVID-19
- Evolutionary Psychiatry and Higher Prevalence of Depression in Females: A New Opinion
- Pisa Syndrome in Parkinson’s Disease: A Novel Rehabilitation Approach in a Microgravitary Environment
- The Human Body-Field
- Bridging Insights: on the Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating COVID-19 Patients
- Pets and Your Health in the Time of COVID-19
- Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease Among University Employees
- Thoughts
- A Rapid Assessment of Key COVID-19 Themes in African American YouTube Religious Sermons
- Love-Object Set Against Sex-Object: Appraising Two Associated Objects
- Student Nurses Well-being and the Impact of Mindfulness (SWIM)
- Alternative Therapies for the Treatment of Anxiety
- Cancer is Easily Cured in a Clinic in Spain
- Cancer can be Cured©
- Herbal Pharmacy
- Breathing in Silence
- What is the Relationship Between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Coronavirus?
- FDA-Approved (Bremelanotide, Flibanserin) and Off-Label Medications (Testosterone, Sildenafil) to Enhance Sexual Desire/Function in Women
- Therapeutic Effect of Allicin on Glioblastoma
- Medical Cannabis: Attitudes and Practices of Providers and Patients in Vermont
- Perceptions of Drug Use in The Workplace
- A Four-Year Prospective Study of Injuries in Elite Ontario Youth Soccer Players During Training and Match Play: A Follow-Up
- Cleansing
- Dever’s Model in Adolescent Pregnancy; An Epidemiological Review and Practice Recommendations for Health Care Providers
- One Case of Refractory Condyloma Acuminatum in Children with Persistent HPV51 Infection Treated by Chinese Medicine Paiteling
- Longitudinal follow-up Study of the Intrarenal Hemodynamics and Pulmonary Function in Patients with T2DM
- Hypnosis as A Complementary Therapy for Promoting Well-Being in Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Review of The Literature
- Vision Improvement
- The Health Implications of Plastic Bioaccumulation and The Potential to Enhance Biotransformation Using Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Supplements
- Antioxidant Activity and Proximate Analysis of Alaagoal Ethanolic Extract in Gentamicin Toxicated Rats
- Anticancer Therapeutics Decorated Nanomaterials
- Dietary Food Intake and Weight Differences among Young Secondary School Students in Rural and Urban Settings
- The Perspective for Luminescent Transition Metal-based Theranostic Probes
- Listen to Your Body
- Blood Morphology and Antioxidant Status of Broiler Fed Rhizopus Stolonifer-Detheobromized Cocoa Pod Husk Meal
- Benefits of Functional Medicine for Mold Toxicity and Mixed Mold Mycotoxicosis
- Sonodynamic and Photodynamic Therapy in Advanced Pancreas Carcinoma - A Case Report
- Overview of Buddhism and the Concept of Suffering
- Self-Healing
- Potential Use of Natural Ingredients as Alternative Chemical Wash
- Narrative Inquiry in Qualitative and Feminist Research: The Power of Story
- Shamanic Healing Ceremonies, Hypnosis and the Survival of the Suggestibles
- The Effect of Mandalynth Tracing as a Mindfulness- Based Training Technique on Anxiety and Self- Perception of Ability to Participate in Meaningful Activities
- “Total Surrender and Showing Some Guts”: Putting Alternative Medicine on the Map
- How Emotions Effect Health?
- Changes in Walking Spatiotemporal Parameters After Therapeutic Yoga in People with Chronic Stroke
- In Search of an Explanatory Bridge: Where Oriental and Western Medicine Converges
- Is CBD A Viable Option for Menstrual Symptoms?
- A Coin has Two Sides: Use Marijuana with Cautions
- Destabilization of Abnormal Methylation Enzymes: Nature’s Way to Eradicate Cancer Stem Cells
- Interoception: An Overview for Allied Health Professionals
- Relationship Between Food Plant Knowledge and Health of Rural Dwellers: A Case Study of Kampung Peninjau Lama, Bau District, Sarawak, Malaysia
- Teen Vaping of E-Cigarettes has Gained Enough Popularity in CA Among Youth That Gov. Gavin Newsome Declared A Public Health Emergency
- The Importance of Nature Based Mindfulness
- Edaravone’s Antioxidant Capabilities and its Therapeutic Benefits for Post-Ischemic Stroke: A Mini Review
- Mushrooms as Natural Antimicrobial Agents
- Energy and Sensitiveness
- Your Pain is in Your Head and that is Okay
- The Role of Spirituality and 12 Step Groups in Addressing Treatment Fear and Worry Among Head and Neck Cancer Patients
- Introducing S.A.S.S
- Breakthrough of Ginokgobiloba with Nutritions; Iron Zinc, Iodine, Pantothenic Acid
- Transforming Health Care by Transforming Ourselves
- Oral Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Chronic Diseases and Infections
- Prescribing Mindfulness for Heart Health
- Fall Prevention Efforts in Hospitals
- Potential Nematicidial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Against the Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne Incognita)
- Yoga Within
- Bone Density and Exercise
- The Conscious Internet: An Empirical Study of the Transmission of Healing Energy via E-mail
- Using the ASSIST Model to Improve Health and Wellness Adherence and Outcomes
- We Need Stories and Bibliotherapy Offers One Solution to Developmental Issues
- Calorie-Fluid Relationship According to Avicenna
- A Heuristic Model of Supervision Using Small Objects to Develop the Senses
- Efficacy Aloe Vera in Treatment: A Literature Review
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders Among Syrian Refugees in Zaatari Camp – Jordan
- Case study of Sex-avoidance and Anxiety Disorder
- Role of Traditional & Religious Leaders in Stigma Reduction
- Fasting
- Seclusion and Restraint Using Among Psychiatric Patients
- Comprehensive Literature Review of Perinatal Loss Supports
- Cancer Niche as Garbage Disposal Machine: Implications of TCM-Mediated Balance of Body- Disease for Treatment of Cancer
- Is Telepathy Allowed or Is Controled?
- Aligning Practice, Policy and Education with Evidence in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- The Relationship between Suicide and Quality Communication: A Literature Review
- Radical Holistic Intervention for Adults with Learning Disabilities Who Exhibit Violent and Aggressive Behaviour
- Caring for Dying Children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Nurses and Parents Perspective
- Case Study of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Why We Get Sick and Old?
- Facilitating Spiritual Care for Whole Person Patient- Centered Care
- Mind-Body Wellness Project: An Exemplar Case
- From Toxins to Drugs: Chemistry and Pharmacology of Animal Venom and other Secretions
- Sijunzi Tang, Codonopsis Pilosula Polysaccharide and Saccharomyces Boulardii Modulate the Gut Microbiome to Alleviate Dss-Induced Colitis in Mice
- Sunscreen and Effects of Oxybenzone
- Nutraceuptides: Perspectives into the Future of Supplementary Food Sciences and Therapeutic Technology
- Scutellaria Barbata Flavonoids Regulate Protein Phosphorylation of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β and Tau in N2a Cells with Aβ25-35-Induced Neurotoxicity Alzheimers
- A Review on Removable Partial Dentures
- The Expanding Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Dentistry
- Evaluation of the Severity and Surgical Difficulty Index of Impacted Maxillary Canines Using Panoramic Radiographs
- The Missing Piece: Oral Health in Humanitarian Guidelines
- Does Classical Music Really Rock and Roll? Yes, and Mozart is Forever
- Pilot Survey for Developing A Perioperative Oral Health Management Educational Program
- Cellular Senescence and Periodontal Diseases: An Overview
- Pathological Parafunction: Diagnosis, Clinical Presentation, and Treatment Options
- 3D Printing In Prosthodontic
- Cerebral Infarction Following Tooth Extraction in Uncontrolled Diabetes Leading to Death
- Dental Implants & the Rise of AI
- Vascular Malformation Disguised as an Epidermoid Cyst in the Submental Area: Regarding A Clinical Case
- TMJ Dysfunction and its Treatment Brought to a Level of Understanding for Doctor and Patient
- The Secret Is… It’s Not Only the Educator’s Knowledge that Matters, is the Way How it is Shared
- Effects of Various Cleansing Methods on Bond Strength of Contaminated Zirconia, Lithium Disilicate and Metals
- Decoding Online Teeth Whitening Videos and Social Media Complexities
- Exploring the Impacts of Surface Treatments on Polyamide Denture Base Transverse Strength
- Use of the Tool After the Lingual Frenulotomy to Improve the Strength, Range of Motion And Efficiency of the Tongue in the Myofascial Release Technique. A Case Report
- Ergonomic Loupes: the Essential Tool for Precision and Comfort in Medical Procedures
- Treatment of Dentigerous Cyst in Pediatric Patients: Two Case Reports
- Revisiting Prenatal Dental Care PracticesA Comprehensive Review
- Advanced Approaches in the Treatment of Periodontal Disease: Enhancing Dentifrices and Mouthwashes for Improved Efficacy
- Local Antiseptic used as Adjunct to Scaling and Root Planning in the Treatment of Periodontal Pocket
- Management of Dental Implant in Mandibular Idiopathic Osteosclerosis: A Case Report
- The Role of VR-Haptic Trainers in Dental Education. Proceedings from the First International VR-Haptic Thinkers Meetup Held in Kuopio, Finland
- Single Tooth Dento-Osseous Osteotomy for Malocclusion with The Ankylosed Tooth: A Case Report
- Review of Diabetes, Glycemic Control, and Dental Implant Therapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Exodus of Nigerian Medical Professionals from Nigeria: Looming Danger Incubating!
- Present and Future Treatment Modalities for the Mitigation and Cure of Periodontal Diseases
- Orthodontic Treatment with the Ultima Damon System, Four Permanent Contact Points for Precise Control of Rotation, Angulation, and Torque-Case Report
- Heterotopic Bone Formation After Alloplastic Temporomandibular Joint Reconstruction-Case Report
- International vs. U.S. Dental Residents’ Stress, Experienced Discrimination, Subjective Well-Being and Depression: A National Survey
- Foreign Body Penetration into the Infra-Temporal Fossa: A Previously Misdiagnosed Case
- Effect of the Implant Macro Design on Primary Stability: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Fractured Tooth Reattachment of Vital and Non Vital Tooth: A Case Series
- Dentist’s Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Regarding Deep Margin Elevation
- Signaling Pathways on Osteogenic Differentiation of PDLSCs in an Inflammatory Environment
- How to Successfully Bond Fluorotic Teeth?
- Embryonic Yolk Sac Tumor of Mandible: A Rare Entity with Clinicopathological Features and Literature Review
- Clinical Efficacy of Double Gingival Grafting Technique for the Treatment of Gingival Recession
- Does the Pediatric Dentistry Know About Sensory Processing Disorder? An Integrative Review
- Epidemio-Clinical Profile of Edentulousness of Patients Who Came for Prosthetic Restoration to the Dental Care and Treatment Centre in Mahajanga from 2015 to 2019
- Care of the Transition from Partial to Total Edentulousness by Odontostomatologists in Mahajanga Madagascar
- Malocclusion and Quality of Life in Children Aged 3 to 5 Years in Salvador-BA
- Implications of Oral Health Policy Consequent Covid19
- Can We Stop Using Dental Amalgam?
- Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance and stewardship program regarding dental practice
- The Role of Orthodontics in Gap Closure with Dental Implants
- Leveraging Human Oral-Derived Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cell Homing (hoNCSC-Homing) for Therapeutic Procedures in Regenerative Implant Dentistry-A Critical Analysis
- Allergic Reaction: Etiology, Pathogenesis with Advanced Vision in Therapeutics Modalities
- Flare-Up Incidence After Using Nano Zinc Oxide Eugenol as Biocompatible Dressing in Reversible Pulpitis: A 3 Years Follow Up Study
- Prognathism and Skeletal Class II-Definition from Dental Council of Hong Kong
- Factors Associated with the Edentulousness of Patients Coming for Consultation to the Dental Services in the City of Mahajanga Madagascar
- What I’ve Seen in My TMJ/TMD Practice Personally Examined Over 3,500 TMD Patients Over the Last 25 Years and Treated Most of them
- Single Tooth Implant Case in A Contraindicated Patient
- TMD Among Adolescents
- Bond Strength Between A Hard Chairside Reline and A Printed Denture Base Compared to A Conventional Heat Polymerized Denture Base: An In Vitro Study
- Treatment of Esthetic Sequelae of Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma with Suine Collagen Matrix-Case Report
- Clinical Effectiveness of Muscle Relaxants and Paralytics in the Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders: A Systematic Review of the Literature
- A Novel Technique for Orthodontic Gap Closure with Access through the Maxillary Sinus
- Stress Among Dentists
- Oral Implantology Isn’t Safe from Complications
- Comparison of Dentin Debris Extrusion After the Use of WaveOne Gold and Procodile Q NiTi File
- Oral Care in A Post-Antibiotic Age: Problems and Treatment Options
- Clinicopathologic Correlation: Pericoronal Unilocular Radiolucency in the Posterior Mandible
- Occlusal Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
- Oral Health Behaviors and Community Periodontal Index Among Military Staffs in Tehran, Iran
- Taqman Real Time PCR Assay for Desulfomicrobium Orale in Chronic Periodontal Lesions
- Surface Treatments of Titanium and Zirconia Implants: Impact on Bacterial Adhesion (Systematic Revue of Literature)
- Using Regional Acceleratory Phenomenon and Simple Orthodontic Mechanics for the Management of Impacted Second Lower Molars: A Comprehensive Review
- Contribution of oral records to the forensic identification in Yaounde
- Are Over-The-Counter Supplements Always Safe? A Case Report Summary
- Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors Association with Bruxism Among East Carolina Population
- Effects of Medications on Dental Implant Failure: A Review
- The Management of Periodontitis Patients Should not be Postponed During the COVID-19 Era
- Chief Complaint in A Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery Department in Abuja Nigeria
- Improvement in Wellness Following Periodontal Therapy
- The TMJ: Gateway to the Airway
- Platelet Concentrates and Their Clinical Applications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontal, Dentoalveolar and Reconstructive Surgery and Endodontics. Current Review.
