Short Communication
Ferromagnetic Resonance in Cast Microwires and its Application for The Non-Contact Diagnostics
SA Baranov*
Institute of Applied Physics, Academiei str. 5, Chisinau, MD-2028 Republic of Moldova
SA Baranov, Institute of Applied Physics, Academiei str. 5, Chisinau, MD-2028 Republic of Moldova.
Received Date: May 22, 2020; Published Date: June 09, 2020
The natural ferromagnetic resonance reveals large residual stresses appearing in the microwire core in the course of casting. These stresses, together with the magnetostriction, determine the magnetoelastic anisotropy. Beside the residual internal stresses, the natural ferromagnetic resonance frequency is influenced by external stresses applied to the microwire or to the composite containing the latter (the so-called stress effect).
The dependence of the natural ferromagnetic resonance frequency on the deformation of the microwires is proposed to be used in the distant diagnostics of dangerous deformations of critical infrastructure objects
Keywords: Cast glass-coated amorphous magnetic microwire; Magnetostriction; Natural ferromagnetic resonance
The properties of the magnetic glass-coated cast amorphous micro and nanowires studies in many publications by various research groups [1-21]. The phenomenon of natural ferromagnetic resonance (NFMR) in the magnetic glass-coated cast amorphous micro and nanowires [4,6-13] is extremely interesting from the viewpoint of using it for non-contact diagnostics of distant of critical infrastructure objects.
The diagnostics become possible due to the stress effect on the NFMR, that is, the shift of the resonance frequency as a result of a deformation of the object. Such a frequency shift can be measured by irradiating the object with microwaves emitted by radar at frequencies near the NFMR and detecting the reflected signal, thus revealing a deviation of the resonance frequency from the original value.
The glass coating of the cast GCAMNWs induces strong mechanical stresses in the kernel [4]. In cylindrical coordinates, the residual tension is characterized by the axial, sz, radial, sr, and tangential, sφ, components. The value of these stresses depends on the ratio of the radius, Rm, of the metallic kernel to the total microwire radius, Rc:
We have presented simple analytical expressions for the residual and external stresses in the metallic kernel of the microwire, which clearly show their dependence on the ratio of the external radius of the microwire to the radius of the metal kernel and on the ratio of Young’s modules of glass and metal. The NFMR phenomenon observed in glass-coated magnetic microwires opens up the possibility of developing new materials with a wide range of properties [19-21]. An important feature of cast microwires with an amorphous magnetic core is the dependence of the NFMR frequency from the deformation (see Equations (7)).
Therefore, this effect can be used for contactless diagnostics of deformations in distant objects (including critical infrastructures) reinforced by cast magnetic microwires with the stress effect. These objects are periodically scanned with floating-frequency radar to determine the deviation of the initial NFMR frequency due to potentially dangerous deformations of the monitored object.
Another principle of detecting mechanical strain is examined in Ref. [21]. This principle is based on the giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) effect. The GMI effect [17,18] demands external magnetization of the sample which is not required in the NFMR method [6-8].
This work was supported by the Moldavian national project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-08-0003.
Conflict of Interest
No conflict of interest.
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SA Baranov. Ferromagnetic Resonance in Cast Microwires and its Application for The Non-Contact Diagnostics. Glob J Eng Sci. 5(4): 2020. GJES.MS.ID.000619.
Cast glass-coated amorphous magnetic microwire, Magnetostriction, Natural ferromagnetic resonance
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