Open Access Medical Case Report

Episodic Hypothermia Related to Autonomic Dysfunction Improved on Cyproheptadine and Pyridostigmine

Leilani Janay Miranda1,2* and Anna DePold Hohler1

1Department of Neurology, St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Brighton, MA, United States

2Tufts School of Medicine, Boston, MA, United Staates

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Received Date:December 12, 2023;  Published Date:December 19, 2023


Hypothermia is quantified by a basal core temperature that is below 35ºC and can have a variety of causes, most of which are self-limited or resolve when the underlying cause is treated. Some patients may exhibit episodic hypothermia. There are several reports of cyproheptadine being beneficial in the treatment of episodic hypothermia in children and young adults. This case report discusses a 62-year-old woman with underlying autonomic dysfunction who had multiple episodes of neuropathic pain, hypothermia and diaphoresis, all of which responded to cyproheptadine and pyridostigmine treatment. In this patient, the hypothermia was attributed to her autonomic system dysfunction..

Keywords:Autonomic dysfunction; Hypothermia; Cyproheptadine; Pyridostimine; Case Report

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