The “Ecliptic” of the Pineal Body
Sabrina Ulivi, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Siena, Italy.
Received Date: July 19, 2021; Published Date: August 10, 2021
Sabrina Ulivi e Giovanni Cozzolino, At the present time, the pineal gland is the least studied body for its functions and tasks. However it might seem that different implications are carried within it. As of today, there is no scientific report that shows particular relevance to the pineal gland work and to its direct and indirect implications with the psychic activity. The pineal gland is sensible to variations of environmental frequencies. It is an “encephalic region” capable of a wide range of functions which are yet to be discovered. Do we have a “third eye”? In religious and hesoteric traditions, the third eye – otherwise known as the “inner eye” for the Vedic Religion – is considered as an organ capable of recording the reality that we are not able to perceive in the spectre of ordinary visions. The third eye should be located at the root of the nose and in the middle of our foreheads – namely ajna (in sanscrit) – right above the eyebrows. In the sphere of neuroscientifics, nowadays scientific reality describes the pineal gland – which is present in the encephalon – with a dimension of 1 centimeter and a diameter of half a centimeter, weighting 1 gram. The pineal gland is similar in constitution to the anatomy of external eyes, with retinal tissues and its own sensibility to light. Throughout the day, this gland produces – cyclically – a particular hormone: melatonin (N-Acetyl-methoxytryptamine). At the present time, the pineal gland is the least studied body for its functions and tasks. However, through transversal researches, it might seem that different implications are carried within it. According to the hypothesis held by our studies, the pineal gland is significantly involved into a higher order of activities and phenomenons concerning cognitive and emotional statuses, about which we do not know much. The pineal gland produces the DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) which is a neurotrasmitter-hormone capable of activating the “altered states of consciousness”. This process takes place during the night while we are dreaming, when the pineal gland is more active. As of today, there is no scientific report that shows particular relevance to the pineal gland work and to its direct and indirect implications with the psychic activity. The pineal gland is sensible to variations of environmental frequencies, which fluctuate between the red and white spectr, and more. It is an “encephalic region” capable of a wide range of functions which are yet to be discovered. The production of melatonin – a derivate of serotonin (a hormone that influences the modulation of sleep wake rhythm, the functions of seasonal models and much more) – is perhaps the principal activity of this gland. Our hypothesis is that the pineal gland is directly responsible for a range of activities involved into the production of N-Dimethyltryptamine, an endogenous psychedelic tryptamine which is present in the cerebrospinal fluid of human beings and it is the direct produce of Tryptophan (precursor of serotonin). Structurally, the DMT is similar to the neurotransmitter of serotonin, to the hormone of melatonin and other psychoactive tryptamines – e.g psilocybin, psylocin and bufotenin – as they, respectively, have the following chemical formulas: 4-PO-DMT, 4-HO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT. Furthermore, the effect of DMT can also be compared to the one of tryptamine, even if different in intensity. The structure of DMT should be directly connected to the frequency of solar light and not to the frequencies of artificial light. The major solar radiation in the peak hours of daylight could inhibit its secretion and increase the productive capacity of melatonin. As the solar light dims, the DMT increases progressively in harmony with melatonin decrease. Consequently, the melatonin present in the cerebrospinal fluid would be in low quantity. N-Dimethyltryptamine would increase its production, entering directly in the hematic system. Sunset would contribute to an exponential increase of the aforementioned hormone, with a peak during nighttime – between 3 and 4 AM – in conjuction with the REM phase. Therefore, our dreams would be the direct consequence to this process. The pineal activity – with respect to the solar ecliptic – goes beyond this singular effect which might be considered not so interesting on a scientific level. It is conceivable that this small and unknown region of the lymbic system could have a rather important function. Basically, in its structure, the DMT is a neurotransmitter. In its formula – C12 H16N2 – the frequencies which help its activity are likely to be the highest the brain can produce and they are superior to 200 Hz (Gamma rays). For this specific quality, this neurotransmitter hormone is considered to have endogenous psychedelic