Mini Review
A Short Analysis of Biosorbents and its Potential Removal Contaminants from Aqueous Media
Dison S P Franco and Guilherme L Dotto*
Chemical Engineering Department, Federal University of Santa Maria-UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Guilherme L Dotto, Adjunct professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Federal University of Santa Maria-UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.
Received Date: May 06, 2020; Published Date: May 13, 2020
Biosorbents are materials applied in the sorption process, and are extensively studied throughout the years. Here a brief discussion about the origin of each common biosorbent studied and major characteristics are presented.
Keywords: Characteristics; Biosorbent; Dyes; Heavy metal; Pesticides; Pharmaceuticals
Dison S P Franco, Guilherme L Dotto. A Short Analysis of Biosorbents and its Potential Removal Contaminants from Aqueous Media. Glob J Eng Sci. 5(2): 2020. GJES.MS.ID.000610.
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