Research Article
Analysis Of Plasma D-Dimer Behavior After A HIIT Session By Machine Learning Exploratory Technique
Luis Carlos Oliveira Gonçalves1,A,B,C,D*, Eduardo Luzia França2,A, Rafael Joviano Souza de Barros3,E, Roberto Lohn Nahon4,F, Adenilda Cristina Honorio França5,A, Fernanda Regina Casagrande Giachini Vitorino6,A, Aníbal Monteiro de Magalhães Neto7,A,B
AGraduate Program in Basic and Applied Immunology and Parasitology (PPGIP), Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Brazil
BGraduate Program in in Physical Education (PPGEF), Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Brazil
CUndegraduate Program in Statistics – Brazilian Institute of Medicine and Rehabilitation (IBMR), Brazil
DMBA in Data Science & Analytics – University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil
EDepartment of Municipal Health, Barra do Garças-MT, Brazil
FBrazilian Society of Orthopedics (SBOT). Brazilian Society of Exercise and Sports Medicine (SBME), Brazil
Luis C O Gonçalves, Graduate Program in Physical Education, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Received Date: June 24, 2023; Published Date: July 31, 2023
Sport omics has sought to understand immunometabolism. Fifteen athletes of MMA were submitted to HIIT to evaluate acute stress and the kinetics of D-dimer. After applying the Euclidean dissimilarity measure, two dendrograms were proposed that presented three clusters of d-dimer behavior. Cohen’s d and r were calculated for the three clusters formed, confirming the choice. The network plot with the Fruchterman algorithm identified that the cluster formed by athletes 4, 7, 15, and 16 had a more differentiated behavior than the other two clusters. The D-dimer does not show similar kinetics, even in a highly homogeneous group subjected to the same type, time, and intensity of stress, presenting itself as a potentially more sensitive biomarker for stress, going far beyond a vascular marker, as perceived during the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of exploratory machine learning techniques for analysis D-Dimer has been suggested since its behavior is highly individual, not allowing analysis only by means.
Keywords:Sportomics; Data mining; Sports Medicine
Luis Carlos Oliveira Gonçalves*, Eduardo Luzia França, Rafael Joviano Souza de Barros and Roberto Lohn Nahon. Analysis Of Plasma D-Dimer Behavior After A HIIT Session By Machine Learning Exploratory Technique. Aca J Spo Sci & Med. 1(2): 2023. AJSSM.MS.ID.000506.
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