Open Access Editorial

Can Malignant Cancer Worsen with The Use of Radiation Methods of Diagnosis?

Huang WL*

Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management Specialist. Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.

Corresponding Author

Received Date: March 02, 2023;  Published Date: March 20, 2023


In my daily clinical practice, I have come across doctors, mainly oncologists, who have been asking for radiological exams such as computed tomography (CT) to assess the presence or absence of metastases in their patients after the recommended treatment for the various types of cancer. In works published in the field of radiology, I could see that the creators of computed tomography won a Nobel Prize in 1979 in physiology and medicine, both of which were non-medical. The first is a physicist and his name is Allan Macleod and the second is an electrical engineer and his name is Godfrey Hounsfield [1]. A computed tomography (CT) scan is essentially an X-ray study but uses a series of rays around a specific part of the body preventing the formation of superimposition of images, which can have when we use only simple X-ray [1]. The biggest problem when used in cancer patients is that computed tomography uses ionizing radiation that can harm anyone, especially cancer patients. I say this because if we analyze the pattern of energy changes in a patient with cancer, they are in the last stage of the development of health to illness, where changes take place at the cellular level, in an irreversible way according to the thinking of Western medicine. The use of CT can have 50 to 1000 times more radiation if we compare the conventional X-ray [1]. These alterations caused by the ionizing radiation of the computed tomography act at the energy level, as it occurs in patients who are chronically exposed to electromagnetic radiation from the use of cell phones or computers, leading to a state of energy deficiency, conducive to the installation of cancer and which is the cause of cancer formation according to traditional Chinese medicine [2,3].

I am using some thoughts from traditional Chinese medicine in this article because Western medicine analyzes very well the alterations in the materialized part (where we can see with our naked eye) and the invisible part of our eyes, which is also composed of energy, Western medicine is not studying and also, it is not taking into account in the diagnosis and treatment of the most variety of diseases. If we analyze the talk of some renowned physicists of the past such as Albert Einstein (1879—1955), they claim that everything that exists in our universe is composed of energy, including human beings, who are part of this universe [4,5]. I recently attended a doctor who was about 65 years old and was diagnosed with colon cancer and underwent surgery to remove the tumor [6]. He did not have any metastases at the beginning of his treatment but with the start of chemotherapy and the use of CT scans every 2 months to assess the presence or absence of metastases, he developed metastasis in both Lungs after 6 months of treatment [6]. I measured the energy of his internal five massive organs through the radiesthesia procedure, which showed that both his Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidneys were completely without energy, rated one out of eight [6]. The uncertainty and insecurity of the Western oncologist in the treatment of patients with cancer are explained by the lack of understanding of the origin of all cancer, as cancer came like when there is a “parachute fall”, where you do not know the origin of this disease [7].

But if we analyze the figure of the tree, which I always mentioned in all my articles, the cause of the formation of diseases at the “leaf” level is not in the “leaf” but it is in the “root” of the tree, it is usually invisible by the naked eye. In this part, there are two theories in traditional Chinese medicine that can suffer from energy imbalances and be the cause of the formation of any kind of disease in the “leaf” level of the tree, including cancer. The Figure of the tree is shown in most of my scientific articles, demonstrating the different levels of diagnosis and treatment by Western medicine (which performs diagnostics at the “leaf” level of the tree) and traditional Chinese medicine understands that every process at the “leaf” level is caused by changes in energy at the “root” level of the tree and that it is influenced by external pathogenic factors that Western medicine still does not take it into account in understanding the formation of diseases [3,4,8,9]. Understanding only the parts and not the totality of the formation of the tumor process, makes sure that the doctor who is treating the patient is only sure that his treatment is going well if he sees that the patient is not developing metastases or forming another tumor [6,9].

