Research Article
The Effect of Mandalynth Tracing as a Mindfulness- Based Training Technique on Anxiety and Self- Perception of Ability to Participate in Meaningful Activities
Christine Manville*, Thu Can, Leah Carlisle, Sarah Glassner, Caroline Goffigon, Hope Lohmueller and Jenae Stevens
Department of Psychology, Belmont University, USA.
Christine Manville*, Thu Can, Leah Carlisle, Sarah Glassner, Caroline Goffigon, Hope Lohmueller and Jenae Stevens
Received Date: October 05, 2019; Published Date: December 09, 2019
This study examined the impact of Mandalynth tracing as a mindfulness-based training technique. It investigated whether the act of tracing had an influence on an individual’s physiology and self-perception of anxiety, and their perceived ability to participate in meaningful activities. This descriptive, mixed-methods study used interview responses, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, and pulse-oximeter readings to obtain data. While this study was not statistically significant, researchers concluded anxiety has a negative impact on individual perception of participation. Though additional research is needed to confirm the efficacy of Mandalynth tracing, the use of this tool decreased physiological symptoms of anxiety and promoted self-reported relaxation and calming effects.
Christine Manville, Thu Can, Leah Carlisle, Sarah Glassner, Caroline Goffigon, Hope Lohmueller, et al. The Effect of Mandalynth Tracing as a Mindfulness-Based Training Technique on Anxiety and Self-Perception of Ability to Participate in Meaningful Activities. On J Complement & Alt Med. 3(1): 2019. OJCAM.MS.ID.000553.