Professor, Department of Anatomy and Pathology, St. Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences, P. O. Box 175 Ifakara Tanzania. Private address, Savanna Livestock and Agriculture Company P. O. Box 2254 Morogoro Tanzania,,, + 255(0) 754324040, 0684226400, 0655048844
Professor and Head of Department of Anatomy and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, St. Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences (SFUCHAS), a Constituent College of St. Augustine University of Tanzania, November 5, 2019 to date.
Savanna Livestock and Agriculture Company Limited Morogoro
Promoter and member of Board of Trustees, 1st March 2019 to date.
Member of Board of Directors of Jordan University College, a Constituent College of St. Augustine University of Tanzania, November 1 2019 to date.
Saint Augustine Universityt of Tanzania (SAUT)
Acting Vice Chancellor, August 1, 2018 to 28 February 2019
Sokoine University of Agriculture
1. Professor, SUA, July 1, 1997 to date
2. Associate Professor, SUA, July 1, 1992 to June 30, 1997
3. Senior Lecturer, SUA, July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1992
4. Lecturer, Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro (SUA), Tanzania; July 1, 1984 to June 30, 1988
5. Assistant Lecturer, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, September 5, 1982 to June 30, 1984
1. Veterinary Officer I Min of Agric August 1981 to August 1982.
2. Principal, Livestock Training Institute Mpwapwa February 1981 30/8/1982 to August 1982.
3. Tutor, Livestock Training Institute Mpwapwa, 1/7/1980-31/1/1981.
4. Regional Veterinary Officer, Tabora 1/7/1979 -30/6/1980.
5. District Veterinary Officer, Nzega, Tabora region 11/7/1977- 30/6/1979.
6. Veterinary Officer II Ministry of Agriculture July 1977 to July 1981