Open Access Opinion

Circular Economy and Economic System

Christian Martín Romero1 and Marco Antonio Marquez Mendoza2*

1Director of Programming and Evaluation, Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Mexico

2Full Professor and Researcher Center for Economic Research and Teaching, A.C., Division of Development Studies,Mexico

Corresponding Author

Received Date:May 01, 2024;  Published Date:May 15, 2024


The current state of production, often associated with environmental degradation, has traditionally been addressed through the lens of conventional economics. This approach treats environmental issues as negative externalities, with solutions focusing on identifying optimal remediation costs, efficient environmental tax rates and subsidies, and promoting clean technologies. However, a novel and intriguing alternative to these solutions is the Circular Economy (CE) perspective. This perspective seeks to harness the benefits of material waste and byproduct recycling by fostering intricate interconnections among industries and consumers [1].

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