Open Access Review Article

Massage and Its Effect on Some Health Conditions

Elizabeta Popova Ramova*, Hristina Stojanovska, Vesna Sofronijevska and Biljana Angelovska

Training implementation center-Bitola, Southeast Europe

Corresponding Author

Received Date: March 18, 2019;  Published Date: April 18, 2019


The massage is the first therapy that every child comes in contact after its born, every mammal after its born. We see on massage from medical science on its effect by many illnesses on cellular level. The aim of our research is to make one rewire for therapy effect of massage by some illnesses, and prove it, by medical assessment tools.

Material and method: We have made one investigation on medical data bases, to resolve all our knowledge and compare with other researchers world way for therapy effect of massage.

Results: We have represented our research in three parts: effect of aromatherapy, application of massage by some illnesses and side effects from massage.

Discussion: Many researchers proved the therapy effect of some traditional form of massage and medical massage too. It is accept from Association of Physical medicine doctors of Europe, like a therapy modality.

Conclusion: Massage has many positive health effects, but medical staff and massage practioners must be careful and to expect some complications specially in area of osteoporotic bones and vessels.

Keywords: Massage; Physical medicine modality; Effects


The massage is the first therapy that every child comes in contact after its born, every mammal after its born. It is the first touch from the mother that mimics and conveys positive energy [1]. Viewed from today’s distance, during the study for the effects of the massage as a therapy, when we get the information we formed the mosaic called massage. We see on massage from medical science on its effect by many illnesses on cellular level[2,3].The word massage comes from the Latin word “massare”, which means grunting or from the Arabic word “mas” meaning pressing. It is found in the literature for the first time in 1813 used in France by Lepage [4]. The massage exists from time immemorial. Man is instinctively rubbing in pain and swelling throughout the body, which is likely to have been used for treatment since ancient times. Massage data as a treatment for the first time meets 3000 years ago. BC, and was carried out in ancient Asian cultures in India and China [5,6].

The massage was used by the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Persians, and the ancient Greeks and Romans as a method of treating diseased and injured parts of the body. Famous doctors Hippocrates and Galen recommended it as a way of treatment [7]. The first entries for a sports massage date from the Roman period, and modern medicine is thought to have been introduced by the Swedes Per Henrik Ling in the 18th century. The names of Mason A., Johann Metzger, Von Mosengeil, etc. are related to the massage. The popularity of massage in different cultures during the millennia has been increasing and decreasing.

During the Renaissance, medical scientists renewed the massage and tried to understand the physiology and anatomy influenced by this method. The French medical community supported the “friction of the skin - and allowed many different massage techniques” [8]. Many of the terms for these techniques, such as effleurage, petrissage, tapotement and friction massage, are used today in English medical terminology.

The popularity of massage as a therapeutic intervention has changed considerably, even over the past few decades. This change took place due to the influence of medical professionals, who believed that medications and surgical procedures needed to reduce disease and suffering. But in recent years there has been a renewed interest in massage, which has led to scientific research on its use as a therapeutic method [9].

As time went on, as we grew up as applicators in the field of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, our understanding for the specific possibilities of the massage for different patient’s disease and the human’s difficulties also grew. After more than 20 years, also we have personal experiences. It was difficult for us to get good literature, but today with the possibilities of electronic communication we can check whether our knowledge has been noted by other massage practitioners around the world. This study is dedicated to all supporters of physical therapy and rehabilitation that our experiences can check in their patients, as we have shared with many, around the world [10].

The aim of our research is to make one rewire for therapy effect of massage by some illnesses, and prove it, by medical assessment tools.

Material and Method

We have made one investigation on medical data bases, to resolve all our knowledge and compare with other researchers world way for therapy effect of massage. Its effect was analyzed during centuries, from records in medical books. The key words of our investigations were massage, history of application, application by some illness, and proved effect with medical scale or measurable parameters. We have analyzed 38 ill conditions, side effects of massage and aroma massage like a combination of two therapy effects. From all our research we have consulted 505 publications. It is published in March 2018, like a Guide book with educational purpose for doctors, physiotherapists, nurses and masseurs. We shall represent it by disease, area of application of massage and proved medical effect.


We represent our results in follow tables:

Table 1: Effect of aroma massage on some illnesses.


Table 1 represent the application of aroma massage in medicine, Table 2, represent the application of massage by some illness, and Table 3 side effects from massage.

Table 2: Effect of massage on some illnesses.


Table 3: Side effects of massage by some illnesses.



Since ancient times, massage therapy has been used to promote healing by people of all backgrounds and cultures [32]. In the context of the White Book of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) in Europe, is noted that massage is one of physical agents used in treatment of people with many illnesses [33].This finding has the importance of recognizing the massage as a scientific method for the treatment of multiple diseases. Traditional median and masses are applied in more pain conditions in patients with malignant disease, on palliative care, and are consistently standardized protocols for the treatment of persons with pain [34,35]. The low coat of pain is a common phenomenon in the doctoral practice, and the reason for the absence of work among the employees [36]. The symptoms of pain can be alleviated with appropriate mass and inhibitory techniques for the pain in the subcutaneous and chronic stage. Massage applied as traditional Tuina massage had an effect in children with scoliosis and can prevent the progression of scoliosis [37]. Massage is one of treatment of central spascity by patient with cerebral palsy [38], Multiple sclerosis [39], Parkinson disease [40] and after Stroke [41] increasing quality of life.

Massage is not safe for all conditions, and medical staff must know it possibilities of complications, like fracture in osteoporotic spine, jugular vein thrombosis and risk of thrombosis by patients with vein vessels insufficiency [42,43].


Massage is an first form of all therapy, it is essential for child after born, has long ancient history, but it has his place in modern physical medicine, proved by science. Massage has many positive health effects, but medical staff and massage practioners must be careful and to expect some complications specially in area of osteoporotic bones and vessels.


Authors are Acknowledgement to Prof.BorisAngelkov, President of TIC, Bitola, for all support in personal and science work.

Conflict of Interest

Authors Declare, that they have not any conflict of interest.


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