Fashion is Big Business
Vince Quevedo, Associate Professor, Shannon Rogers and Jerry Silverman School of Fashion Design and Merchandising, Kent State University, USA.
Received Date: January 29, 2020; Published Date: February 03, 2020
Although art has had a long history of struggling for acceptance as a viable and important discipline, many of its naysayers have concluded that the basic “Reading, Writing and Arithmetic” courses must take precedence in preparing students for the modern workforce. While studies have confirmed that art contributes to comprehension, retention of knowledge and greater understanding, critics have unsuccessfully waived provisions confirming the importance of the arts along with basic curriculum. Fashion equally strives to be understood, its history with home economics in post-education have forced themselves from the shame it created itself during the women’s movement as a course of study to help women stay subservient to their counterpart. This distance created Home Economic departments to change their name or disband altogether. Fashion has experienced the same fate in most colleges and universities due to the public’s belief that it is a waste of money to support an unimportant subject matter that can be learned in the streets such as sex prior to sex education now called Human Behavior, cooking is now Culinary Arts, and Fashion is Apparel Technology and Textiles. These changes were made to appease administrators to react towards a growing demand for the revitalized home economics topics and to find its place again in academe for profit more so than a qualified area of study.
Vince Quevedo. Fashion is Big Business. J Textile Sci & Fashion Tech. 4(4): 2020. JTSFT.MS.ID.000595.
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