Review article
Winter Pasture Lands of Azerbaijan and their Agroecological Features
ZH Aliyev, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of ANAS, Azerbaijan.
Received Date: April 13, 2019; Published Date: May 02, 2019
In recent years, the degradation and depletion of the winter pastures have led to the emergence of resuscitation of the base of animal feed. In connection with this, we have an in-depth assessment of the agro-ecological basis and the relevance of the actual task. In the article presents the analysis of the current state of the problem and the agro-productive grouping. In the result, researches on agrochemical, agro-technical and agroproductive activities are carried out.
Natural and anthropogenic impacts of natural soil, grass cover and mainly pasture (degradation), degradation of desertification and degradation of forest ecosystems have led to a considerable sharp reduction in the feed base for animal husbandry development. For a well-known purpose in the country of strategic importance, the assessment of existing natural and cultural pasture areas in the country from their agroeconomic security perspective, using scientifically-based research in the field of compilation and improvement of effective methods is a problem of agrarian science’s urgency. Here, analyzes the modern agroecological situation of the pastures, evaluates land and agrochemical grouping and so on. it is emphasized that it is important to carry out comprehensive measures to improve the quality of the area in the affected areas.
Keywords: Pasture lands; Pastures; Pastures; Surface improvement measures; Climatic elements; Agroecological assessmentt
ZH Aliyev. Winter Pasture Lands of Azerbaijan and their Agroecological Features. World J Agri & Soil Sci. 2(2): 2019. WJASS. MS.ID.000531.
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