Mini Review
Value-Creation Through Lifestyle Branding
Dr. Teresa Pérez de Castillo, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad Villanueva, Madrid, Spain.
Received Date: June 17, 2021; Published Date: July 21, 2021
Lifestyle is a pervasive word in the textile and fashion industry and in academia. There is no consensus as to a unified, sustained theory of lifestyle branding and operationalization tools for such a brand strategy. However, the social media surge since 2013 has increased the need to understand how brands can interact with consumers lifestyles portrayed online. This article discusses theoretical underpinnings of ”lifestyle”, in order for Fashion and non-fashion brands to provide relevant “lifestyle” content and allow value-creation for niche consumer lifestyles.
Dr. Teresa Pérez del Castillo. Value-Creation Through Lifestyle Branding. 8(5): 2021. JTSFT.MS.ID.000699.
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