Open Access Editorial Article

Importance of Technology Acceptance Assessment for Successful Implementation and Development of New Technologies

Hamed Taherdoost1,2,3,4,5*

1Hamta Group, Hamta Business Solution Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

2Ahoora Ltd, Management Consultation Group, Malaysia

3Research Club, Research and Development Group, Malaysia

4Hamta Academy, Advanced Academic and Industrial Training Centre, Malaysia

5Hamta Academy, Advanced Academic and Industrial Training Centre, Malaysia

Corresponding Author

Received Date: December 19, 2018;  Published Date: January 08, 2019


It is significant to note that user acceptance and confidence are crucial for further development of any new technology [1,2]. Businesses have facilitated or planning to facilitate their business platform to increase personnel efficiency, marketing improvement, cost reduction and increase profitability. Therefore, recognition the needs and acceptance of individuals is the beginning stage of any businesses and this understanding would be helpful to find the way of future development [3-5].

In general, acceptance is defined as “an antagonism to the term refusal and means the positive decision to use an innovation” [6-8]. Decision makers need to know the issues that influence on users’ decision to use a particular system, so they would be able to take them into account during the development phase [7,8]. Several researches developed theories and models to describe and analyze user acceptance and each of these models determines different factors to explain user acceptance [9]. The question about user acceptance is related to all researchers who want to presage which technologies will prove appropriate for an organization [9,10].

On the other point of view, user acceptance is very important to the successful implementation of any new technology [11]. Additionally, it is significant to note that technology’s features play a vital role in determining whether individuals involved in an activity will use it or not [23]. Thus, understanding the users’ perception towards adoption of new technology could help facilitate further growth of the implementation of that particular technology [12,13].

Thus, academicians and practitioners are interested to realize the factors that drive users’ acceptance or rejection of new information technologies [14]. Answering this question may help them to better methods for designing, evaluating and predicting the response of the users to the new technologies [15]. Technology acceptance models and theories have been applied in a wide variety of domains to understand and to predict users’ behavior such as voting, dieting, family planning, donating blood, women’s occupational orientations, breast cancer examination, choice of transport mode, turnover, using birth control pills, education, consumer’s purchase behaviors, and computer usage [16-18]. Several researched in the field of technology acceptance, developed frameworks and models to assess the usage of new technologies and these models introduce factors that can affect the user acceptance such as Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) [19], Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour (TIB) [20], Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) [21-24], Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) [25], Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DIT) [26], Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) [27-29], Extension of TAM [30,31], Motivational Model (MM) [32], Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT), Model of PC Utilization (MPCU) [33], Igbaria’s Model [34], Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) [35], Compatibility UTAUT (C-UTAUT) [36], Perceived Characteristics of Innovating Theory (PCIT) [37] and E-Service Technology Acceptance Model (ESAM) [4] and many studies have used these traditional frameworks to conduct their researches and the rest combined previous models or add new constructs to developed models to carry out their study.

In fact, a great technology and application might be designed and developed but if people do not get involve and do not use it, the project is failed, thus, user acceptance is an undeniable key of any further implementation and development of any technology and application. In other words, in order to increase the level of technology usage and user adoption, the emphasis on factors that can influence on user acceptance should be raised. Recognition the needs and acceptance of individuals is the beginning stage of any businesses and this understanding would be helpful to find the way of future development, thus academicians and practitioners are interested to realize the factors that drive users’ acceptance or rejection of new technologies.



Conflict of Interests

No Conflict of Interest.


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