Mini Review
How Meaning Can Inform Fashion Design – The Semantic Turn
Helge Löbler, Institute for Service and Relationship Management, Leipzig University, Germany.
Received Date: August 24, 2020; Published Date: September 18, 2020
This review presents humans-centered design and shows how it can inform fashion design. The core insight of human-centered design is that people do not respond to things (material and immaterial) as they are but act according to what they mean. Thereby meaning is co-created on different levels of artificiality. These levels reach from pure product to any kind of discourse by which people refer to their experiences or thoughts and feelings. One important conclusion is that designers do not create the meaning of the designed alone but with a whole community involved and connected to the designed.
Helge Löbler. How Meaning Can Inform Fashion Design – The Semantic Turn. 6(5): 2020. JTSFT.MS.ID.000649.
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