Open Access Opinion

High Fashion’s New Found Purpose

Abdul Al Jumaily*

Southern Illinois University, USA

Corresponding Author

Received Date: April 03, 2020;  Published Date: April 06, 2020


The COVID-19 pandemic’s effects have devastated the fashion industry, both to the supply and demand side. One of the worst hit areas worldwide is Milan Italy, the fashion capital of the world. Recently the fashion industry has joined the fight against the corona virus. Numerous brands and manufacturers have shifted production to provide healthcare workers with crucial equipment including gowns and surgical masks. Among them Giorgio Armani has repurposed its production facilities to produce medical overalls. Both Dior and Burberry have re-directed its workers to produce face masks. In addition, LVMH has retooled its Perfumes and Cosmetics production units to manufacture and distribute large quantities of hydro alcoholic gel free of charge.

These collective responses represent both a brilliant moral and marketing decision. At a time when millions of garment workers are out of work, the choice to keep re-direct production shows both solidarity to healthcare workers as well as production staff. While profits might sour in the short term, I believe that the goodwill and image of these brands will pay off in dividends at a future point (Figures 1&2).





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