Mini Review
Developing Material Requirements for Automotive Brake Disc
Samuel A Awe, R&D Department, Automotive Components Floby AB, Aspenäsgatan 2, SE-521 51 Floby, Sweden.
Received Date: November 12, 2019; Published Date: November 15, 2019
As electric vehicles are becoming more popular in society and several regulations concerning vehicle safety and performance as well as particulate matter emissions reduction are progressively becoming stringent, the author opines that these determinants would shape future automotive brake discs development. This mini-review highlights some of the essential parameters that would contribute to the next brake disc design and development and discusses how these factors will govern the choice of brake disc material in the coming years.
Keywords:Automotive vehicle; Brake system; Brake discs; Particle emissions; Lightweight; Regulations; Corrosion; Electric cars
Samuel A Awe. Developing Material Requirements for Automotive Brake Disc. Mod Concept Material Sci. 2(2): 2019. MCMS. MS.ID.000531.
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