- Focal Acantholytic Dyskeratosis in Non-Keratinized Tissue: A Case Report
- Covid-19 : A Pandemic Situation in Pakistan
- New Face and Vision of Dentistry Through Revolutionized Technique-An Era of Nanotechnology
- Componeer: A New Innovation in Aesthetic Dentistry
- The Role of Orthodontics in Idiopathic Condylar Resorption: A Literature Review
- Viability of Amnion-Chorion Membrane with the Trophoblast Layer in Augmented Posterior Extraction Sockets, A Case Report with Histological Study
- A New Technique of Treating Periodontal Disease- “Bone One Session Treatment (Bost)”
- Periodontal Disease: How Our Healthcare System is Failing Us
- The Truth Behind the Amber Teething Necklaces
- Service Evaluation of Paediatric Dental Patients Seen at Urgent Dental Care Hubs During the Initial COVID-19 Lockdown
- Esthetic Treatment for Children with Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: A Change in Quality of Life
- Overcoming Pandemic Fatigue: How to Reenergize & Motivate Ourselves & Dental Teams at The Post-Covid Era
- Comparing the Efficacy of Shear Bond Strength with Composite Attachments and Different Ceramic Surfaces-Zirconia, Lithium Disilicate, and Feldspathic Porcelain
- Oral Health Status of the Refugee Population in Utah
- Therapeutic Window of Photodynamic Treatment (PDT) in Conservative Periodontal Therapy -Analysis of Cell Migration Within A Three Dimensional Collagen Matrix
- Use of A Novel Intraoral Device to Promote Nasal Breathing Reduces Risk of Tooth Decay in Children
- Dental Patient’s Journey Map: Introduction to Patient’s Touchpoints
- Bilateral Extended Nasolabial Flap for Lower Lip and Chin Reconstruction-A Case Report and Review of Literature
- Uncertainty as an Oral Health Professional: Beginning with Recognizing the Reality
- Evaluation of Methods of Denture Cleaning
- The Evolution of Prosthodontic Postgraduates Research in China: A Retrospective Study from A Chinese School of Stomatology
- How Can We Handle Pandemic in the Dentistry and Prosthetic Clinic? Recommendations and New Approaches
- Fundamentals of Implant Overdenture-Overview
- A Study of Prognostic Significance of Perineural Invasion in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Effect of APF Treatment Of CAD/CAM Ceramics on Bond Strength
- Natural Teeth-A Novel Biomaterial for Bone Regenration
- Dental Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Prosthetic Joint Infections: A Narrative Review
- Clinical Effects of Commiphora Myrrha in Oral and Dental Medicine, A Mini Review
- Effect of Height Differences on the Retention and Wear Behaviour of Ball Attachment System Over Mandibular Dual Implants
- The Relationship between Rehabilitation of Severe Early Childhood Caries and Well-Being in 5 Years Old Patient, A Case Report
- Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of Missing Molar using Friction Fit Zirconia Crown Over Dual One Piece Implants-Clinical Report and I Year Follow Up
- An Investigation of the Reasons for Failure in Patients with A Fixed Prosthesis
- Anaesthesia and Rehabilitative Considerations for Full Mouth Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy Patients: A Case Series
- Covid 19 Gadgets and Equipments for A Dental Clinic-An Overview and Update
- Extra Oral 3D Scans on the go!
- Possibility of Polymicrobial Synergy and Dysbiosis of Periodonto Pathogens in the Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Tumour Microenvironment
- Novel Upgrading of Conventional Glass Ionomer Cement Using Nanohydroxyapatite, Silica and Zirconia
- Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of Missing Dentition Using Multi Unit Precision Attachment Hybrid Overdentures–Clinical Report of Two Patients
- Comparison of Enamel Fluoride Uptake from Five Fluoride-Containing Topical Treatment Products
- Sensory Branding: A New Era in Dentistry
- Mask or No Mask? May Be Modified Masks for Health Care Workers Wearing Respirators for Prolonged Hours During The COVID-19 Pandemic!
- Postoperative Pain in Endodontics
- Prevealence of Cleft Lip and Palate in Benghazi_Libya
- Primary Biliary Cholangitis and Sjogren’s Syndrome with Unspecified Neuropathy: A Case Report
- Applications of Cone Beam Computerized Tomography in Orthodontics: A Review
- Clinical Outcome of Root Analog Dental Zirconia Implants: A Systematic Literature Review
- Knowledge, Attitudes, and Anxiety towards Covid-19 among Female Postgraduate and Undergraduate University Students in Riyadh
- Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice with Regard to Periodontal Health Assessment and Plaque Control Measures among Dental Graduates in Mumbai, India-A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
- Mucogingival Complications Following Orthodontic Space Closure; A Retrospective Study
- COVID-19: Suggestion of Management Algorithm for Dentistry
- Eliminating Surgical Errors by Creating Emergence Profile with Implants
- The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer Patients after Radiotherapy with Dental Implants
- Giant Cell Granuloma due to Hyperparathyroidism: Case Report with Review of Litterature
- Oral Cavity and HIV Infection
- Self-Induced Trauma from Compulsive Parafunction
- The Modes of Dental Caries Prevention with Xylitol
- Oral Pyogenic Granuloma: Case Report of an Atypical Presentation
- UV Irradiation as a Disinfection Method to Reduce Covid-19 Cross-Contamination in Dentistry: A Scoping Review
- Oral Pigmentation as a Sign of Addison’s disease
- Perio Protect Method to Deliver Timed-Release Hydrogen Peroxide to the Salivary Ducts and the Oral Environment for Possible SARS-CoV-2 Protection
- How Do Regenerative Endodontic Procedures Work for Immature Necrotic Teeth?
- Bonding Monolithic Ultra-Translucent Zirconia Restorations to Endodontically Treated Teeth Systematic review
- Method of Diagnosis and Treatment of Impacted Teeth on the Upper Jaw
- Emergency Room Utilization for Dental Treatment: the Socioeconomic Impact of Utilizing Emergency Rooms to Treat Non-Traumatic Dental Issues
- Evaluation of a Topical Phenytoin on Gingival Wound Healing
- Chemotherapy Induced Lingual Hyperpigmentation
- Changes in Breathing Mode, Sensory Profile and Malocclusions in Infant Patients
- Oral Lichen Planus-A Challenging Case
- Phototoxic Effect of Visible Blue Light on Porphyromonas Gingivalis and Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans
- Panton-Valentine Leukocidin
- Efficacy Study of whitening Toothpaste containing Lemon (Citrus Limon (L) and Salt (Sodium Carbonate)
- Minimal Invasive Approach in Atrophic Jaws Rehabilitation Using A Reduced Number of Implants
- Inhibition of Porphyromonas Gingivalis Gingipain Activity by Prenylated Flavonoid, Sanggenol A
- Raman Fluorescent Technologies in Stomatology
- Endodontic Periapical Disease: A Virus-Based Perspective
- Whitening Oral Rinses
- Orthotropics Technique in Orthodontics
- Rotated Upper Central Incisor Complicated by Pathological Migration with Crowding in Upper and Lower Anterior Teeth Treated by Clear Aligners
- Efficacy of some Antibiotics against Streptococcus Mutans Associated with Tooth decay in Children and their Mothers
- Are Dental Medical Services Shared Equitably between the Members of our Society, Regarding Their Treatment Needs?
- The Association of Elevated Serum IgE and Xerostomia with Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis
- Research of The Effect of Saliva and Hygiene Products for Oral Cavity with the Use of The Indicators of Mineralization of Hard Tooth Tissues of Various Functional Groups
- The Use of Raman Fluorescence Technology to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Remineralization of Solid Tooth Tissue
- Indicators of Dental Status as The Reference Test System the General Adaptation Syndrome
- Indispensable for Preventıve Dentistry: Fissure Sealants
- Bulk Fill Composites
- Prevalence and Pattern of Third Molar Impaction in Sample of Yemeni Adults
- Communication Strategies for Reducing Patient Anxiety in Pedodontics Dentistry
- Regenerative Properties of a Manuka Honey Incorporated Membrane in a Porcine Model
- A Recommendation in The Treatment of Anterior Dental Crossbite Of A Single Tooth in The Early Mixed Dentition Period
- Dissecting Subperiosteal Abscess After Surgical Removal of Mandibular Third Molar
- Is it time to Stop Layering Ceramics?
- Comparison of Working Length Determination in Teeth with Vital Pulps with Digital Radiographs and Four Electronic Apex Locators. An In Vivo Study
- Peer Reviewed Open Access Academic Journals Versus Conventional Paper Based Formats Whats the Difference?
- Oral Health and Public Health Systems in Europe
- Digital Smile Design, Guided Surgery, Delivering Facial Driven Implant Treatment in A Failed Dentition: Case Reports
- Influence of Shoulder and Chamfer Margin Design on the Stress Distribution Pattern in Different All Ceramic Restorations by Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
- Multiple Risk Factors of Candida Albicans Associated Denture Stomatitis
- Investigation of Maturation Failure in Revascularization
- Hepatitis B Virus among Dental Clinic Workers and the Risk Factors Contributing for its Infection
- Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) vs Calcium Hydroxide in Direct Pulp Capping - Literature Review
- Individual Preferences on Grading Systems in Dental Schools
- A Simplified Approach to Rehabilitation of Swallowing: the Labiotherapy
- Association Between the Salivary Streptococcus Mutans Levels and Dental Caries Experience in Adult Females
- Bacterial and Fungal Oral Infections Among Patients Attending Dental Clinics in Sanaa City-Yemen
- Reinforcing Teaching Strategies with Demonstrational Videos in Dental Education
- Oral Microbiome and Response to Immunotherapy: Is It Time To Pay Attention?
- Use of Endodontic Cores for Rigid Screw Retention of the Natural Dentition to Dental Implants by Means of Fixed Partial Prostheses for the Atrophic Mandible: Long-Term Clinical Results
- Tramadol Addiction: A Growing Public Health Concern
- On Certain Aspects of The Relationship Between Judaism, Psychology, And Sexology
- A New Model of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processing for Understanding Obsessions and Compulsions
- Digitalisation of Social Life and Sexuality
- Drug Metabolite Presence in Oral Fluid Differs from Urine
- Boundaries for Pastors without Addiction Counseling Licensure in Counseling Addicted Clients in Recovery
- Immunoassay Testing of Benzodiazepines in Urine Fails to Protect Patients
- Deception in Urine Drug Tests and It’s Identification
- Observations on Prescribed Drugs for Pain Patients
- Amphetamine/Methamphetamine Concentrations in Urine and Oral Fluid
- Incidence of Morphine in Codeine Positive Urine Drug Tests
- Update: Observations on Fentanyl Designer Drugs
- Mastery, Relatedness, and Substance Use: Applying Self-Determination Theory to Homeless Rehabilitation
- Development of Cognitive Relations in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Role of Age and Gender in Internet Vulnerability Among Students
- Examining Dark Personality Traits and Leader- Member Relationships
- The Effect of Psychodrama Therapy on Impulsivity in Women with Comorbidity of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Methamphetamine Abuse in Social Emergency Referrals in Organization
- Effectiveness of Humor Skills Training on Psychological Hardiness and Psychological Distress of Mothers with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- The Marijuana Behavior Change Determinant Model (MBCDM): Measuring Marijuana Use and Comorbidity of Mental Health Disorders
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- The Recovery Church Movement for Addiction and Recovery
- A Little Bit About Addiction
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- A Critical Race Perspective of the Opioid and Crack Epidemics: How Race and Racism Influence(d) Policy
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- An All Too Common Loss: The Tragic Story of My Beloved Son, Jacob
- Social Scientists Worth Listening to in These Turbulent Times
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- Observations on Fentanyl Designer Drugs
- Impact of Florida Prescription Drug Monitoring Program/Pill Mill Legislation and OxyContin® Reformulation on Tablets Dispensed in Florida and California
- The Psychodynamic Clinic and The Analysis of Suffering at Work
- Observations on Mitragynine Use
- Mountain Biking as An Addiction
- Development Hijacked! Gaming Addiction and the Path to Recovery
- The Challenges Associated with Alzheimer’s and Caregiving
- The Holy Night –Nativity Play for Peace in the 21st cent., Presented with Children in Flight
- The Role of the Superior Parietal Lobule in the Müller- Lyer Illusion: A TMS Study
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- Meditation and Mindfulness Components in Successful Addiction Treatment and Prevention
- Heavy Truth Telling: Indigenous Pedagogy During the Recovery Of 215 Unmarked Children’s Graves on One Canadian Indian Residential School Site
- The Psychology of Good Health
- Predictive Effects of Women’s Adverse Childhood Experiences and Attachment Style upon Romantic Attraction towards Men with Dark Triad Personality Traits
- Drug Addiction in Qatar
- Obesity and Weight Loss in Male Veterans
- Does Gender Matter in Achievement Emotions?
