Express Oil Control for Diagnosis of Machinery and Equipment
Dunaev AV, Federal Scientific Engineering Centre, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Research, Russia.
Received Date: February 26, 2019; Published Date: March 05, 2019
This control is always needed before the service of machines and equipment. For 0.5 hours evaluate the work of oils, prevent their late change and accident.
Means of verification
The crucible 75.100 ml, thermometer 250 °С, device for the slow controlled heating of the oil to 220 – 235 °С, filter paper.

Determine the temperature of the beginning and end of crackling/foaming/boiling oil when it is watered, flash point, decreasing due to loss of viscosity. An oil stains (“drip sample”, Figures 1&2) on filter paper after 15 - 20 minutes characterizes the contamination, washing, dispersing properties, water cut and overheating of the oil.
Qualitative characteristics of drip samples of motor oils of CC, CD, CF-4, SG-4 quality classes according to API (Figures 1 & 2, Tables 1-3)
Table 1:Quality indicators to assess the oil on the “spot test».

Table 2:Optical oil density and spot size of the “drip sample” to assess the performance of the oil.

Table 3:Quantitative indicators to assess performance motor oil on the “spot test».

1. Almost fresh oil in the new engine worked no more than 50 hours; not contaminated, blurs to the largest size, gives a uniformly colored light gray spot with a light outer ring of pure oil.
2. The same, no more than 100 hours; visible core, thin core ring, wide diffusion zone ring of contaminated oil and the outer ring of almost pure oil. This is a classic example of “drip sample” oil with a large margin of performance.
3. Contaminated but have a stock working property worked oil; it requires regular monitoring to get ahead of the sharp deterioration of the oil and motor.
4. Oil is visibly contaminated and loses its detergentdispersant properties (the spot diameter is considerably decreased, as mechanical impurities enlarged); for Vysocinaprasannah motors this oil needs to be replaced. If the oil stain is yellow – the engine overheated and the oil is excessively oxidized - pitched.
5. Oil - a marriage of emergency motor (oil lost working properties, and maxprimary formed sludge); it is required to eliminate the failure (water leaks, etc.), rinse the motor.
As you work, with the watering, increasing the number and size of mechanical impurities with the loss of the working properties of the oil, its spot with light gray turns into dark black and steadily decreases in size. And a drop of dirty, watered (dead) oil from the engine with an emergency condition does not spread on the filter paper (matter), as it has a lot of viscous sludge.
Conflict of Interests
No Conflict of Interest.
Dunaev AV. Express Oil Control for Diagnosis of Machinery and Equipment. Glob J Eng Sci. 1(4): 2019. GJES.MS.ID.000520.
Oil control, Diagnosis, Machinery, Equipment, Drip samples, Motor oil
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