Open Access Review Article

Review of Salt Reducing and Fertility Improvement in Vegetable Facilities in Saline-alkali Land

Dong Xiaoxia*, Liu Shenglin and Ma Zheng

Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Shandong Acedemy of Agricultual Sciences, China

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Received Date: March 27, 2020;  Published Date: September 30, 2020


High salinity, low soil organic matter content and poor soil structure severely limited vegetables production in saline-alkali area. In vegetable facilities, drip irrigation could significantly induce salt content, improve water and nutrition utilization rate though forming “desalinized soil layer”. Application of organic manure could alleviate salt stress by increasing soil organic matter content, promoting the formation of soil aggregate structure, decreasing pH and increasing nutrients in saline-alkali soil. Application of conditioner on saline-alkali soil could partly improve soil physicochemical properties with decreasing salt content.

Keyword: Desalinized soil layer; Drip irrigation; Organic manure; Soil conditioner; Saline-alkali land; Vegetable facility

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