- Intervention Studies on Forgiveness
- Drug Education, Teaching Practices, and Multicultural Diversity
- Behavior of Pregnancy in Adolescence, Mantilla Health Area, 2019-2020
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- The Concept of Mental Illness through the eyes of Thomas Szasz
- The Excessive Use of Social-Media Among College Students: The Role of Mindfulness
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- The Pandemic’s Effect on Children Globally: A Brief Perspective
- From Vice to Virtue in Marital Relationships
- A Method for Pastoral Care & Counseling with Transgender Emerging Adults in University Settings: Developing a Robust Understanding of Imago Dei
- Trends Among a Population of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Patients in Huntington, West Virginia
- Historical Trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder And ‘’Hate Crime Victims: A Review
- Habituated Devotion Cooked in An Existential Hermeneutical Phenomenological Way
- Safe Syringe Programs: An Exploration of Federal, State, and Local Level Responsibilities
- A Wandering Eye: Sexually Explicit Media Usage of MSMs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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- Implementing Mindfulness in A Continuation School in Order to Help Decrease Negative Behaviors
- Effectiveness of Prescription Monitoring Data Programs: A Policy Analysis
- The Art of Self-Care
- Binge Drinking in Emerging Adulthood: Prevalence, Predictors, and Preventions
- Sophistic Rhetoric and Narrative Psychology: Fielding the Differences
- Internet Addiction; Symptoms, Impacts and Treatments
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- An Eclectic Approach to Substance use Disorder Treatment
- The Opioid Crisis: Building Court, University, and Community Partnerships
- Social Media Addiction and Objective Measures of iPhone Use: Use What I Say and Use What I Do
- The Commodification of Self-Help: Deconstructing the Sirens’ Song
- Continued Need Exist for Culturally Sensitive Treatment for African Americans
- Interplay of Religious Coping Mechanisms, Internalized Homonegativity, and Attitudes towards Seeking Professional Help among LGBTQ African Americans within Christian Church Congregations
- Social Change Application – Disadvantaged Populations
- Need for Training in Clinical Programs on Recognition and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
- Neuropsychiatric Approaches for Human Suicide
- Addiction and Hate: Two Competing Interests
- Social Support and Mental Health Problems are Correlated with Substance Use among Middle and High School Students
- Smoking in Healthcare Professionals and Its Relationship with Their Attitudes Towards Smoking Cessation Techniques in Mexico
- Resolving Ethical Dilemmas for Substance Abuse Clinicians: Introduction to A Novel Framework
- Is Limited Medical Science Research in Personalized Treatment of General Population will Solve the Psychological Problems?
- A Qualitative Approach to Codependence in Men: Effects on Romantic Relationships
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- A Come Teach It Podcast InterviewThe Path to Becoming a Special Education EducatorThe Science and Humanity of Special Education
- Considering Intergenerational, Historical & Chosen Traumas in Schooling: A Review
- Online Group Psychotherapy for Addiction During Covid-19
- A Mini-Review on Paternal Postpartum Depression
- Gambling Disorder: The Cousin to Substance Abuse Disorder
- Polyamory: A Study of Love Multiplied
- Acculturative Influences on Psychological Well-Being and Health Risk Behaviors in Armenian Americans
- Disordered Eating and Body Image Among NCAA Division I and II Female Soccer Players
- The Science and Metaphysics of Addiction and Recovery
- A Quantitative Study Evaluating the Relationship between Psychopathic Traits and Cognitive Abilities in the Substance Abuse Population
- Home-School Collaborations are Key for Wellness during COVID-19
- The Science and Metaphysics of Addiction and Recovery
- Incorporating Neurocircuitry in Relapse Prevention
- Social Media Addiction, Cult Indoctrination, and the Coronavirus Pandemic; All in Relation to the Trump Presidency
- Perpetrators and Perpetuators: Clinicians and Stigmatizing Language
- Addiction of Caffeine and Sugar
- Supporting Collaborative School Based Substance Use Disorder Interventions
- Pennywise and Drug Foolish: On the Financial Gain of Rehabilitating Substance Abusers
- Prejudicial Ruling on Addiction in Federal Immigration Courts: The Case of One Asylum Seeker Goes Before the 9th Circuit Court
- Cure of Polymicrobial Mycobacterium Abscessus and Chelonae Endocarditis Through Integrated Medical and Addiction Treatment
- Youth Substance Use and Suicide Behavior
- Addiction and Violence Prevention in the United States
- Facebooking by Adolescents: A Narrative Review
- Cell Phone Addiction in Adolescents: A Narrative Review
- Addiction and Psychology
- Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorders: Treatment Guidelines for Counselors
- Cognitive Neuroscience Contribution to Police Officer Fitness for Duty Assessment: 2 Case Examples
- Burnout Impact on Medical Students’ Performance in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
- De-Escalation as a Therapeutic Strategy for Dual Diagnosis Patients in Psychiatry
- Genetic Main Components for Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis
- Cognitive Deficits in Cocaine Users
- Emotional Intelligence of Incarcerated Populations as Measured by The Rorschach Inkblot Technique
- Attention Deficits in Alcohol and Drug Use
- Perceptual Accuracy and Thought Complexity of a Correctional Population with the Wechsler IQ Test and the Rorschach
- From Stressed Self-Esteem to Emotional Climate Change
- Aberrant Prescription Medication Seeking Behavior Used by Prescription Drug Users to Obtain Prescription Medications from Physicians: A Qualitative Review of Webpages, Blogs and Forums
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- Janz Syndrome (Youth Mioclonics), Two Brothers Case Report and Literature Review
- Resilience: A Coping Strategy for Professional Women Dealing with Workplace Bullying
- Recovery & Military Culture, Substance Use as a Coping Mechanism and Fear of Military Personnel of Obtaining Treatment
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- Alcohol Use Disorder Recovery in Ethiopia
- Understanding Dual Diagnosis: Substance Abuse and Mental Illness
- Dependence and Tolerance in Opioid Abusers
- Shell Shock; War-Neurosis During World War I
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- Multiple Drug Use Disorder in Homeless People with Severe Mental Illness
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- Avoiding Traditional Psychoanalysis: An insolence Founded on Misconstruction
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- The Effects of Pornography on Adult Males’ Relationships
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- Doctor-Mindedness, Substance Abuse and Addiction Including Alcoholism and Hero-Minded Gung-Ho Pop-Media Culture Regarding the Industrialisation of the Health System and A Media Industry for Profit Promoting Illness Whilst Arguing Recovery Activation and the Holistic Role of the Media Industry
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- On Reliability in Evaluating the Awareness of Health Hazard of Tobacco Smoking of a Group Bangladeshi Students
- Using L-type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (LVGCC) Antagonists to Treat Withdrawal Symptoms of Chronic alcohol and Drug Abuse
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- Alcoholism, Gender, And Mental Illness
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- Cardiac Helical Function. Fulcrum and Torsion
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- Investigational Role of Convalescent Plasma in the Management of COVID-19 Disease in Inpatient & Outpatient Settings
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- Dengue Myocarditis Leading to Acute Cardiac Failure: Rare Manifestation of Expanded Dengue Syndrome
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- Energy Imbalances and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as One of the Cause of Tachycardia
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- The Issue of Coronary Ostia Cannulation after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
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- Carcinoid Heart Metastasis with Pericardial Effusion. A Rare Presentation
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- What Happened to Fibrinolysis?
- Anomalous Growth of the Magnetic Field is the Root Cause of Cardiovascular Diseases and the Therapy is to Stay in the Earth’s Natural Magnetic Field
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- Description of the Mechanism of Positive Inotropic Action of the Isoquinoline Alkaloid F-18
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- Chloride as an Overlooked Cardiorenal Link in Heart Failure
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- Brazilian Lipid Cardiovascular Risk Pre and During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Asymptomatic and Severely Affected Groups
- Guidance of Clinical Magnet Application of Inhibition of Inappropriate Shock in Patient of Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: A Review of the Literature
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- Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction
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- Resistant Kawasaki Disease in an Infant Causing Giant Coronary Aneurysms with Thrombosis
- Cardio Metabolic Overrun in A Context of Covid 19: A Real Problem of Care in Sub-Saharian Africa
- Improving the Tolerability and Efficiency of Electrocardiograms in Psychiatric Hospitals: A Pilot Study
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- Normal P, QRS & T Axis on an Electrocardiogram (ECG) as Seen in Plateau Specialist Hospital, Jos. Central Nigeria
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- Right Sided Endocarditis
- Comparative Analysis of His Bundle Versus Septal Versus Right Ventricuar Apical Pacing- A Short Term Follow up Study
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- Does Interleukin-2 Predict Success of Thrombolytic Therapy
- Thrombolysis with Tissue Plasminogen Activator (Tpa) Alone has been A Longstanding Mistake
- Bacterial Endocarditis A Brief Perspective
- Lipoprotein X in Cholestasis and Questionable Atherogenic Risk
- Right Ventricular Cardiogenic Shock Caused by Myocardial Infarction: A Review
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- Lp (A) and Aortic Stenosis
- Mitral Valve Repair Operations - Aspects of Risk and Uncertainty
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- Takotsubo Syndrome: A Literature Review
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- Primary Cardiac Lymphoma Case Report
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- The Importance of the Pulmonic Valve Morphology in Pulmonary Hypertension
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- Antisynthetase Syndrome with Anti-Pl12 Antibodies and Cardiac Involvement
- Marantic or Non-Bacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis
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- Common HYPERTENSION/IHD Risk Factors and Adherence to Treatment among the Population of Veliky Novgorod (based on Materials of RELIEF Regional Study)
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- Keeping the Patent Internal Mammary Artery out of Harms way at Future Reoperation
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- Role of the Biological Processes in Soil forming Process and Soil Fertility (Azerbaijan, Shamakhy)
- DNA Interaction Study of Some Symmetrical 1,2-Phenylenediamine Schiff ’s Base Derivatives as New Potential DNA Intercalators Using Ethidium Bromide Competition Fluorescent Assay
- Clinical Pharmacists in Pediatric Units
- Clinical Challenges in Using Chinese Medicinal Herbs
- Epigenetic Information-Body Interaction and Information-Assisted Evolution from the Perspective of the Informational Model of Consciousness
- Impact of High-Altitude Ultraviolet Radiation on Functionability of Flight Crews
- Medical Applications of 3D Printing
- Scientist Turned Entrepreneur to Tackle Diabetes: Novel Therapy in the Making
- Public Health, Ethical Vegetarianism, and the Harms of the Animal Food Industry
- Variations of Interest Among People for Watching Cricket with Respect to Blood Grouping
- Medical Image Compression for Telemedicine Applications
- Informational Mode of the Brain Operation and Consciousness as an Informational Related System
- Gravitational Stress & Biological Aging
- Antimicrobial Potential of Plant Extracts from the Pitangui-Mg Region, Brazil
- Comparing the Renal Profile of Patients with Dementia Admitted to a Psychiatric Unit to Those with Delirium/Dementia Seen by the Liaison Psychiatric Services in District General Hospital (DGH) In Wales
- The Application of Biotechnology on Livestock Feed Improvement
- The New World Neuropsychiatry II
- Combining Biocatalysts and Semi-Synthesis to (Bio)Synthesize Recalcitrant Pharmaceuticals
- Biological, Medical and nano-structured materials - NMR done simply
- Nursery Service in Modern Days
- Note on Factor Analysis Applied in Medical Research
- Important Challenges in the Search for a Correct Characterization of Arbovirus Cases
- Antibacterial Activity of Leptadenia Hastata Leaves Extracts against Some Gastro-Intestinal Isolates
- Brain Disorders and its Treatment
- Comparison of Cholinergic Status with Quantitative EEG in Healthy Subjects and Patients Suspected of Dementia
- Engineering Approaches to Prevent Blood Clotting from Medical Implants
- Fungus or Cancer: is it or is it not?
- Atypical Ductal Lesion in the Breast: Review
- Purulent Appendicular Peritonitis in Pregnancy: Management and Pregnancy Outcome
- Success of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging in Diagnosis of Cervixcal Metaplasia
- The Reoriented Neoplasm: Post-Transplant Lympho- Proliferative Disorders
- Effects of Element Directivity in Linear-Array Photoacoustic Imaging
- The Future of Health and Healthcare in a World of Artificial Intelligence
- How to Measure Our Sensitivity in Order to Better Understand What Happens and Decide What to Do
- E-Health and the Change of the Health Paradigm
- Innovation in Engineering Field and Basic Sciences in the Analytical Solution of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (PDE) by new Approaches AYM
- Pressure-Less Acoustic Immittance Measurements of Patients with Persistent Ventilation Disorders
- Alar Spanning Suture: How to Get A Predictable Outcome in Time
- Pressure Ulcer on the Nose Due to Medical Mask Use: A Case Report
- EBV+T Lymphocyte Proliferative Disease was Diagnosed after Tonsillectomy in Children
- Longitudinal Analysis of Calcium and Parathyroid Hormone Levels in Normocalcemic Patients Following Total Thyroidectomy
- Comparison of Conventional Single-Frequency Tympanometry with Pressure-Less Acoustic Immittance Measurements of Pathological and Normal Middle Ears
- Interpretation of Computed Tomography of the Temporal Bone on Inverted Imaging by Otologists and Neurotologists
- Aggressive Mucormycosis in a Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patient: A Case Report and Treatment Approach
- Tracheotomy is A Surgical Procedure that is Performed to Enable Unhindered Breathing
- Allergic Sinusitis, Allergic Migraine, and Sinus Headaches
- Recalcitrant Neck Abscesses as a Late Complication of Neck Liposuction: Case Report
- Larynx-Preservation for T4a Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Where’s the Evidence?
