Mini Review
Primary Headache in Childhood Associated with Psychiatric Disturbance: A Mini Review
Cacciaguerra G, Oliva C, Pappalardo MG, Messina G, Sapuppo A , Marino L, Sciuto S, Fontana A and Pavone P*
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Catania, Italy
Piero Pavone, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Catania, Via S. Sofia 78. 95123 Catania, Italy.
Received Date: June 05, 2020; Published Date: June 18, 2020
Pediatric headache is a big chapter of all-time medicine. The many medical visits required for this problem suggest us to think on how much we still have to discover about this pathology.
Headache is the third cause of visits to pediatric emergency departments (ED). According to a systematic review, headaches in children evaluated in the ED are primarily due to benign conditions that tend to be self-limiting or resolve with appropriate pharmacological treatment. The more frequent causes of non-traumatic headache include primitive headaches (21.8-66.3%) and benign secondary headaches (35.4-63.2%), whereas potentially life-threatening (LT) secondary headaches are less frequent (2-15.3%).
Many conditions associated with the genesis of headache are under study, and the most classic causes of primary and secondary headache by now may not be sufficient to explain the totality of this phenomenon. Especially the primary headache (independent of other pathologies by definition) could influence the genesis of other pathologies and in turn be influenced by the same, in a negative cycle that leads the patient to the development of different conditions of discomfort.
In this short review we will report the studies of researchers who have tried to connect different states of health to headache, especially linking with psychiatric disturbance.
Keywords: Headache; Migraine; Tension-type headache; Psychological distress; Depression; Anxiety; Comorbidity
Abbreviations: Emergency departments; LT: Life-threatening; TTH: Tension type headache; ICHD-III: International Classification of Headache Disorders
Sapuppo A, Marino L, Sciuto S, Fontana A, Pavone P. Primary Headache in Childhood Associated with Psychiatric Disturbance: A Mini Review. Glob J of Ped & Neonatol Car. 2(4): 2020. GJPNC.MS.ID.000541.