Review Article
Luxury Strategy by Simple and Pleasant Life-Style Brand of MUJI — Flagship Store Strategy for Large Store Location
Shin’ya Nagasawa1* and Norihiro Suganami2
1Graduate School of Business and Finance, Waseda University, Japan
2Tanseisha Co. Ltd., Japan
Shin’ya Nagasawa, Graduate School of Business and Finance, Waseda University Tokyo, Japan.
Received Date: August 14, 2020; Published Date: September 01, 2020
Most of the luxury brands have flagship stores. In recent years, daily fashion brands and SPA brands such as UNIQLO and MUJI also have flagship stores. Both flagship stores are large stores, located in special places such as Ginza for brand-building. However, flagship store importance is not only Place of the marketing mix (4Ps) but also Product, Price, Promotion. In this article, we investigate flagship store strategy and the relationship between flagship store strategy and brand building by the overseas cases of MUJI.
Keywords: MUJI; Flagship store; Store location; Brand building; Luxury strategy
Shin’ya Nagasawa, Norihiro Suganami. Luxury Strategy by Simple and Pleasant Life-Style Brand of MUJI — Flagship Store Strategy for Large Store Location. 6(4): 2020. JTSFT.MS.ID.000644.
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