- Voice Quality in Italian Speaking Children with Autism
- Laryngectomy : Experience with 37 Cases in A Tertiary Care Hospital
- Use of Topical Tranexamic Acid for the Treatment of Post-Tonsillectomy Bleeding Cases Report and Literature Review
- P53 And P16 Protein Expression and Survival in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity
- Cognitive Hearing Science: Clinical Implications in Audiology
- Transient Global Amnesia Case Report
- Prospective, Monocentric, Repeated-Measures Study of ADHEAR in Adults with Middle Ear Disease
- Medication Adherence Among Sicklers and How Sickly are the Sicklers? A Study in A South-South State of Nigeria
- Management of Suicidal Cut Throat Injury: Lessons Learnt
- Sinonasal Tumor Associated with Paraneoplastic Syndrome
- Manipulation under Anaesthesia of Fractured Nasal Bone-A Review
- Glossoplasty Procedure in Treatment of Lingual Lymphatic Malformations
- Mucociliary Clearance and its Relationship to Chest CT Scores in Covid 19 Patients
- Extremely Rare Case Presentation of Lemierre Syndrome Caused by Klebsiella Pneumonia: Case Reports
- Laryngitis of Tubercular Origin: A Review
- A Case Report of Epiglottic Cyst Mimicking A Laryngocele: A Diagnostic Dilemma
- Choanal Polyps: A Current Review
- The Industrial Continual Consequent Testing Each Partial Activities in Each Unique Legal Medical Processing in All Medical Branches of Human Medicine
- Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of Nasopharynx and Maxillary Sinus: A Rare Metachronous Presentation
- Evaluation of the Level of Hetero Perception of the “T” Graft for the Management of Nasal Tip in A Group of Mexican Patients
- Frontal Sinus Cerebrospinal Fluid Fistula in A Crouzon Syndrome Patient
- Telephone Consultation in Otolaryngology During Covid-19; Patient Outcomes and Satisfaction
- Clinical Approach to A Case of Stridor in Paediatric Age Group
- Risk of Fractures in Older Adults Living with HIV
- Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Laryngeal Cancer: Evaluation of the Affecting Factors
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the External Auditory Canal: A Sternocleidomastoid Flap Reconstruction
- New Frontiers in Balloon Sinuplasty
- Use of Naso-Melo-Labial Flap of Advancement and Rotation in Canine Bite Injury. About 1 Case.
- Study of Evaluation of Mucosal Wave Variation According to the Pitch by Biomechanical Analysis
- Convergence Technique is the Easy and Reliable Landmark for Identification of the Facial Nerve in Parotid Surgery
- Effective Treatment of Chronic Neuritis of the Auditory Nerve Resonance Therapy
- The Feasibility of Telepractice Intervention using Animated Illustrations for Remediating Prepositions: A Pilot Study
- Ankyloglossia is to be Treated Properly and in Time
- Intelligence of Children with Repaired Cleft Palate: A Retrospective Chart Review Study
- A Systematic Review of Sucralfate Role in Post Adenotonsillectomy Pain Control
- Flap Complications After Cochlear Implant
- Audiological Behavior of the Population that Attends the Clinic of Diagnosis of Hospital Angeles Del Pedegal
- Creating A Protocol for the Management of Epistaxis in A Tertiary Care Centre-A Practical Application of the British Rhinological Society Multidisciplinary Consensus Recommendations on the Hospital Management of Epistaxis
- Ectopic Thyroid Mimicking A Thyroglossal Duct Cyst: A Case Report
- A Clinical Epidemiological Study of Patients with Coronavirus Disease Associated Mucormycosis Treated at A Tertiary Care Nodal Centre
- Defining High-Risk Tracheostomy in the Intensive Care Unit
- High And Dehiscent Jugular Bulb in External Ear Canal: A Case Report
- Rhinolithiasis
- Intralabyrinthine Cholesterol Granuloma with Rapid Progression After Acute Hemorrhage, A Common Origin?
- Evolution of Joint Pain in Patients Treated with Discopexy: Retrospective Study of a Series of Cases
- Conservative Management of Pharyngo-Cutaneous Fistula Following Traditional Tonsillotomy: A Case Report
- Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis
- A Rare Case of Eagle Syndrome Associated with Tonsil Hypertrophy: Case Report with Literature Review
- Endoscopic Transnasal Resection of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Nasal Septum: A Case Report and Literature Review
- Permanent Childhood Hearing Loss in Infants with Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy: Incidence and Risk Factors
- Therapeutic Induction of Interleukin-10 by Theophylline Administration for the Treatment of Hyposmia
- Complications in Blepharoplasty and How to Resolve Them
- Multisession Radiosurgery for Large Glomus Jugulare Tumors in and Around Jugular Foramen
- Clinical Evaluation of Efficacy of Cyanoacrylate Glue and Conventional Polypropylene Suturing in Cutaneous Wounds-A Comparitive Study
- The New Strategy in Head and Neck Cancer-Changes in Diagnosis and Survival
- A Case that Should be Considered in Recurrent Rhinosinusity in Childhood: Rhinolite
- Demodex and Itching Ears
- Optional Surgery? What A Surgeon Must Not Miss!
- Physiological Aspects of Vestibular Schwannoma Treated with Radiosurgery
- Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy in Sarcoidosis Diagnosis and Management
- Brachial Plexus Schwannoma: Case Report
- Advances in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Technique: The Impact of Technological Breakthroughs
- Cochlear Synaptopathy in Humans. Review of the Evidence and Future Directions
- Diagnostic Assessment of Progressive Fluctuating Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Children
- Acute Neck Cellulitis Revealing Cutaneous Non Hodgkinien B Cell Lymphomas: Case Report and Review of the Literature
- Giant Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Parapharyngeal Space: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
- Current Perspectives in Meniere’s Disease Treatment: A Mini Review
- One Stage Multilevel Surgery for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
- Diagnostic Dilemma: Presenting as A Posterior Neck Swelling
- Factors Challenge Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal Swab Results in COVID-19 patients
- Fixed Drug Eruption Due to A Cerumenolytic Ear Drop; Hydrogen Peroxide and Boric Acid: A Case Report
- Slow Progressing Localized Tumor Like Pharyngeal Mass: What Is Your Diagnosis?
- The Incidence of Post-Septoplasty Complications Among Patients with Deviated Nasal Septum in Relation to Gender and Age
- Serious Airway Compromise in Rare Presentation of Posterior Tongue Base Abscess
- How We Do It: The Hickey Technique for Removing A Foreign Object from the Nasal Cavity of A Child
- Pattern of lymph node metastasis in oral cancer
- Laryngeal Dystonia with Frequent Stridorous Attacks in Xeroderma Pigmentosum Type A, Would Early Tracheostomy Change the Outcome Case Report and Literature Review
- Endoscopic Septoplasty Versus Conventional Septoplasty: Study of 60 Cases
- Evolution of Hearing
- Hearing Loss Gene Panel Testing: Considerations for Clinical Practice
- Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy for Treatment of Refractory Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Pilot Study
- Maxillary Alveolar Carcinoma: Risk of Recurrence and its Relation with Prognostic Indicators
- ‘POLIDON’ Approach-A Novel Approach of Mastoidectomy in the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Evaluation of Saccular Function with cVEMP In Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Carcinoma Lower Lip: Shaving and Reconstruction under Local Anesthesia
- Adult Ear Tubes
- External Otitis
- Dyspnea After Tracheostomy for Painful Cervical Swelling: What is Your Diagnosis?
- Nerves Paralysises Associated to Nasal Obstruction: What is Your Diagnosis??
- Effect of Adenoid Hypertrophy on Otitis Media with Effusion (OME): A Study of 120 Pediatric Cases
- Auditory Screening
- Anatomical Variations of Paranasal Sinuses on Multidetector Computed Tomography
- Anatomy of Frontal Recess and Opening
- Size Dictates in the Treatment of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
- The Importance of the Freeway Space in ENT Evaluations of Airway Interferences
- Povidone-Iodine may be the “Silver Bullet” in the Prevention and Control of Covid-19 Infection, Based on New Scientific Data
- Local Anesthesia (La) without Preoperative Sedation in Tympanoplasty
- Features of Sensorineural Hearing Loss Caused by Exposure to Aircraft Noise
- Unusual Case of Pharyngeal Foreign Body: Metal Spoon in An Adult (Case Report)
- Intraoperative Finding of Cholesteatoma in Central Tympanic Perforation
- Our Study of Comparison of Oticon Digisonic and Cochlear Limited Implants in North India
- A Study of Outcomes Following Cochlear Implantation in Children under Adip Scheme-an Indian Experience
- Real-Time Interactive Telementoring between Ethiopia and the United States
- Adaptation of Moroccan Radiotherapy Services to the Covid-19 Outbreak
- Hamartoma Epithelial Respiratory Adenomatoid-Literature Review
- A Rare Case of Mixed Tumor of Right Nasal Sill Diagnosed Histopathologically more Frequently than Expected
- A Clinical Evaluation of Adaptive Hearing Aid Compression: Exploring its Impact on the Word Recognition Abilities of Spanish Pediatric Hearing Aid Users
- Pick up an oar - or swab - and row
- We & CORONA, where to?!
- Dizziness in A Patient with Airway Compromise and TMD: A Case Report
- Anxiety and Smoking Behavior of Teenager in Papua, Indonesia
- Neck Metastasis from A Papillary Thyroid Cancer with no Detectable Primary Tumor in Thyroid-Case Report and Current State
- Holoprosencephaly from the Otolaryngology Perspective-Case Report
- Clinical Presentations, Surgical Management and Outcome of Sinonasal Inverted Papilloma
- Management of Facial Palsy Secondary to Temporal Bone Fracture
- Single-Stage Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy, Nasal Surgery and Modified Barbed Soft Palatal Posterior Pillar Flap Palato Pharyngoplasty for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- An Extended Scope of Practice for Audiology: the Case for Ireland
- Sphenoid Sinusitis Presenting as Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis in a Diabetic Patient
- Invasive Fungal Rhinosinusitis in Pediatric Populations; a Tertiary Hospital Experience
- Proton Pump Inhibitors for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: What Do We Know?
- Wonder Spray (HOCL) Kills the Bacteria that Cause Strep Throat and Pneumonia
- The C-Reactive Protein Response in Βeta-Hemolytic Streptococcal Infections
- How to prevent nasal obstruction after Rhinoseptoplasty. Could a routine turbinate reduction improve the outcomes in Quality of Life of patients?
- Localization of Herpetic Viruses Patterns in Sinonasal and Nasopharyngeal Malignant and Benign Tumors
- Loss of Smell is a Big Loss
- Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy, our Experience
- Vestibular Migraine-A Diagnostic Dilemma (A Case Report with Review of Literature)
- Functional Outcomes in Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery of the Skull Base, a Rising Challenge
- Impact of Mastoidectomy in The Repair of Tympanic Perforation in Patients with Chronic Non-Cholesteatomatous Otitis Media with Sclerotic Mastoid Bone
- Hearing Health Programs for Schoolchildren
- Does Acoustic Overlay of Music Improve Aerosol Penetration into Maxillary Sinuses?
- Occupational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (ONIHL) and Fishing
- An Audit of the Predictive value of SNOT 22 Test in Evaluating Nasal Surgeries Emersons Green /Devizes NHS Treatment Centers-UK
- The Invisible Handicaps of O.R.L. Detroit
- Grisel Syndrome: A Rare Complication of Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy
- Imaging in Simple Nasal Trauma.Is Current Practice Uniform Worldwide? A Survey of Global Practices
- Internal Carotid Artery Dissection Causing Lower Cranial Neuropathies
- Somatic Tinnitus and Manual Therapy: A Systematic Review
- Classification of Nasal Deviation
- Loss of Empathy in Medical Training: A Sad Behavioral Learning
- Ossifying Fibroma of Nasal Cavity: A Rare Case Report
- Vascular Complications of Parapharyngeal Abscesses
- Validation of Clinical Assessment for Diagnosing Dysphagia in Infants with Chronic Encephalopathy
- Otolaryngology, Hearing, Knowledge and Globalization
- Ear, Nose and Throat Approach in Autoimmune Blistering Diseases
- Antibiotic Resistance and Upper Respiratory Infections
- Quality of Life in Pediatric Patients with Serous Otitis Media using the OM6 Questionnaire, Centro Medico Nacional Del Noroeste, Instituto Mexicano Del Seguro Social Sonora, Mexico
- Modeling and Simulation of Microelements, Microsystems and Technological Processes for their Production
- Study on Dislocation-Divalent Cations Interaction in Potassium Chloride Crystals by Strain-Rate Cycling Tests Combined with Ultrasonic Oscillation
- Effect of Chlorine Doping on ZnSe Thin Films and Photovoltaic Devices
- Review of Magnetic Phenomena in Multilayer Systems
- Modeling and Simulation of Bending, Tensile and Impact Loads of Reinforced Thermosets with Carbon Fiber Fleece
- Castor Oil Evaluation as a Protection Coating for Sunken Granite Monuments, Alexandria, Egypt
- Leveraging Tea Tree Oil for The Preservation of Submerged Antiquities: An Integrated Approach to Granite Conservation at The Underwater Museum, Alexandria, Egypt
- Coating Sunken Granite Monuments with Wheat Germ Oil to Protect from Against Various Factors of Deterioration, Alexandria, Egypt
- Underwater Museum: Applying Coconut Oil to Coat Red Granite - A Comprehensive Preservation Approach for Submerged Artifacts in Alexandria, Egypt
- Manufacturing Thermoplastic Particleboards by Compounding Hotmelt and Wood Chips Using a Rotational Heat Mixer
- Assessment of the natural protective protection of granite monuments sunken by coating with sweet almond oil- Alexandria – Egypt
- An Integrated Approach to Protecting of Sunken Granite Artifacts by Coated with Pumpkin Seed Oil in Alexandria, Egypt
- The Effects of Total Mass Flow Rate and Gas Composition in Reactive Radio-Frequency Sputtering of Ultrathin Films
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- Fast decoration of titanium nanoparticles with noble metals for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity in environmental remediation and hydrogen generation
- Determination of the Liposomal Bulk Modulus by Molecular Acoustics
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- Is the membrane permeability the primary property for the membrane potential generation?
- Advances in Theoretical Studies of Scintillators for Positron Emission Tomography Application
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- A Way out of World-Wide Indentation Dichotomy in Materials’ Science
- Materials Science, Circularity and Sustainability: The need for Fundamental Change in Materials Science Research.
