Open Access Opinion

Book Review ‘Type 2 Diabetes: Causes, Prevention and Measures Relieve It’ (Malay Version)

Uqbah Iqbal*

Life Planner, Malaysia

Corresponding Author

Received Date: October 04, 2018;  Published Date: October 11, 2018


Written by Bahrin Samah, this book started with the question of whether type 2 diabetes can be cured or not? Doctors and nutritionists or conventional dietetic experts usually state that diabetes can be controlled but cannot be cured. In other words, even if you are taking modern medicines to control the level of glucose while undergoing an appropriate and healthy lifestyle, you will continue to experience diabetes throughout your life. Therefore, from the point of modern medicine, healing for Type 2 Diabetes does not exist. Type 2 diabetes is a very serious health condition. It is also a growing epidemic that does not only occur in developed countries, but also in developing countries. Most cases of Type 2 Diabetes are believed to be due to excessive and prolonged process of carbohydrate intake. At the beginning of the 20th century, Type 2 Diabetes is usually experienced by those aged 40 and above, but today it faces young people. Most diabetes terms used in this book refer to Type 2 Diabetes. The usual symptom pathways to diabetes are like high blood pressure, high triglyceride levels, high cholesterol levels and high LDL-cholesterol levels and low HDL-cholesterol levels. From the point of modern medicine, every symptom will be treated separately.

From a holistic healthcare point of view, most of these symptoms can be treated and paired with healthy lifestyle practices, especially in terms of nutrition. Often the symptom of diabetes can be reduced or lost if it is successfully controlled or restored. The phenomenon occurs because the symptoms are due to prolonged high glucose levels. Most experts including alternative medical practitioners suggest a pattern of nutrition similar to modern medical proposals. Patients are encouraged to reduce sugar intake and increase high intake of carbohydrate foods with fiber. At the same time, diabetics are also advised to reduce fat intake. The proposed nutritional pattern is similar to the food pyramid. In this book the proposed nutritional pattern differs from those suggested by modern mainstream medicine. If practically practiced, readers can be expected to recover after 3 to 12 months. Suggested suggestions in this book are based on the physiology of diabetics, in which various system organs are involved in the body’s metabolic change to carbohydrates. Therefore, in addition to adopting patterns and types of specialized foods, Type 2 Diabetes can be done through a holistic lifestyle. Holistic lifestyle is a lifestyle that emphasizes the acquisition of various aspects that affect one’s body’s physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual balance. Readers are advised to appreciate the contents of this book and to understand the message delivered so that readers can understand the methodology and approaches that can be used to restore diabetes. The strategy to reduce the level of insulin and blood glucose discussed in this book is effective if it is practiced diligently and perfectly. However, readers are advised to talk to their doctor for any changes they may wish to make in either diet or to take any supplements, including herbs. The primary purpose of writing this book is to educate someone in the form of knowledge to evaluate a health issue, including treatment methods from different perspectives such as through conventional approaches. As a competent herbalist, the authors make every effort to ensure that the knowledge they want to convey is beneficial to the reader. According to the International Diabetes Federation, in 2007, diabetes was experienced by 246 million people worldwide. But by 2025, the number of people with diabetes is estimated to reach 380 million people. Today is estimated to be two people with diabetes for every 10 seconds. Five countries with the highest number of people with diabetes in the world are preceded by India, China, the United States, Russia and Germany. High rates are also faced by residents of Nauru, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait.

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