Bio-Touch: A Non-Invasive Tool to Improve Outcomes
Carole A McKenzie, BSN coordinator, Associate professor of Nursing, A&M University Commerce, Texas.
Received Date: February 02, 2021; Published Date:April 08, 2021
In the quest to discover additional ways to manage patient pain and stress, complementary therapies provide an adjunctive possibility to the plan of care. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to combine not only complementary therapies but traditional therapies to achieve maximum quality patient outcomes. Bio-Touch is a simple hands-on healing technique that requires no special tools and can be taught to anyone, even children. There are no deleterious effects, no costs other than learning the technique, and it is easy to learn. Bio-Touch is a light, “butterfly” touch lasting ten to fifteen seconds on specific points of the body, depending upon the patient condition being treated.
Bio-Touch can be used to treat all types of health concerns. It begins with a specific greeting and points are then chosen dictated by patient needs. Bio-Touch is taught through The International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Information about the foundation, the technique and how to register for classes is available through the website [1]. Not only is Bio-Touch easy to learn and a complement to other therapies, but it has no levels of ability. Practitioners are effective immediately. The technique requires no special preparation, belief or state of mind to be effective. This study was a follow up to a previously conducted study the year using the same parameters but a different group of nursing students. That data is compared in Table II. Previous work in this area and using the same study instrument was conducted by Bucky and Schwartz [2] with consistently similar results. Similar results have been found by Rivers [3,4].
In addition, Stephenson K, et. al. [5] conducted a study where she completed biopsies on touch sensors under the skin This study group found an increase in the Bio-Touch group in Interleukin-12 levels suggesting a better overall immune response. In a follow-up [6], patients were treated with Bio-Touch and completed Quality of Life Scales SF-36. Bio-Touch was performed once weekly and yielded improved Quality of Life scores at 8 weeks and sustained effect at four weeks on bodily pain, social functioning, vitality, general health perceptions and mental health index. Biopsies were only conducted on 18 patients, given the cost and invasive component of the biopsies. Evidence to support the efficacy of Bio- Touch is also available on the website. This researcher conducted a study in a Midwestern university, where BSN Nursing students were taught and became certified in Bio-Touch and then used the technique on a random sample of university students, faculty, staff, and community members. The study was a Level IV descriptive study with before and after measures. Participants answered a questionnaire regarding how they were feeling, students performed the Bio-Touch greeting and then the head and neck set on the participant. Participants then answered the questionnaire again. Both questionnaires were then analyzed. Sample size was 249 with a mean age of 25 years old. Ages ranged from 18-73. Data was analyzed with before and after measures (t test) with a confidence interval of 95% and a p value of <001. Participant comments were also reviewed for qualitative discussion. Demographics are displayed in (Figure 1).
The following components were analyzed: restlessness, stress, pain, feeling “cared for”, and relaxed. The results comparison is seen in (Table 1).
After measure results were as follows: pain, restlessness and stress decreased and relaxation and feeling “cared for” increased. Participants reported that they liked the technique and overall felt better after the Bio-Touch intervention. They asked how to learn more about the technique and where they could receive it again. It was offered to any participant through the university.

Table 1: Comparison of Before and After Means Over Two Years.

These results were consistent with previous studies on Bio- Touch as indicated. While a small number of studies have been conducted, the size of the sample in this group indicates confidence in the results. Given that Bio-Touch has no adverse effects, and the evidence suggests positive results, it is certainly worth investigating and utilizing. In addition, since it is easy to teach to all age groups, it could be an adjunctive approach to any patient experiencing pain, health conditions, stress and general [4]. Suggestions for future study include measuring vital signs before and after; study patients with a particular health condition and studying groups of specific personality types and/or measuring personality type. Because measuring touch receptors is painful and expensive, those measures have not been considered for future study, but it is not feasible in a small research setting with limited funding. IRB approval would also be difficult given that skin biopsy is required. The results of the study certainly merit utilization in any health care setting. This researcher has had multiple anecdotal experiences indicating the efficacy and importance of use in the clinical and/ or personal setting. Anecdotal experiences, including some of this author’s own, are included in the book, “Bio-Touch: Healing with the Power in Our Fingertips” [4,7]. Given that there are no side effects and given the ease of use, it becomes an important way to positively facilitate patient care outcomes. In addition, this study can be easily replicated with the likelihood of comparable results.
Conflict of Interest
Author has no conflict of interest.
- (2021) JustTouch.com
- Bucky P, Schwartz G (2000) Resurrecting the reputation of touch.
- Rivers W (2002) Honors Thesis, South Carolina Honors College.
- McKenzie C, Afterward In, Schildhouse D (2015) Bio-Touch: Healing with the Power in our fingertips, New York, USA.
- Stephenson K, Pinson B, Seliga J, Black M, Holiday D (2003) The effects of Bio-Touch on quality of life scores in patients. Ann Am Psychother Assoc 6(2): 28.
- Stephenson K (2004) New research: preliminary results.
- McKenzie C, Bucky P, Palmer S (2012) Productivity and stress: complementary approaches to more effectively manage stress in the workplace.
Carole A McKenzie. Bio-Touch: A Non-Invasive Tool to Improve Outcomes. On J Complement & Alt Med. 6(3): 2021. OJCAM. MS.ID.000636.
Mindfulness practices; Group work; Mindfulness Sessions; Successful Practice; Integrating; Mind; Body; Soul
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