s Neural Conductional Impairment in the Brainstem Auditory Pathway in term Infants with Perinatal Problems | Iris Publishers

Open Access Research Article

Neural Conductional Impairment in the Brainstem Auditory Pathway in term Infants with Perinatal Problems

James Ken Jiang1 Cui Wong2 and Ze Dong Jiang2*

1School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK,

2Division of Neonatology, Children’s Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, China

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Received Date: November 01, 2021;  Published Date: November 23, 2021


Term infants with perinatal problems, i.e., high risk term infants, often suffer certain degree of brain damage. We examined evoked responses in the brainstem auditory pathway in high risk term infants in a tertiary hospital. The data were compared with those in normal term controls to identify any difference. To minimize the influence of threshold variation on wave latencies of the evoked response, all data were analyzed at 40 dB or slightly higher above individual threshold. Compared with the normal controls, the high risk infants showed slightly increase in wave I latency. However, the latencies of waves III and V in the high risk infants were both increased significantly at all repetition rates of clicks used. The I-V interpeak interval was increased significantly at all click rates. Although the I-III interval in the high risk infants tended to be increased, no significant difference from the normal controls was found at any click rates. Nevertheless, the III-V interval in the high risk infants was significantly increased at all click rates. These results suggest neural conductional impairment in the brainstem auditory pathway in term infants with perinatal problems.

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