Case Report
Acute Lung Injury Following Cement Inhalation-A Case Report
Babar Dildar*, Arisha Babar and Muhammad Noor
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Babar Dildar, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, UK.
Received Date: March 08, 2021; Published Date:April 01, 2021
Inhalational lung injuries caused by heat, smoke, or chemical irritants are described as causing pulmonary toxicity, ranging from upper airway symptoms to acute respiratory distress syndrome. We are reporting a case of a 25 years old man with accidental massive cement dust inhalation, who developed diffuse lung injury and hypoxic respiratory failure along with skin and mucosal injuries. Management of such cases is challenging in the absence of clinical guidelines. This patient responded well to steroids, antibiotics and supportive care. To the best of our knowledge, effects of acute massive cement dust inhalation have not been reported in English literature so far.
Keywords:Inhalation injury; Acute respiratory failure; Cement dust
Babar Dildar, Arisha Babar, Muhammad Noor. Acute Lung Injury Following Cement Inhalation-A Case Report. Anaest & Sur Open Access J. 2(4): 2020. ASOAJ.MS.ID.000542.
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