Short Communication
Theoretical Study of The Alloying Elements on the Properties of Tib2 Ceramic Reinforced Fe Matrix Composite
Yefei Li1*, Xue Bai1, Honggang Liu2, Xiaojing Zhang2, Qinkun Liu3 and Changmeng Zhou3
1State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
2Datang Shengye Science and Technology Co., Ltd, China
3Shandong Huifeng Casting Technology Co., Ltd, China
Yefei Li, State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710049, China.
Received Date: June 13, 2019; Published Date: June 17, 2019
In recent decades, ceramic particles reinforced iron matrix composites (CPRIMCs) are regarded as the main achievements in wear resistant materials area [1-3]. Among many iron matrix composites, Tib2 ceramic reinforced Fe matrix composite (Tib2/ Fe) behaves large elastic modulus, high mechanical strength, and advanced hardness and wear resistance [4,5]. Additionally, the high electrical conductivity of Tib2 ceramic [6] enables machining of Tib2/Fe composite easily using electrical discharge machining. Agarwal and Dahotre [7] discussed the reinforcing mechanism of Tib2/Fe composite, the epitaxial growth of iron on Tib2 particles is revealed, and the orientation relationship was found as Tib2 (0001)/Fe (111). However, much less information is available for the effects of alloying elements on the properties of Tib2/Fe interface.
Yefei Li, Xue Bai, Honggang Liu, Xiaojing Zhang, Qinkun Liu, Changmeng Zhou. Theoretical Study of The Alloying Elements on the Properties of Tib2 Ceramic Reinforced Fe Matrix Composite. Mod Concept Material Sci. 1(3): 2019. MCMS.MS.ID.000514.
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