- Immobile Charges Play an Essential Role for Membrane Potential Generation
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- Review of the Exchange Anisotropy and the Methods of Investigation
- Time to Probe Physics Origin of Universal Unusual Anisotropic Magnetoresistance
- Investigating the Physical and Chemical Effects of UV Aging on TPO-Modified Asphalt Binder
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- Investigation of fatigue strength evaluation of welded structure on spirally welded tank wagon via finite element analysis
- Heat Transport Equations in Elastic Nanosystems
- Early confirmative work of the Association-Induction Hypothesis
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- An Overview on Physio-Mechanical Properties and Applications of Synthetic Fibers
- A Review on the Properties and Electronic Applications of Glass Fibers: Effect of Radiation
- Thermo-Mechanical Properties and Applications of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
- Study on X-Ray-Induced Defects as Barriers for Dislocation Motion by Strain-Rate Cycling Tests Combined with Ultrasonic Oscillation
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- Mechanical Study of the Valorisation of Concrete Waste from Construction Waste in Bituminous Concrete
- Radiation Technology for Food Irradiation
- Enhancement of the Thermoelectric Properties of Fe2VAl with the Introduction of Porosity
- Applications of Amorphous Metallic Fibers as Reinforcement Materials
- Study on Thermal Activation Barrier for Dislocation Motion by Strain-Rate Cycling Tests Combined with Ultrasonic Oscillations
- Nanocrystallinity, Chemical Surface Modification and Light-Tuning of Diamond Layers for Improved Cell Growth
- Investigations on the Time Dependence of the Wetting Behavior of Ceramics by Means of Picosecond Laser Processing
- An Experimental Study on Transient Heat Transfer Effect for Waste Extruded Aluminium Collectors Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Method
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- The Impact of Simulated Direct Sun Radiation on the Thermal and Optical Performance of Cellular Glass Coated with WO3 Based Painting
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- The Effect of Durability and Corrosion Behavior on the Concrete Treated with Chemical Inhibitor
- A Review on the Properties of Natural Fibers and Manufacturing Techniques of Fiber Reinforced Biocomposites
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- Improving the Lifetime of Mechanical System Such as Hinge Kit System Subjected to Repeated Impact Stress
- Hydrogen Production For Sustainable Environment: Perspective
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- The Reproducibility Crisis in Science from the Perspective of Thin Film Deposition: An Unexpected Approach
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- Mechanomagnetic Spectroscopy: A Review
- Wood: A Modern Material?
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- Modification of the Oxidized Surface of Titanium to Impart of Bioactivity
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- Hall Effect Phenomena
- “Urban Mine” A Modern Source of Materials: Part I Battery Recycling
- Analysis of Fly Ash and Paramagnetic Nanoparticles with Hybrid Base Fluid Due to Applied Magnetic Dipole in a Stretching Sheet with Momentum Slip Condition: FEM Approach
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- The Adsorption Behavior of Copper Clusters on SiO2and TiO2 Surfaces: A Computational Study
- Study of Nanocomposites of Silicon Structures for use in Mechatronics
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- Using New Concepts in Nanoscience to Develop New Materials
- Growth Study of Silicon Nanowires Synthesized Via Plasma-Assisted VLS Using Tin Catalysts
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- On the Experimental Assessment of Thermodynamic Stability of Nanostructured Solid Solutions
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- Exciton Quasimolecules and Exciton Quasicrystals: Theory
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- Kesterite Solar Cells
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- Precision Ellipsometry for Quantitative Real-Time Monitoring of Molecular Layers
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- Theoretical Study of The Alloying Elements on the Properties of Tib2 Ceramic Reinforced Fe Matrix Composite
- Using AMRO Quantum Oscillations to Probe the Fermi Surface of Quasi-2d Layered Organic Conductors in Low Temperatures and High Magnetic Fields
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- Nondestructive Evaluation an Integral Part of Engineering
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- The Erroneous Banishment of Plastics
- Effect of Rare Earth Doping on the Optical Quality of А2В6 Semiconductors
- Metal Insulator Transition in Vanadium Dioxide Hydrated by Means of the Plasma-Immersion Ion Implantation Method
- Inorganic Polymers as Return to Stone Age
- Effect of Infrared Radiation on the Hydrogen in Thin Films Double Barriers Based Melt Silicone-Germany
- Measuring of Polarization and Ohmic Potentials for the Diagnostics of Corrosion Protection of the Metal Structures
- Advance of the Modified g-C3N4 Materials by Doping WO3-x (X=0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
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- Spontaneous Uterine Perforation Secondary to Uterine Carcinosarcoma Presenting as Acute Abdomen with Pneumoperitoneum
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- Management of Twin Delivery in N’Djamena Mother and Child University Hospital
- Caesarean Section in the N’Djamena National Center of Fistula Treatment: Indications and Prognosis
- Examination of the Mode of Birth, Birth Satisfaction, and Mother-Infant Bonding of Mothers who Received Prenatal Education and Those Who Did Not
- Chemotherapy Regimen for Ovarian Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumor in a Pediatric Patient: Case Report and Literature Review
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- Concerns and Challenges of Women about Reproductive Health During Pandemic
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- Real-Time Virtual Sonography Using MRI And Ultrasound Fusion in the Evaluation of CNS Anomalies
- Race and Gender Imbalance in Academic Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Materno-Fetal Complications of Pre-Eclampsia at the Yaoundé Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital
- Correlation Between Pregravid Nutritional Status, Obstetric Nutritional Risk and Maternal Morbidity in High Risk Pregnancy: A Case Control Study
- How to Simplify the Complete Fetal Echocardiogram to Improve the Detection Rate of Congenital Heart Diseases: A New Approach in Anatomical Position
- Evaluating the Discriminatory Performance of Embryonic Day 14 Serum β-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Levels in Women Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization Using the Volume Under a Three-Class Receiver Operating Characteristic Surface
- Misdiagnosis of a Case of Abdominal Granulosa Cell Tumor: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
- Trends and Evolution in Women’s Health Workforce in the First Quarter of the 21st Century
- Management of Postpartum Endometritis in N’Djamena Mother and Child University Hospital
- A Case Report of Ovarian Asexual Cell Tumor Misdiagnosed as Ectopic Pregnancy
- Early Hematological Changes in Patients with Asymptomatic COVID-19 During Labor
- Why do we Still Perform Hysteroscopies in the Operating Room?
- Ischiorectal Abscess Following CO2 Laser Ablation for Condyloma and Pudendal Block
- Comparing Pipelle and Hysteroscopy with Abrasion in Malignant and Premalignant Endometrial Findings
- Giant Polyp of the Cervix - A Case Report
- Post-Coital Seepage - A Rarely-Discussed, Yet Common Inconvenience for Most Women: A Main Systematic Review
- Management of Placenta Accrete in a Tertiary Care Hospital: Step by Step Approach
- COVID-19 Pandemic; Impact on the Colposcopy Service
- Patients with Low Socioeconomic Status are More Likely to Present for Non-Elective Ovarian Cancer Surgery
- Postponing Menopause and Lengthening Fertile Age for Women’s Good Health: A Potential Hope
- For Those with Inadequate Legal Documents, COVID-19 Vaccination Remains Challenging
- Common Placental Abnormalities Review
- Early Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction Outcomes: NonChemical-Based Method Yield Improved Pregnancy Rates and Minimized Risks
- Outpatient Hysteroscopy for the Management of Intrauterine Disorders: Feasibility, Effectiveness and Safety For 3000 Cases
- Apitherapy and Gynaecology –To What Extent Can Methods from This Area Be Alternatives to Conventional Ones?
- Could Helicobacter Pylori Infection Be A Risk Factor for Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- A Case Report of Severe Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy with Severe Liver Damage as the Main Manifestation
- An Overview of the Basic Knowledge of Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System
- Histopathological Findings in Symptomatizing Patients After Supracervical Hysterectomy: A Cross Sectional Study
- Umbilical Vessels Traversing Cervical Os: Vasa Previa
- Intracystic Injection of Methotrexate in Postmenopausal Female Suffering from Simple Ovarian Cyst with Low Malignancy Index
- Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices About Contraception in Patients who had Undergone A Caesarian Section in N’Djamena Mother and Child University Hospital
- Gestational Sac vs Pseudosac
- Pravastatin Improves Angiogenic Factors and Feto Placental Doppler in Pregnancy with Early Severe Fetal Growth Restriction: A Case Report
- Is It an Ovarian Tumor or Broad Ligament Leiomyoma?
- Clinical Characteristics of 18-Trisomy Syndrome Failed to Be Diagnosed After Prenatal Screening
- The Incidence, Aetiology And Treatment of Leiomyoma in Nigeria
- Regional Register of Cesarean Sections “С-Registеr”
- Incidence and Clinical Profiles of COVID-19 In Patients with Gynecological Surgery. A Single Center Descriptive Study from Spain
- State-Of-The-Art Ultrasound in the Management of the Infertile Couple
- Determining Predictive Factors of Para-aortic Lymph Node Involvement in Low-grade Endometrial Cancer
- Atwal Striae Gravidarum Score for Prediction of Perineal Tears During Vaginal Delivery: A Cross- Sectional Study
- A Scoping Review of the Effects of COVID-19 Medications on Pregnancy
- The Potential Use of Urinary CtDNA Profiling in the Treatment of Breast Cancer
- The Unusual Combination of Pregnancy and Uterine Fibroids (Clinical Observation)
- Incidence of Post-Partum Depression among Female Patients Presenting in the Outpatient Clinic of Obstetrics & Gynecology Department in ACTH At Khartoum State, September - November 2017
- Minimal Laparotomy Management of a Giant Asymptomatic Ovarian Teratoma in a Woman of Reproductive Age: A Case Report
- Vitamin D Levels are found to be higher in Gestational Diabetics in Vitamin D Depleted Population
- The Effect of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Rays in the Treatment of Uterine Fibroids on Tissue Parameters of Endometrial Receptivity
- Prevalence of Dyslipidemia among Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Based on Body Mass Index
- Updates in the Prevention of Preeclampsia, What’s Beyond Aspirin?
- Black Box Warning: Cardiovascular Complications Make Motherhood Unsafe for African American Women
- Fetal Congenital Hepatic Cyst
- Experience in Using Liquid Cytology in the Diagnosis of Endometrial Pathologies
- Ultra Sonographic Mirror Depiction of Enormous Bizarre Intramural Myomas - Laparoscopic Dissection
- Combination Local Therapy of Genitourinary Menopausal Syndrome Symptoms
- Validation and Clinical Use of the Non-Invasive Prenatal Test “Veracity”
- Gestational Weight Gain and Large for Gestational Age Neonates in a Predominantly Hispanic Population Community Hospital
- Pregnancy Treatment in Covid-19 Pandemic: General Considerations
- Tranexamic Acid versus Carbetocin for Reduction of Blood Loss during Abdominal Myomectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- A Nomogram for Prediction of Risk Factors for Preeclampsia during Antenatal Care at a Tertiary Maternity Hospital
- Benign Gynecologic Surgery in the Elderly Patient
- Assessment of the Immunomodulatory Role of Dydrogesterone in Preventing Pregnancy Loss in Threatened Abortion
- Time from Decision to Completion of Emergency Caesarean Section and Prognosis in N’Djamena Mother and Child University Hospital
- Experience of Surgical Treatment of Adenomyosis and Reproductive Outcomes
- Contraception Experience among Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease
- Repeated Ectopic Pregnancy after Unilateral or Bilateral Salpingectomy in Assisted Reproductive Technology
- Value of Neutrophil Lymphocytic Ratio and Platelet Lymphocytic Ratio in Premature Rupture of Membranes for Detection of Subclinical Chorioamnoitis
- Efficacy in Suppressing Ovulation and Safety of a Low dose Oral Contraceptive in a Continuous Regimen (84+7) With Continuous Ethinyl Estradiol Instead of a Hormone-Free Interval: An Evaluation of Ovulation Suppression and Ovarian Activity
- Endometriosis as a Risk Factor for Colorectal Cancer
- Gynecological Presentations Following Supravaginal Hysterectomy for Benign Pathologies
- Unusual Middle Cerebral Artery Values in Uneventful Term Pregnancies
- Black Maternal Mortality-The Elephant in the Room
- Biochemical Variation and Association of Maternal Lipid Profile with Body Mass Index During Pregnancy
- The Effect of Primary Surgical Technique for Treatment of Endometrial Cancer and Timing of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy
- A Case of Recurrent Parasitic Fibroids Presenting as an Umbilical Mass
- Training of Health Promotion Agents: An Intervention in the Baoule Community of Kongodekro (North-Central Côte d’Ivoire)
- Is the Toxic Effect of HIV Infection on the Hematopoietic Function of Pregnant Women Possible?
- Menstrual Smear can be Used to Screen for Endometrial Pathology
- Gynecological Cancer and Family Planning. A Prospective Study of a Group of Eighty-Eight Greek Women and Review of Literatures
- Rate and Risk Profile of Deep Venous Thrombosis in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period Among Sudanese Women
- Struvite “Sand” in the Vagina as Diagnostic Factor for New-onset Vesicovaginal Fistula and Pessary Management When Present
- Haemoglobin D Iran With Beta Thalassemia in A Primigravida With Anaemia
- Enormous Ovarian Borderline Serous Cystic Fibroma in Postmenopausal Patient. A Case
- Analysis of The Results of Cervical Cancer Screening Campaigns at Owendo’s CHU Maternity Hospital
- Practice of Manual Intrauterine Aspiration for Post-Abortion Care (PAC): Prospective Study of 137 Cases at Owendo’s CHU Maternity Hospital
- Death from Acute Hyponatremia Following Uneventful Abdominal Hysterectomy: Lessons from a Case Report
- Importance of Sonographic Endometrial Morphology in Detecting Hyperplasia and Carcinoma
- Updates in Management of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
- Association of Cytomegalo-Virus and Rubella Virus Infections in Pregnant Women with bad Obstetric History
- Steroids Administration at Term in Egypt: Does it become a Routine Practice?
