Mini review
The Health and Safety of Nephrology Nurses and The Environments in Which They Work
Ashley Hussain*
Department of Health Science and Human Ecology, California State University, San Bernardino, USA
Ashley Hussain, Department of Health Science and Human Ecology, California State University, San Bernardino, California, USA.
Received Date: June 28, 2020; Published Date:August 27, 2020
The articles are divided into different sections. The first section presents an introduction to the topic. The introductory part presents the background to the topic under research. Some of the important information covered under the introductory paragraph of the article includes factors such as the increase in the quality of wellbeing among nurses. Some of the factors that are mentioned in the introductory part include the quality of the nursing environment. In connection with the nursing environment factor, the article shows some of the works that have been done, which establishes the relationship between the patient’s safety and the employee’s safety. The introduction also provides a comprehensive meaning of the term nursing safety, based on the ideas of different authors and organizations. The second part of the article covers the methods that were used in the research. One of the methods that were used in the data collection phase includes the survey method. The main survey that was involved in the collection based on the extensive literature review of the articles related to nurse’s health and safety. The article indicates that the participants in the survey were informed using different platforms such as Face book, Twitter, and RN websites. Survey Monkey was the tool that was used for data collection. The next section presents the results obtained during the study. The results indicate that there is a strong correlation between the working environments for the nurses and nurses’ safety and health. The last part of the article is the conclusion of the study. The conclusion provides an overview of the results obtained during the study and the significance of the study.
Keywords:Health, Safety, Nurses, Work Environment, Culture of Safety
Abbreviations: AACN: American Association of Critical-Care Nurses; ANA: American Nurses Association; ANNA: The American Nephrology Nurses Association; AONE: American Organization of Nurse Executives; CDC: Center of Disease Control; NNI: Nephrology News and Issues; NOA: Nursing Organizations Alliance; RN: Registered Nurse
Ashley Hussain. The Health and Safety of Nephrology Nurses and The Environments in Which They Work. On J Complement & Alt Med. 5(2): 2020. OJCAM.MS.ID.000606.