Research Article
Modeling Void Ratio Influences on Shigella Transport in Heterogeneous Grave Depositions
Nwaoburu AO1 and Eluozo SN2*
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Rivers State University, Nigeria
2Department of Civil, College of Engineering Gregory University, Nigeria
Eluozo SN, Department of Civil College of Engineering Gregory University Uturu Abia State, Nigeria.
Received Date: April 24, 2019; Published Date: May 13, 2019
The study examined the transport of Shigella in heterogeneous gravel formation, this is to monitored the migration of Shigella in two different ways, monitoring of the contaminants at vertical direction were increase in in concentration with respect to change in depth and monitoring the concentration influenced by variation of gravel porosities, these two dimension were carried out, it was observed that the transport of Shigella in vertical direction experienced exponential growth rate to the optimum level recorded at ninety meters, this can be attributed to deposition of micronutrients that may increase the population rate of Shigella, this increase the concentration of the contaminant to the optimum depth, while that of porosity influences experienced variation of soil consolidation, decrease in porosity where high consolidation is observed experienced high concentration of Shigella, while increase in soil porosity decrease the concentration of Shigella at different location as observed from the study, the predictive values were subjected to model validation, and both parameters developed best fits correlation, the study has express the influenced from variation of soil porosity under fluctuation of soil consolidation in the study. It has also expressed the growth rate of Shigella influenced by variation of micronutrients in the formation; experts will definitely fine this study useful in monitoring and evaluation of microbial transport in soil and water environment. The study is imperative because the previous study monitored the system on the migration rates based on the deposition of microelement that normally increase its population, but present study observed the effect from velocity variation and its rate of deposition as determination factor for the growth rate of the contaminant in the study environment. This implies that the velocity deposition precisely monitors it observation as it become the determination factor for the depositional variation of enteric virus in coarse depositions.
Keywords: Modeling; Transport enteric virus velocity; Coarse deposition
Nwaoburu AO, Eluozo SN. Modeling Void Ratio Influences on Shigella Transport in Heterogeneous Grave Depositions. Glob J Eng Sci. 2(2): 2019. GJES.MS.ID.000535.
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