- Black Pregnant.2019
- Ureteral Stenosis after Uterine Suspension Using TVM (Transvaginal Mesh)
- Assessment of Bacterial Contamination at the Time of Embryo Transfer, and its Impression on the In-VitroFertilization / Pregnancy Outcome, in Sanaa City, Yemen
- An Established Technology Gets a New Application: Reimplantation of Autologous Ovarian Tissue to Treat Menopausal Symptoms
- Special Clinical Characteristics of Struma Ovarii- Two Unique Cases Report
- Carrier Rate of Citrullinemia, Type I in Individual Ethnic Groups Using an Expanded Carrier Test
- Dichorionic Twin Pregnancy Discordant for Fetal Anencephaly: A Case Report
- An Evaluation of Ovarian Response and Pregnancy Rates with the Use of Growth Hormone as an Adjunct to IVF in Women who are Poor Responders to Standard IVF Stimulation Protocols
- The Office Vaginoscopic Hysteroscopy in Management of Virginal Women with Recurrent Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- Congenital Heart Block in Lupus Erythematosus Syndrome and Anti Ro-SSA Antibodies. A Case Report
- Chronic Hypertension During the First Trimester of Pregnancy: What is New About the Use of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors?
- Individualized Hormone Replacement Therapy Versus Ovarian Transplantation
- Difficulties and Errors of Differential Diagnostics Androgen-Secreting Tumors of the Addrum and Ovary on The Example of Clinical Case. Results of Treatment
- Case Based Discussion of Surgical Approach to Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis
- Maternal and Perinatal Outcome Among Pregnant Women with Thrombocytopenia Attending Ibrahim Malik Teaching Hospital- Sudan
- The Mechanism of Single Progesterone as Add-Back Therapy to GnRH-a Administration
- Hormone Replacement Therapy: Computer Assisted Individualized Approach
- Combined Use of Cerclage, Obstetric Pessary, and Micronised Progesterone in Recurrent Miscarriage
- Assisted Reproductive Technology: Where did the Journey Begin, and where are we Today. A 40-year History
- Trophoblastic Disease During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Ultrasonic Diagnostic, Clinical Case and Perinatal Outcomes
- Fetal Assessment in the 21st Century
- Investigation of Leptin Receptor and Enos Gene Polymorphisms in Preeclamptic Umbilical Cords
- A Special Case Report of Aggressive Hemorrhage in Posterior Vaginal Fornix DIE
- Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes Among Women Underwent Second-Stage Versus First-Stage Caesarean Delivery at Ibrahim Malik Hospital in Sudan
- Preventing Anal Sphincter Tears During Delivery. An Update from Scandinavia
- Chromosome 16 Mutations and Congenital Genitourinary Malformations
- Achieving Tumor Free Margins: Intraoperative Pathology Consultation to Lower Re-Excision Rates at a Community Hospital
- Biosimilar FSH Preparations Versus Highly Purified Urinary FSH for Simple Ovulation Induction in Infertile Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Uterine Rupture and Associated Factors During Labor Amongst Women Delivered in Saudi Hajjah Hospital in Hajjah City North West Yemen
- Therapeutic Role of Dance in the Treatment of Endometriosis-Related Chronic Pelvic Pain: A Proof- of-Concept Study
- Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumors: A Retrospective Study of 21 Cases and a Review of the Literature
- Placenta Percreta Presenting as an Acute Abdomen in Second Trimester of Pregnancy: Case Report from Middle East
- Prenatal Diagnosis of Heart Rabdomioma. A Case Report
- Ectopic Pregnancy in Cesarean Scar. Case Report
- Management Strategy Change of Endometrial Hyperplasia
- Should Labor be Routinely Induced from 39 Weeks of Gestation?
- Post-Traumatic Pediatric Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: A Case Report
- Perioperative Management of Patient with IVC Leiomyosarcoma Resection: A Case Report
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in elective surgical patients admitted to a tertiary Intensive Care Unit: a 6-year Retrospective cohort study
- Management of Recurrent Uncomplicated Diverticulitis in the Recent Era-Is Surgery Warranted? A Single Irish Centre Experience and Literature Review
- Incidence of Complications Related to Central Venous Access Devices (CVADs) in Cancer Patients: A Retrospective Study
- Nurses and Midwives’ Knowledge, attitudes and Practices towards Postoperative Pain Management in Selected Hospitals, Rwanda
- Scott Syndrome and Pregnancy: A Case Report
- Groin Dissection: A Comprehensive Analysis of Risk Factors and Postoperative Complications
- A Review on Cost Effectiveness of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Vs Traditional Dressing In Diabetic Wounds
- The Role of Psychosocial Interventions In Breast Cancer Patients
- An update on the role of antibiotic prophylaxis for preventing burn wound infections in burn patients
- What Is the Prognostic Value of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Head and Neck Melanoma?
- Traumatic Soft Tissue Finger Injuries at Mater Dei Hospital, Malta: Epidemiology, Complications and Functional Outcomes
- Advanced Surgical Approaches to Frontal Bandeau and Sinus Fracture Management
- The Alarming of Zinc Deficiency and Vitamin D Insufficiency and The Associated Factors Among Vietnamese Adolescents 10-14 Years Old
- The Evolution of Zygomatic Reconstruction: Comparing Zygomatic Osteotomy and Patient-Specific Implants
- Restoring Vocal Cord Function in Thyroid Surgery Complications: A Case of ANSA-RLN Anastomosis in a Global Health Context
- Anesthesiology’s Contribution in Pain Management for Head and Neck Surgery: Advancements and Impact
- Evolving Surgical Approaches in Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma: A Comprehensive Review
- Resonance of Hope: Advancements in Cochlear Implant Technology and the Impact on Hearing Loss
- Navigating the Mental Health Challenges of Head and Neck Cancer: A Comprehensive Review
- Pannus-Induced Delayed Coronary Obstruction After TAVR
- Assessing First Aid Knowledge for Burns Among the Maltese Population: Identifying Gaps and Informing Public Health Strategies
- Advancements In Microsurgical Techniques for Hand Trauma: A Comprehensive Review
- Analysis of Anatomical and Pathological Connections for The Ear-Temporomandibular Joint Combination
- Comparative Efficacy of General and Regional Anesthesia in Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Review
- Additively Manufactured Implant Applications in Orthopedic Surgery
- Tiny Limb, Giant Challenge: Management of A Neonatal Arteriovenous Malformation of the Upper Extremity
- Extended, Iatrogenic Coronary Artery Dissection Post-Partum: Clinical Management of a Very Unusual Case
- A Brief History of Coronary Revascularization Surgery
- Case Report of Intrathecal Morphine Overdose: A Successful Management
- Guideline for the Indication of Red Cell Transfusion: Why Hemoglobin Concentration Alone Is Unreliable
- The Pathogenesis Of Pain Syndrome In Acute Pneumonia And The Purpose of Its Elimination
- Prevention of Arterial Hypotension During Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia: Trial of A Babynoradrenaline Protocol at the Owendo University Hospital Center (Gabon)
- Local Anesthesia Vs. General Anesthesia in Adult Strabismus Surgery
- Patient-Centered Decision-Making in Surgery And Anesthesia: Collaboration For Better Patient Care
- Anesthesia Unveiled: Applications, Side Effects, And Navigating Challenges in Modern Medicine
- Double-Lumen Tube Intubation In Prone Position In the Intraoperative Period
- The Surgery of Transsexualism and The Three Forms of Modern Individualism
- Endoscopic Endotracheal Intubation for ERCP In the Era of COVID: An Approach To Minimize Risk of Transmission of Infectious Diseases
- Endoscopic Endotracheal Intubation for ERCP In the Era of COVID: An Approach To Minimize Risk of Transmission of Infectious Diseases
- Granisetron: An Overview of Its Pharmacology, Clinical Efficacy, and Safety
- Supernumerary Testicle In Children: A Review Article
- Efficacy of Moderate Intravenous Sedation in Patients Undergoing Dentoalveolar Surgery Procedures
- Anesthetic Considerations for Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy
- Determine Possible Associations Between Epidural Analgesia, Maternal Fever and Neonatal Outcome In The Indian Population: Observational Study
- Superior Trunk Block: Ultrasound Guided Novel Approach for Shoulder Surgery
- Saphenous nerve block at the adductor canal and IPACK block in the analgesic management of knee prostheses: our experience
- A Review of the Diagnosis of Forehead Swellings – Scrutiny Before Scalpel
- Ovary-Sparing Surgery for Ovarian Dermoid Cysts in Children: A Report of Two Cases and Literature Review
- Moyamoya disease in pregnancy: management during Pregnancy, Delivery, and Puerperium
- A New Technique in Myocardial Protection: Local Myocardial Protection
- Prolactinoma And Pregnancy Case Report
- Asymptomatic Double Aortic Arch in An Adult That Progressed to Dysphagia
- Necrotizing Fasciitis In Children: A Review Article
- When Laparotomy Straightens the Diagnosis Made in Radiology:Iatrogenic Segmental Liver Infarction Is Mistaken for An Abdominal Gossypiboma
- Paratesticular Schwannoma In A 13-Year-Old Boy: A Case Report And Literature Review
- Management of Stromal Tumors of The Small Intestine
- A Retrospective Observation of Physiotherapy Workforce Metrics and Productivity During The COVID-19 Pandemic
- Respiratory Support Adjustments in Ventilated Patients Performing Early Mobilisation A Pilot Observational Service Evaluation
- In Shortly About Spinal Anesthesia
- Systemic Mastocytosis: Case Report and Narrative Review with Practical Recommendations to The Anesthesiologists
- Breaking Bad News: Addressing Hope, Spiritual Needs, And Denial to Achieve High Value Care
- Narrative Review: The Effect of Anesthetic Choice on Cancer Recurrence and Metastasis
- Nephrectomy in Children: A Single Center Experience
- Managing Difficult Airway for Emergency Liver Transplant: More Than One Challenge to Manage
- Use of VA-ECMO in Mechanical Mitral Valve thrombosis
- When Medication Fails: Choosing Palliative Care in Refractory Cases of Electrical Storm
- A Gnawing Chest Pain
- A Blue Hand
- Hemodynamic Pattern by Swan-Ganz Catheter in Patients with Septic Shock Due to Severe Sars-Cov-2- Related Pneumonia: Case Report
- A Case Report in Surgery, Infectious Diseases, Oncology, Chest, And Critical Care Medicine COVID Pancreatitis with Pneumonia; Strong Suspicion with Possible Drug Exacerbation and Associations
- Brief review on the Trauma Score
- Chronic Pacemaker Pocket Pain Treated Successfully with A Pectoralis Nerve Block
- Cefepime Induced Encephalopathy: A Case Report
- Right Colonic Giant Angiodysplasia With Intraluminal And Retroperitoneal Hemorrhage: Case Report And Literature Review
- Empagliflozin-Induced Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis After Esophagectomy
- A Rare Cause of Naso Endotracheal Tube Obstruction: A Case Report
- Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block As An Alternative Treatment For Post Punction Dural Headache
- Iatrogenic Obstruction of Superior Vena Cava During Cardiac Surgery
- The Art of the ICU Intubation: Beyond the Airway
- Stellate Ganglion Block Followed By Hydro-Dissection Improved The Functioning of 4 Months Old Brachial Plexus Injury
- Lemierre syndrome secondary to parotitis with bacillus brevis;A forgotten disease
- COVID-19 Pandemic: The Causative Agent is New, The Problem is Old
- Improving Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis Compliance in Adults and Children Undergoing Surgery: a Quality Improvement Study
- What to do in Anesthesia During a Humanitarian Mission? Experience from Anfgou, Morocco
- Acute Lung Injury Following Cement Inhalation-A Case Report
- Thymus is the Joker of the Neck in Children
- Intralesional Bleomycin Sclerotherapy in Children with Lymphangiomas: A Review Article
- Consideration of Nebulized Lidocaine For Treatment of Covid19 Severity Via Targeting Neutrophil Extracellular Traps
- Cecal Volvulus Caused by an Omphalo-Mesenteric Band: A Case Report of a Rare Complication of Meckel’s Diverticulum
- Controlled Hypotension During Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: A Comparison of Propofol and Magnesium Sulfate
- Ultrasound-guided Ilioinguinal-Iliohypogastric nerve block in inguinal hernia repair surgery under general anesthesia: a randomized controlled study
- Carcinoma Lung Presenting as Sister Mary Joseph’s Nodule
- Exposure to Covid-19: Assessing the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Anaesthetists in the Prevention of COVID-19 Spread in Ghana-A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Survey
- Efficacy and Safety of a New Protocol for Fast Intubation in Patients With Covid-19 (Sars-Cov-2)
- A Comparative Study Between Silver Containing Dressings (Aquacel, Acticoat) and Sulfadiazine in Management of Superficial Partial Thickness Burns in Trunk and Extremities
- The Economic Value of Rapid AST in Reducing Length of Stay of Septic Patients
- ERAS Protocol in Bariatric Surgery
- Locum Lifestyle
- Challenges of Going Green in the Operating Room
- Transversus Thoracis Muscle Plane Block in Children Undergoing Open Heart Surgery via Median Sternotomy
- Image in Surgery Diverticula of The Thoracic Esophagus Discover on a Gastroduodenal Transit
- Perioperative Management of Neonates Born to Mothers with COVID-19 Undergoing Urgent Cardiac Surgery
- Anesthetic Management of Surgical Repair of Coarctation of Aorta in Neonates and Infants
- Predictive and Prognostic Value of Heart Rate Variability Analysis in Early Bedside Diagnosis and Management of COVID-19 Patients
- A Comparative Study between the Routine Using of Ultrasound Guidance versus Anatomical Guidance in Femoral Artery Access for Endovascular Treatment of Chronic Lower Limb Ischemia
- Airway Management Recommendations in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Patients
- Ventricular Assist Devices Insertion, Overview and Anesthetic Considerations
- Anesthetic Management of Surgical Repair of Descending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
- Impact of Local Anesthetics on Intrathecal Anesthesia
- Perioperative Management of Pulmonary Hypertension in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
- Electrocardiographic Passing Phenomenon (Flying Phenomenon or Yasser’s Phenomenon) Conveys the Traditional Cardiovascular Management; Interpretations and Reassurance; Retrospective Observational Study
- Effect of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) and Garlic (Allium Sativum) On the Performance, Haematology and Serum Biochemical Indices of Laying Hens
- Is Psi an Ability to React with Vibrations?
