Research Article
Determinants of Savings Capacity among Agribusiness Entrepreneurs in Yobe State, Nigeria
Moses JD1, Okpachu SA2*and Okpachu OG3
1Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Adamawa State University, Mubi
2Department of Agricultural Education, Federal College of Education (T), Potiskum
3International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Abuja
Corresponding AuthorOkpachu SA, Department of Agricultural Education, Federal College of Education (T), Potiskum.
Received Date: October 23, 2019; Published Date: October 29, 2019
The study is an attempt to determine the savings capacity among agribusiness entrepreneurs in Yobe State of Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to describe the types of savings prevalent among agribusiness entrepreneurs; and identify and analyze the socio-economic factors that determine the probability of savings decision among agribusiness entrepreneurs. Data were collected from 200 agribusiness entrepreneurs selected using multi-stage sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed using frequency distributions, percentages, and Logit model. The results indicate that socio-economic characteristics of agribusiness entrepreneurs significantly influence the probability that they will save; agribusiness entrepreneurs prefer saving their money Asusu mode of saving. It was recommended that policies to improve savings should inculcate the socio-economic characteristics of these entrepreneurs; campaigns to promote the benefits and dangers of not saving should be encouraged; and conventional banks should partner with Asusu to mobilise savings amongst agribusiness entrepreneurs in the study area.
Keywords: Determinants; Savings capacity; Agribusiness entrepreneurs; Yobe state
Okpachu SA, Moses JD, Okpachu OG. Determinants of Savings and Capital Accumulation among Rural Women Farmers in Ganye Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. World J Agri & Soil Sci. 3(4): 2019. WJASS.MS.ID.000570.
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