However, when we understand that the formation of all diseases is in the imbalance of the “root” of the tree, where two theories of traditional Chinese medicine are found (the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five elements), it makes us more confident without knowing that, by rebalancing the energy at the “root” of the tree and filling the organs with energy, which are empty in all cancer patients, the treatment becomes more solid and consistent, as we will be treating the cause of tumor formation and not just the symptom, as every cancer is just a symptom or just the “tip of an iceberg”. The treatment of the cancerous tumor alone does not mean that the patient is cured because most of the time the cause, which is the energy deficiencies that caused the formation of the malignant tumor, is not treated, and therefore, the patient has not yet been cured but only took the symptom away [3,9]. This way of seeing the patient, only by the parts and not in its entirety, was implanted by Galen (129 ce - c. 216) a Greek doctor who lived 500 years after Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce), where he says that the internal organs such as the Kidney, for example, work independently and separately from the other organs. This way of thinking still exists today [4,10,11]. However, if we follow the commandments of our father of medicine, Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce), he says that “we must consider the most ancient medicines before our current medical practice” [11]. That is why after my specialization in infectious diseases in Brazil in 1995, I started to study traditional Chinese medicine, initially through acupuncture as it is considered a medical specialty in my country Brazil. This gave rise to several other courses trying to understand the totality of the human being, from its energy formation and transformation to different diseases, which actually come from the same “root”, which are the imbalances of Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood energies and formation of internal Fire [4, 8, 12].

Using the treatment of energy imbalances and not just the symptoms caused by these imbalances, it was possible to demonstrate that it is possible to treat cancer using this method, when I had a first patient who was cured of her malignant thyroid tumor, just using the rebalancing of internal energies [13]. This treatment was not intended to cure the patient’s cancer initially, but as I treat only the “root” and not the symptom, the patient was cured of the tumor and did not have to remove the thyroid and did not need to undergo other therapies such as surgery [13]. Therefore, in cancer patients, the important thing is to treat them with drugs that will only increase the patient’s vital energy and the use of both chemotherapy and the use of computed tomography (CT) to search for metastasis is causing an even greater reduction in energy, which is already very low in cancer patients. Therefore, what I would like to convey in this article is the need to treat energy deficiencies, guiding patients to eat properly, in order to tone their energies with adequate food, from an energy point of view, according to Chinese dietary therapy. According to Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce), “we must make our food our medicine and our medicine our food” [6,11]. The treatment of rebalancing the Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood energies and removing the formation of internal Heat using Chinese medicine techniques such as apex ear bloodletting and adequate diet, are the primordial factors to obtain the cure of a cancerous process. The use of ionizing radiation as diagnostic means should be avoided, because even if the patient has metastases, if the cause of cancer formation is not treated, which is at the energy level, the patient will not improve, but will get worse. If we treat energy deficiencies, even metastases will decrease and may disappear completely, even without the use of chemotherapy medication. As Hippocrates says, in one of his commandments, it is that “natural forces within us are the greatest healers of disease”. In another sentence said by him, is that “we should treat the patient and not the disease he has”. If we treat cancer using techniques and drugs or use ionizing radiation to do the diagnosis and to treat only the symptom that is cancer by itself, the drugs and the radiation therapy used will further decrease the energy that is lacking in the patient to fight the malignant cells that are normally gone in our body on a daily basis [9,11]. In one study involving patients, it was demonstrated that 1,0 mSv of exposure have 5% of risks to developing fatal cancer [1].

Therefore, the use of ionizing radiation to diagnose metastasis in cancer patients can worsen their energy state, further weakening an already weak body, which may increase the risk of metastases or even the formation of another tumor, due to the process of energy deficiency [1,6]. In another article written by me (2021) whose title is What Are the Markers That Predict the Development of Having Cancer in the Future Without Laboratory or Radiological Tests? I am demonstrating that the radiological exams currently carried out are not preventing the formation of cancer because they only detect the problem after cancer has already formed. In order to avoid the formation of cancer, we must evaluate our energy status, which is weakened in 90% of my patients in Brazil, in a study carried out between 2015 and 2020. Therefore, we must take care of the energy of our patients, because for anyone who comes with some emotional and/or physical symptom, there will be a deficiency in these organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney), causing immunodepression, conducive to the formation of malignant tumor processes, as described by traditional Chinese medicine [12,14]. So, to finalize this article, I would like to say that to know if the radiation caused by the methods of diagnosis in cancer patients should be focused on the energy level, invisible by the naked eye. If the doctors only treat the disease itself, without knowing the patients entirely, the medications (chemotherapy) and the methods used to diagnose the presence of metastasis or not, should be promptly reduced in this patient, to do no harm to these cancer patients [6,11]. According to Hippocrates, first, do no harm! [11]



Conflict of Interest

No conflict of interest.


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  14. Huang Wei Ling (2021) Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Acta Scientific Microbiology 4.4: 167-196.
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