Open Access Short Communication

Patternplot: Create Pie Chart, Bar Chart and Boxplot with Color, Patterns and User-defined Images in R

Shasha Bai1* and Chunqiao Luo2

1Department of Biomedical Informatics, Center for Biostatistics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, USA

2Department of Biostatistics Core, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center University of Southern California, USA

Corresponding Author

Received Date: March 25, 2021;  Published Date: June 24, 2021


The pattern plot package is developed to create aesthetically pleasing and informative graphs in R. The graph types supported are pie chart, bar chart, and boxplot. Users can choose to fill pies, bars and boxes with colors, patterns, a combination of colors and patterns, or any user-defined images in .png or .jpeg formats. All graphic packages in R are able to color code categories. However, before the pattern plot package, previous graphic packages in R have either no or very limited capability in filling pie chart, bar chart, and boxplot with patterns. To the best of our knowledge, there is not any another R package, Python package, SAS/GRAPH® that has the capability in filling pie chart, bar chart, and boxplot with user-defined images. Therefore, the pattern plot package enhances the capacity of R graphing and provides users with a versatile graphic tool.

Keywords: Pattern plot; Pie chart; Bar chart; Boxplot; Pattern; Color; User defined; Image; R

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