- Spinal Cord Tethering: A Case Report of Anesthetic Considerations and Management for A Patient with Costello Syndrome
- Moving from Participation towards Partnership in Nursing Care
- Cardiac Output assessed via Esophageal Doppler Monitoring Fails to Predict Changes in Renal Microvascular Perfusion
- Pregnancy Choosing the Right Anesthesia
- Neutrophil Extracellular Traps and Acute Pancreatitis
- Real Impact of Varicocele Surgery on Male Fertility
- Cystatin C as the Predictor of Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Comorbid Pathology
- Review of Visceral Surgery Activities in A Field Hospital in Juba: Epidemiological, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects
- Regional Anesthesia Device Against the “Dead Ends” in the Emergency Unit Peripheral Locoregional Anesthesia in front of “ Therapeutic Impasse” in the Emergency Operating Room
- Maternal Outcomes Among Hypertensive Pregnant Women at A Tertiary Maternity Hospital in Qatar, 2015-2017: A Case-Control Study
- Inheritance of Susceptibility to Malignant Blood Disorders
- Rupture and Dissection Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm in a patient with a complex Congenital Heart Disease
- Multidimensional Classification of Radioprotective Activity of Sulfur-Containing Chemical Agents
- Eye Diseases Prediction and Classification using Deep Learning Techniques
- EKF vs. UKF: Important Aspects in the Observation of Bioprocesses
- Predicting the Progression of Cancerous Tumors in Mice: A Machine and Deep Learning Intuition
- Employing Second Order Geospatial Autocorrelation Statistics and an Eigen-Bayesian Semi-Parametric Markovian Non-Gaussian Model for Interpolating Culex quinquefasciatus Storm Sewer Habitats in Bexar and Dallas Counties Texas, U.S.A
- Differences in the Distribution of Aβ in the Brain between U.S. Veterans and Adults aged 62+ and suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease
- Modeling and Simulation to Support Public Health Outbreaks and Decision Making: Lessons Learned and Future Work
- The Risk Factors of Diabetes among Children - Case Study
- Analytical Investigations of the Performances and Effects of Heat Transfer Processes in Oscillatory Flow
- A Study to Explore the Fundamental Factors to Motorcycle Crash Injury Harshness in Pakistan
- Classification of Dental Teeth X-Ray Images Using a Deep Learning CNN Model
- Optimal Weibull Distribution I for Dose-Response Modelling of Theophylline Drug
- Information and Informational Model of Human and Living Structures: Info-Transduction and Info-Decision are Driving/Operational Processes for Structuration and Behavior Within the Interaction with Implicit/ Explicit Informational Sources
- Scalable Unsupervised Feature Selection for Quantitative Biological Data Using Mixture Models
- Biometry
- The Exponentiated Power Akash Distribution: Properties, Regression, and Applications to Infant Mortality Rate and COVID-19 Patients’ Life Cycle
- Improved Grate for Gins and Linters
- Examination of Hydrodynamic Behavior of wind deflectors in the Normal Inner Temperature with the Point of More Efficiency (case study: Bwhsa Koppen climate classification of Kashan City)
- Tensor Formulation of the General Linear Model with Einstein Notation
- On The Identification of Some Species of the Cassieae Tribe Harvested in Cameroon Using Three Machine Learning Technics
- Analysis of the Dynamics of Ontogenesis of Birch Leaves (Betula Pendula) Under Environmentally Friendly Conditions
- Dynamics of Ontogenesis in The Phytosphere: Fluctuation of the Asymmetry of The Birch Leaf (Betula Pendula)
- A Nonparametric Random-Effects Meta-Analysis Model for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies with Multiple Thresholds of Quantitative Biomarkers
- Digital Twins: A Futuristic Artificial Intelligence Methodology for Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials
- Symmetry of a Set of Leaves in The Average And Asymmetry of Each Leaf of a Birch (Betula Pendula)In The Dynamics of Ontogenesis
- Classification of cancer cell lines on their radiosensitivity by machine learning
- From Micro to Macro Complexity Organization Scale of the Living Organisms, Their Informational Structure/Functions Are the Same
- Covariate Adjustment in Oncology Clinical Trials: Past, Present and Future
- Training to be Champions: Swimming at the Helm - A Statistical Overview
- Fitting of a multivariable nonlinear data set: A suggested strategy in lactic fermentations
- Semi-Parametric Bayesian Estimation of Sparse Multinomial Probabilities with An Application to The Modelling of Bowling Performance in T20I Cricket
- Comparative Analysis of Lasso and Bridge Regression Using Corruption Perception Index and Its Correlates in Nigeria
- Cellular Info-Operability: Micro/Macro-Scale Inter Communication in The Immune System of The Human/Mammalian Organism
- Mathematical Analysis on Troubleshooting Problem During
- Method for Reducing Energy Consumption in Cotton Ginning
- Non-Newtonian Generating Functions
- Effect of Errors in Dual Record System Estimates
- Recent Studies on Regularization Methods in Semiparametric Models with Longitudinal Data
- On Accounting For Evaporation Or Infiltration Free Surface In Some Problems Of Filtration Theory
- Factor and Cluster Analysis on the Evaluation of the Knowledge of use of Contraceptive Methods by Women in Nigeria.
- Competing Risk Analysis on Leading Causes of Death: Evidence from University of Ghana Hospital
- Bioinformatics Biostatistics and Biometrics: A Statistical Journey
- Virus-Inducing Informational Processes vs. Cell Antivirus Info-Sensitivity and Implication of the Biostatistics/Metric Applications in the Detection/ Prediction of the Covid-19 Infections
- Information in Biological Structures and Big Data Assisted Prediction as Informational Biostatistics/ Biometric Tool for Pandemic COVID-19 Investigation
- General Fifth M-Zagreb Indices and General Fifth M-Zagreb Polynomials of Dyck-56 Network
- Liquid Crystal-Based Biosensors
- Comparison Between Two Estimators of COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate over Time: Missouri as a Case Study
- Trajectory of Corona Epidemic in India: An Initial Phase Predictive Mathematical Model and the Present Status
- Patternplot: Create Pie Chart, Bar Chart and Boxplot with Color, Patterns and User-defined Images in R
- The Impact of Significant Digits in Bioequivalence Studies
- Moran Spatial Filter Eigenvector Mapping and Field Verification of Latent Non-Zero Autocorrelation Georeferenced Clusters Stratified by Homeless Time Series Socioeconomic Causation Covariates in TampaHillsborough County, Florida
- Variability in the Short-Range Dispersion of Passive, Short-Duration Emissions
- Sensing Amino Acids with Nanopore
- Relative Performance Index in Triathlon
- Sauleh Distribution with Statistical Properties and Applications
- Optimal Blocking of Undesired Nodes in Digraph
- Dynamic Modeling COVID-19 for Comparing Containment Strategies in a Pandemic Scenario
- An untangling of global corona pandemics
- A Chen Type Generated Family of Distributions
- Is There Only One Analysis?
- New Direction: Mediation Analysis in Perinatal Epidemiological Studies
- Predictors of Accelerated Mortality of Tb/Hiv Co- Infected Patients on Art in Mekelle, Ethiopia: an 8 Years Retrospective Follow- Up Study
- Developments and Applications of Biostatistical Time Series: A Review
- Back to Hippocrates? Information-Based Approach to Subjects’ Qualities, their Statistical Estimations, and Evolution
- A Platform for Solving the Ecologist’s Dilemma; Setting Conservation Procedures
- The Interrelation of Regularities of Differential Rotation of Physical Layers of the Earth’s Mantle and Regularities of Biological and Epidemialogical Zonality
- Decomposition Algorithms of Blocking the Selected Edges in the Digraph
- Patient-Oriented Cohort System to Educate and Encourage Clinical Communications
- Improved Algorithm of Blocking the Selected Edges in the Digraph
- Securing E-Library System with Bimodal Biometric Technique
- Chance or Causality in Human Genetics?
- Factor Analysis of Meteo-parameters on the Stage of Growth of Birch Leaves
- On Some One Parameter Lifetime Distributions and their Applications
- Sequential Decomposition Algorithm of Blocking the Selected Edges in the Digraph
- Special Solution of the Schrödinger Equation: Realizations of the Solution of the Total Schrödinger Equation from the Link between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
- A New T-X Family of Distributions
- The Quantum Equations of Numbers and Numerical Functions and Real Quantum Marker and Relation of the Degradation of Matter
- Utility-Based Dose-Finding in Practice: Some Empirical Contributions and Recommendations
- The Cot-X Family of Distributions with Application
- Utility-Based Dose-Finding in Practice: Some Empirical Contributions and Recommendations
- Modelling Colinearity in the Presence of Non–Normal Error: A Robust Regression Approach
- Perception about Bacterial Vaginosis: A Common Vaginal Infection
- Informational Mechanisms Created While Biological Evolution: Deductive ‘Construing’ – from Elementary Cells to Intuition and Harmony
- DAI (Disease Aggressiveness Index) Implementation
- Biostatistical Analysis on the Combination Treatment Against Acne
- Health and Social Assessment of Internally Displaced People (IDP) in Nigeria
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation in an Alpha-Power
- Statistical Analysis of Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in Some West Africa Countries using S-I-R Model
- Road Traffic Accidents, Near-Misses and their Associated Factors among Commercial Tricycle Drivers in a Nigerian City
- Can We Measure the Beauty of an Image?
- Shiga Toxin and Shiga Like Toxin (SLT) Time-Resolved Absorption and Resonance FT IR and Raman Biospectroscopy and Density Functional Theory (DFT) Investigation of Vibronic Mode Coupling Structure in Vibrational Spectra Analysis
- Influence of Androgen Levels on Conception Probability in Patients Undergoing Fertility Treatment
- Biostatistical Analysis on Hookworm Infection in Humans
- Weighted Statistics for Testing Multiple Endpoints in Clinical Trials
- Review of Phase II Basket Trials for Precision Medicine
- Establishing the Equation of the Wave Function and the System Model (ρ, m, v)
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the Ampadu-G Family of Distributions
- The rT − X Family of Distributions induced by V: A New Method for Generating Continuous Distributions with Illustration to Cancer Patients Data
- Application of Multivariate Statistical Methods of Patient Surviving ART Follow-up
- Clear Influences of Temperature on Phoninic Band Gaps
- Relationship between Pain Profiles and Comorbidity in Elderly Population
- The Ampadu APT − qT − X Family of Distributions Induced by V with an Illustration to Data in the Health Sciences
- Adaptive Design and the Estimand Framework
- Effects of Socioeconomic Factors on Nigerias Life Expectancy at Birth
- Biostatistical Analysis on Fagopyrum Tataricum Gaertn
- Absolute Dpcr Quantification of Micrornas by Absolute Dpcr for the Diagnostic Screening of Colon Cancer
- Principal Component Analysis of Factors Affecting Ovulation Interval of Selected Women
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- The Polish-Lithuanian Heritage. An Historiographic Problem
- The Pre-Catastrophic Times, The Catastrophic Times, and The Cultural Heritage Conservation Theory
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- Investigation of the Human Diet in Pella (North Greece) from the Prehistoric to the Classical Period Using Stable Isotopes and Radiocarbon Dating
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- Identification of the Organic Binding Medium and Fungi on Wall Paintings from the Victory Monument of Augustus in Nicopolis, Using HPLC-FD, Culture Media Methods, Optical Microscopy and SEM
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- A Petrographic and Multidisciplinary Study of Bronze Age Ceramics in Nuragic Sardinia, Italy. A Technological and Social Overview
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- Epigraphic First!
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- What do the Figurines of ”Bird Ladies” in Predynastic Egypt represent?
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- How Bone Technology points to Cultural Lineages in Prehistory? New Insights from Danish Late- and PostGlacial Weapons’ Heads
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- Doing anthropology in a hostile environment
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- Relationships between Parfiya and ancient Azerbaijan in the context of synthesis materials.
- The Mysteries of the Baratti Amphora
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- Complications of Central Venous Catheters in Neonates: A Comprehensive Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Analysis
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- Pediatric Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Risk Factors for Personality Disorders
- Nutritional Practice-Related Alteration of Mesenteric Tissue Oxygenation in Fully Enteral-Fed Very and Extremely Preterm Neonates
- Rare manifestation: A case of Stevens-Johnson to Ibuprofen
- Evidence That No One Needs a Tracheotomy for Only Being Too Weak to Breathe
- BK Virus Infection in Solid-Organ and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients
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- The Pediatric Physician as Exemplary Human Being: John Kirkpatrick
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- Diagnosis and Management of Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn
- Maternal And Perinatal Health in Sudan
- Frequency and type of drug-related adverse effects in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- A Novel mutation in interferon binding protein Heterogenous c.23g >A p.Arg8Gln
- Maternal Perspectives on Family Involvement in Preschool Education: An Exploratory Study
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- May Pentoxifylline Protect Immature Brain Against Disorders Induced by Inflammatory Response in Neonatal Sepsis?