features. The anatomic proximity between the pineal gland and the thalamus inside the lymbic system, leads to hypothise on how the hyper production of said hormone could induct an increase of the neuronal synapsis activity as well as a wide capacity of conduction and elaboration of inward and outward signals. Additionally, it would increase the speed on the execution of behaviours in response to external events. According to our theory, the endogenous psychedelic features of the DMT would have a physicalquantistic peculiarity directly linked to the pineal operative ecliptic as well as to the dynamics of sub-atomic molecules components, which form its proteins. The entire process would have its starting point in a defined time-frame (T0), in the precise moment in which a favourable environmental energetic influence – in the form of an electromagnetic frequency in harmony or similar to Gamma rays – interacts with the pineal gland. In this precise time-frame, a sequence of physical-quantistic events would take place and this would lead to a “quantum jump” during which the sub-atomic dynamics – as the electronic orbitals – would vary their time-space definition. This variation would create the so called “transcendetal” phenomenons. However, this process has yet to be made explainable for the most part due to our abilities. By taking into account this theoretical path, the pineal gland could be compared to a switch that would allow the lymbic system and all cortical and sub-cortical receptive fields to produce highly complex cognitive processes and therefore to promote the quantum-physics dynamics that lead to abstract and symbolic abilities. Nowadays, the complexity of these processes linked – and consequent – to the basic concept of an equation, has given life to school of thoughts and philosophy as well as to hesoteric beliefs that attempted to explain something that apparently no one could give an explanation to. The pineal gland existence brings us to a new scenario that holds new developments about the understanding of human behaviour and in a dimension that we have always described as “transcendent”, which is an integral part of our being. The survey plan has to necessarily involve the sub-atomic depths of proteins to properly understand how the processes that we commonly define as “thoughts”, “dreams”, “ideas”, “immagination”, “feelings” are created. The pineal neurotransmitter hormones would be the carriers of energy particles born from environmental frequencies which pass through the hypothalamic and thalamic regions. The aforementioned are best described as the heart of the lymbic system. This would be the genesis of feelings, psychism and all consequent behaviours. Of this still unknown process, we are only allowed to hypothise the effective part. A valid example of this could be the “skipped beats” which is a feeling a human could have after seeing a dear person after a long time of absence. The images are recorded by our “third eye” (the pineal gland) through their peripheral “ramifications” – our eyes – in two consequent moments: - Retina photonic reception (transmission measurable in microseconds valuable in 1/1000000 light years) - Hormonal reception, alpha and beta neurotransmitters motility in a time similar to retinal reception. For this reason, the pineal function would be far more important and complex compared to how it was considered until now. The hormonal response appears to be incredibly quick if compared to the lymphatic transmission and circulation. What we have previously identified as “skipped beat”, seems to be the immediate response – and similar – to the Babinski reaction, which is typical of an alpha nervous receptor. In relation to an external traumatic stimulus, the neuronal, hormonal – and consequently behavioural – paths, would have a commensurate response to the energetic impact to which the region in the pineal gland is subjected. The functionality of this gland’s system would be in receiving an energetic input – of photonic or sonic nature – that would allow it to be available on a lymbic level through a delayed process of the same energetic speed, otherwise harmful for the system. Another brand new research would be the one dedicated to the link between the pineal system and the sensory register of memory. We still do not know much about this process. From the researches carried out recently, it is clear how the topic could be more complex than its chemical reaction. We will find a way to look into this matter in the future, and we will certainly involve it into our next research.
Conflict of Interest
No conflict of interest.
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Sabrina Ulivi. The “Ecliptic” of the Pineal Body. Arch Neurol & Neurosci. 11(1): 2021. ANN.MS.ID.000755.
Ecliptic, Pineal Body, Hesoteric Traditions, Psychic Activity, Neuroscientifics, Cognitive, Neurotransmitter, Consciousness, Hypothesis, Psilocybin, Psylocin, Bufotenin.
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