- Diagnosis and Management of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome in Children
- Maple Syrup Urine Disease
- LISA-CODE; A Novel Method to Confirm Tracheal Catheter Placement in Less Invasive Surfactant Administration (LISA)
- Classic Imaging Characteristics of a Clinically Symptomatic Glutaric Aciduria Type I in A female infant- A Case Report
- Presentation of an Unsuspected Tuberculosis with Intracranial and Extracranial Manifestations in an Adolescent Female: A Case Report
- Management of Enteral Tube Feeds in Neurologically Impaired Children: A Mini Review
- An Overview of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Infants and Toddlers: A Review Article
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- Impact Of Surfactant Therapy on Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Nigerian Neonates: A Report of Two Cases
- What are the Sensory Processing Patterns in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy? A Preliminary Study
- Role of Probiotics (Lactobacillus/Bifidobacterium and Enterococcus Faecium) in Acute Diarrhea; A Randomised Control Trial
- Prevalence of Different Types of Leukemia and Associated Factors among Children with Leukemia in Children’s Cancer Units at Al-Kuwait Hospital, Sana’a City: A Cross-Sectional Study
- The Orthopedic Features in Children - Hockey Players
- The Role of Computed Tomography in Management of Minor Head Injury
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- Recurrent Abdominal Pain Caused by Sorbitol Malabsorption
- Aspergillus Calidoustus Endocarditis In A Child After Cardiac Surgery: Case Report
- An Audit of Specialized Newborn Care Unit’s (SNCU) Performance at a Taluk Hospital in India
- Application of Kaiser Model-Based Disaster Vulnerability Analysis in Pediatric Clinics of Tertiary General Hospitals
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- Crigler - Najjar Syndrome Type 2: A Usual Presentation of a Rare Disease
- Simulation Training: An Original Pedagogical Tool to Reduce Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Africa
- PICC Line in Neonates: Indications and Complications. A Single Level 3 NICU Experience in the UAE and Review of Literature
- Creation of a Neonatal Thrombosis Center and its Use to Successfully Treat Infants with Severe Thromboses
- Deficiency of Vitamin E and Dehydration as a Cause of Deep Venous Thrombosis in a Child with Cystic Fibrosis
- Isolated Benign Infantile Neutropenia
- Neonatal Metabolic Acidosis after Intrauterine Exposure to Acetazolamide
- Congenital Myasthenia Gravis: A Case Report
- Novel Method of Management of Hyperbilirubinemia
- Report on Activities of the Kangaroo Mother Care Unit
- Hypertensive Disorders During Pregnancy, Fatal Effects on Mother and Baby-Prevention a Challenge in Low Resource Settings
- Use of the Pacifiers in Children with Disabilities
- Diagnostic Emergency CT Imaging Utilization in Our University Hospital Radiology Unit for Pediatrics
- Is The Pediatrician Attendance During Cesarean Section Necessary?
- Neonatal Risk Factors for Term Newborn Mortality at the Sylvanus Olympio University Hospital from 2013 to 2017
- COVID-19 Associated Parotitis in Pediatrics
- Obesity: A Concise Review and Key Points
- The Relationship Between ABO and Rh Blood Groups and COVID19 Confirmed Patients, an Observational Study
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Newborn Care Among Postnatal Mothers at Debre Tabor General Hospital South Gonder, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, 2018
- Primary Headache in Childhood Associated with Psychiatric Disturbance: A Mini Review
- Sudden Cardiac Death in Adolescent Athletes
- Altitude at Birth on Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening Through Pulse Oximetry in Newborns in Colombia - A Validation by Experts
- Unique Bronchoscopy Findings in a Child with Severe Bronchiolitis Obliterans Following Overlapping Triggers
- Management of Common Newborn Emergencies
- The Effects of Tyrosine-Protein Kinase Kit on Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- Neonatal Survival Improvement in Dominican Republic through effective Collaboration of the Iberoamerican Society of Neonatology (SIBEN)
- Reflections on How to Maintain and Improve Perinatal Care in the Midst of the COVID 19 Pandemic: Let’s not Forget Mothers and Newborn Babies!
- A Review on Common Anthelmintics in Childhood
- Mismanagement of Antibiotics in Neonatal Medicine
- Respiratory Support Adequacy for Very Low Birth Weight Infants Post Extubation
- Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents with First Episode Psychosis: Limitations of the Research
- Medical Emergencies in the Pediatric Service of the Lomé - Commune Regional Hospital Center (Togo)
- Immediate Outcomes of Neonatal Transport in a Tertiary Hospital in South-West of Nigeria
- Implementation and Evaluation of a Psychoactive Substance Use Intervention for Children in Afghanistan: Differences Between Girls and Boys at Treatment Entry and in Response to Treatment
- Family Planning in SudanTraining Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2014 WHO
- Immunoglobulin Levels (IgG, IgM And IgA): Normal Values for Healthy Infants and Children in Sana’a City-Yemen
- Transfusion Management of a Patient with IgA Deficiency
- Stress Control Training for Pregnant Women: Applicability and Results
- Nasopharyngeal Colonization with Streptococcus Pneumoniae in Healthy Infants Less Than 60 Days Attending the Outpatient Clinic of Alexandria University Children’s Hospital
- Does Maternal Smoking Make a Difference in Newborn Hearing Screening with Otoacoustic Emissions?
- Short-Term Outcomes of Very Low Birth Weight Infants at a Tertiary Care Center in UAE Compared to the World
- Microbiology of Neonatal Gram-Negative Sepsis in A Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). A Single Center Experience
- Management of Aplastic Anaemia in a 15-year Old Boy with Down Syndrome in a Low Resource Setting
- Quality of Movement and Spontaneous Use of The Affected Upper Limb In 8-Year-Old Infantile Hemiplegia After Applying Mirror Therapy. Case Series
- Investigating A Child with Failure to Thrive, How Vigilante We Should Be?
- Assessment of Spontaneous Use and Experience of Use of The Affected Upper Limb in 6-Year-Old Infantile Hemiplegia After Applying Combined Intensive Therapy. Case Series
- ‘’ZINC ‘’ The Friendly and Forgotten Micronutrient
- Spanish-Language Cross-Cultural Validation of the Bimanual Fine Motor Function Classification System, BFMF 2
- Is it Time to Begin Prenatal/Neonatal Screening for Autism Risk?
- Malnutrition in Developing Countries, From Undernutrition to Obesity!
- Congenital CMV Infection and Brain Pseudocysts
- Stress Cardiomyopathy Due to Status Epilepticus After Fontan Procedure
- Neonate with Clustered Pustules on an Erythematous Base, A Diagnostic Dilemma
- Vitamin D Deficiency Induced Hypocalcemia as a Leading Cause of Dilated Cardiomyopathy: A Rare Report
- Al Mana Group and Ucla Research Project for Molecular Genetic Studies of Degenerative Disorders of Saudi Children
- Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Associated Pulmonary Hypertension A Survey of Current Practices in USA and Canada
- Downs syndrome and Alzheimer Disease Imaging Genetics
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- Bacillus cereus Bacteremia and Meningoencephalitis in a Twin-Preterm Neonate: A Case Report and Review of the literature
- The European Parliament SANT Committee Own Initiative Report on EU Nursing Workforce Shortages
- Concept Analysis-Childhood Obesity
- Using Intelligence Theory to Teach Obesity Group
- Weight Loss and Electronic Devices
- A Qualitative Study of Family Primary Caregivers’ Perceptions of Transition Readiness in Children with Autism
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- Experience in Tocolysis Care for Pregnant Women After Cerclage Surgery for Incomplete Cervical Atresia
- Enhancing Compassion in these Unprecedented Times of a Pandemic through a Resilient and Social Support Training Program: Mental Health Forensic Nursing Perspectives
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- Implications of Advances in Remote Patient Monitoring for Nursing Care in Chronicity
- Integrative Medicine for Cancer Pain: A Systematic Review
- Using the Electronic Medical Record to Identify At-Risk Older Adults in the Emergency Department Saves Valuable Nursing Time and Aids Evaluations and Referrals
- The Ticking Time Bomb in the European Union Has Exploded: The Importance of European Council Recommendations on the Healthcare Workforce
- Impact of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Cancer on the Sexual Health of the Couple
- Nurses Combatting Frontline Antimicrobial Resistance
- Health Promotion Measures: Correct Usage of Facemask and Practices of Hand Hygiene
- Using a Multidisciplinary Approach to Reduce Falls in an Inpatient Setting
- Yoga-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Y-CBT) May Benefit Older Adults
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- Nursing Protocols in Evidence-Based Practice
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- Description and Evaluation of Emotional Aspects and Quality of Life in Patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa
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- Nursing Care and Dietary Interventions
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- The Impact of Mothers’ Knowledge and Attitudes on Malnutrition Prevention Practices Among Children Under Five in Thulamela Municipality, South Africa
- M.L.L.S.
- Let Us Do It American Style
- Cesarean Scar Pregnancy (CSP) and its Approach
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- Increasing Nursing Retention to Reduce Financial Costs
- SARS, COVID-19 and Changing in Nursing Practice
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- True Understanding of Patient Engagement and its Impact on Healthcare Systems
- Dimensions of the Inter-sectoral collaboration in Maternal Health Promotion Activities: Experts Viewpoint
- The Patient’s Voice in the Development of Complex Interventions
- The Patient’s Voice in the Development of Complex Interventions
- The Impact of Flipped Learning on Engagement with the Learning Process in Pre-Licensure BSN Students
- Screening to Identify the Unrecognized Victims in Practice: Implementing an EBP HITS Domestic Violence Tool in Neurology
- Assessment of Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Attitudes and Perceptions towards the Use of Computer Technology in Healthcare Settings
- Creating a Sustainable Clinical Adjunct Faculty Mentorship Program
- Student Evaluation of Nursing Simulation Lab Learning Experience
- Does a Nurse Led Surveillance Program Using a Verbal Reminder Intervention Impact Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Rates?
- The Evolution of Nursing Faculty During Unprecedented Times
- Does Shariah’ Have an Impact on Performing Genetic Screening Test Before Marital or Pregnancy?
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Video Games and Simulations for Designing Learning Experiences for Nursing Student and Educators
- Emergency Department Nurses Changing Roles and Boundaries: Narratives of Burnout
- Impact of a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Intervention on the Emotional Intelligence, Burnout and Anticipated Turnover Among Critical Care Nurses
- Building the Science of Nursing: Continuum from Past to Future
- Stop-Bang Tool for Sleep Apnea and Related Self-Efficacy
- Lack of Primary Care in Rural Areas for People with Disabilities
- Hypoglycemia Case Study
- The Portuguese Independent Living Support Model (MAVI)
- Building the Science of Nursing: Continuum from Past to Future
- Assessing Patient Fall Risk on Psychiatric Units: A Comparison of Three Fall Risk Scales
- Impact of Brazilian Public Policies on Violence against Women: Integrative Review
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- Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention for Vulnerable Women Who Receive Care in The Safety Net
- Non-Motor Symptoms among Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: The Prevalence and its Effect on Quality of Life
- Incidence of Acute Coronary Syndrome Between Men and Women: Integrative Review
- Where is the Family in designing Family Focused Interventions? Implications for Family Nursing Research and Practice in Critical Care Settings
- Relief of Sufferings Across the Disease Trajectory: Dementia
- The Roles of the Nurse During the Vaping Crisis
- Good Things come in all Shapes and Sizes: Meeting the Needs of People with Disabilities in Rural Georgia
- Implementing Rural Chronic Care Management: Bridging Gaps and Making a Difference
- Fulfillment of Informational Needs and Anxiety in High-Risk Pregnant Women Hospitalized for Preterm Birth
- The Causes of Elderly Residence in Nursing Home from the Viewpoint of Elders
- Post Blunt Trauma Suffering and the Need for Care and Caring
- An Interdisciplinary Framework for impacting older adults Health and Physical activity
- Developing Test System in Academic Nursing School
- Conquering the Challenges of Sitting Vigil
- Effects of Transition from Pediatrics to Adult Oriented Health Care of Patients with Chronic Disease: A Literature Review
- Assessing the Quality Improvement Process of Hypertensive/Diabetic Patients through Medical Outpatient Compliance tracking in Chow Hospital, Warri, Delta State, Nigeria – A Three-Year Retrospective Study From 2015-2017
- Aging as Planned Obsolescence: The Case of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Integrative Review on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Chronic Diseases: The Responses Predictors
- Reducing Symptoms in Chronic Pulmonary Patients with Massage, Acupuncture, and Guided Imagery
- The Relationship Between Suicide and Quality Communication: A Literature Review
- Providing a Peaceful Passage through Care, Comfort, and Compassion
- B.E.L.T.TM: Framework for Nurse Champions to Successful Implement Sustainable Telehealth Services
- Effect of Body Wash with Tea Tree Oil on the Prevention of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Critically Ill Patients at a university hospital in Egypt
- Comparison of Pulse Oximetry and Capnography Monitoring with Arterial Blood Gases Parameters among Postoperative Pediatric Cardiac Surgeries at a University Hospital
- Argumentative Essay Paper on Seclusion Usage Among Aggressive Patients in Psychiatric Sitting
- Is complementary therapy (Vitamin D) effective among Psychiatric disorder? (Depression)?
- Evaluation of Adherence to the Guidelines of Clinical Practice of Vascular Lines by the Nursing Staff of the UMAE H.E. N.- 14 C.M.N. A.R.C.Veracruz Norte
- Preoperative Relaxation Techniques for Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Breast-Altering Surgery: A Systematic Review
- The Effect of Topical Application of Mother Breast Milk Versus Distilled Water and Alcohol on Separation Time of Umbilical Cord Stump Among Neonates
- The Case of Theresa S. An undocumented Immigrant with Lung Cancer
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- Culturally Diverse Discharge Planning and Education
- Improving Nursing Documentation via Reducing the Written Work Load
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- Quality of Life as a Result of Health Literacy among Patients with Non-Communicable Diseases in Saudi Arabia
- Constipation Problem in Nursing Students and Effectiveness of Interventions used by them for its Managemen
- Exploring the Factors Influencing Nurses Work Motivation
- A Need to Protect What is Already Existent: Alcohol Community Detoxifications in Primary Care: Primary Care Services Islington Whittington NHS Trust
- Conquering the Enigmatic Fear of Recurrence in the Breast Cancer Care Continuum