Open Access Research Article

Work an Unavoidable Pain in The Neck! Or Is It? A Systematic Review of Modifiable Risk Factors for Neck Pain in Office Workers

Jenny Alexanders1, Jo Ann Kaye2*, Emma Skidmore3, Anthony Gordon1 and Marc Johnson1

1School of Health and Social Care, Teesside University, UK

2Department of Sport and Exercise Science, Durham University, UK

3School of Health and Social Care, Nuffield Health, UK

Corresponding Author

Received Date: July 26, 2023;  Published Date:August 10, 2023


In modern, industrialized countries, service and informationbased sectors are providing an increasing number of jobs [1-3]. Contemporary employment tendencies are becoming increasingly sedentary, leading to a growth in the office worker (OW) population [4,1]. The head and neck have been inculpated as the predominant painful body sites in OW [5]. Neck pain (NP) is defined as nonspecific, mechanical, or soft-tissue-related pain (excluding serious pathologies’ sequelae or disease, tumours, infection, and fractures) within the anatomical borders [6]. Studies have reported one-year prevalence of NP with exorbitances of 69% [7], compared to 37% within the general populace [8].

Occupational health services support employers and staff to manage work-related health, with specialist physiotherapists within the service. They aid work-related musculoskeletal disorders via physical treatments, preventative strategies regarding ergonomic advice, or exercise prescription for stress-management [9, 10]. Musculoskeletal disorders and stress form fundamental sickness absence rates [10], with 40% purportedly through musculoskeletal disorders such as NP amongst NHS employees [11]. NP corresponds with reduced work performance as it can reduce the ability to think and concentrate, which affects task engagement and results in productivity loss [1]. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically metamorphosed working practices, as lockdown restrictions necessitated home environment changes for remote working [12, 13]. It has been identified that many home working environments possessed poor mental and musculoskeletal health and that 70.5% of participants reported current musculoskeletal pain – 23.5% in the neck. 50% of participants described that their symptom exacerbations related to their environmental alteration.

Plethoric research exists investigating work-related NP’s mutuality with the environment’s physical factors [14]. Prolonged sitting [15, 4], sitting in an unsupportive chair [16], and sitting in a bent, twisted, or sustained posture for prolonged periods [7] are all homologous with NP. Likewise, increased time working with computers [17-19] and using mice devices exacerbate risk [20]. However, as sitting is almost synonymous with computer-/ keyboard-/mouse-work (unless working from a standing desk), it may be a case of unravelling the relative risk of each factor and whether standing desks cause similar symptoms. Further larger scale research which explores a range of ergonomic working practices using standard desks, treadmill desks, and standing desks would provide valuable insight regarding neck pain prevenances in the office workforce.

Psychological factors, such as stress [16, 1, 21], and states of psychological distress concerning anxiety and depression [17, 1] are substantially correlated with NP. Additionally, perceived muscle-tension, a key physiological indicator of psychological symptoms [22], is substantiated to correlate with NP amongst computer workers [19]. Among female office workers, minimal supervisor-support and excessive job- strain have been proposed to have positive affiliations with neck symptoms and disability [20], whilst applaudable supervisor-support, decision-authority and skill- discretion are protective [23].

This study’s fundamental objective was to answer the research question ‘What modifiable factors affect the risk of developing neck pain in office workers?’.


This study was a systematic review based on secondary data, therefore only an ethical release statement was required. The study protocol was approved by PROSPERO (CRD, 2020), the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (reg – CRD42020204484), and is presented per PRISMA guidelines [24]. A positivist epistemological stance was assumed to uncover objective cause-and-effect relationships [25].

Search Strategy

PubMed, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, AMED, PEDro and SPORTDiscus online database searches were conducted in August 2020 to identify all published, peer-reviewed literature from biomedical, physiotherapy, Allied Health, and nursing disciplines.

Relevant studies and reviews reference lists were handsearched, and Google Scholar and Discovery were utilised to assist in the relevant literature’s identification. Population, exposure, outcome (PEO) framework was utilised to dissect the research question into relevant subcomponents and combined with relevant Boolean operators, search criteria were constructed for each database.

Eligibility criteria

For inclusion, studies must have disseminated findings relating to NP development and preventable factor-exposure. Observational methods designed to surmise cause- and-effect relationships were prioritised, therefore only longitudinal studies were utilised in the final synthesis. Participants must OW over the age of 18, without any other demographic or occupational characteristic restrictions.

Study Selection

All identified articles were transferred to RefWorks for management and de- duplication by the lead researcher (MJ). The remaining articles were subject to a two-stage screening process (Figure 1) with a second researcher contributing (LB) to minify bias risk [26]. Through the eligibility criteria, stage one of the screening process involved reading titles and abstracts, whilst stage two involved obtaining full-text copies of remaining studies and reading them exhaustively. Consensus regarding screening result differences was resolved through constructive discourse. If a study was found to have used the same sample as another under consideration, one was discarded following discussion, with the study deemed to be most relevant included. If consensus was unattainable, a third researcher (JAs) was available to contribute to a majority vote.

Study Appraisal

The Critical Skills Appraisal Programme (CASP) tool for cohort studies was employed to assess eligible studies bias-risks [27]. However, a paucity of gold-standard appraisal tools for specific study designs or Allied Health-use exist [28], and CASP tools have been critiqued as limited in their ability to fully represent the complex, nuanced methodological considerations used within different studies [29], risking subjective bias. This was negated through an additional researcher (JA), and disagreement was negotiated using a third (JAs). Completed appraisal checklists are presented in Appendix 1.

Data Extraction

Relevant data-extraction was performed using two specifically prepared forms. The first, to note methodological factors (Appendix 2), including study-design, follow-up length/frequency, sample selection criteria, definitions used, risk factor analysis, and data-collection methods. The second, notes each study’s sample characteristics, NP occurrence rates, and NP-associated factors (Table 1).

Table 1:Extracted results data.




1669 articles were identified via systematically searching the databases. Manual and hand-searching yielded nil supplementary articles. Following duplicate-removal and screening, 13 articles remained. 3 articles were discarded through methodological factors not meeting inclusion criteria, and 1 was excluded through low methodological quality. 8 articles meeting inclusion-criteria were included in the final synthesis (Figure 1)


Modifiable psychological factors

Intensified psychological stress increasing risk was divulged by three studies [30-32]. Korhonen et al. [33] reported finding a causative effect affiliated with high stress and inactivity. Paksaichol et al. [34] reported that perceived muscle-tension was predictive of NP development. Hush et al. [30] and Shahidi et al. [32] found an association with depression, anxiety and NP.

Modifiable work-social factors

Jensen [35] reported excessive cognitive demands and substandard technical support amongst men increased NP risk. In women, intolerable sensorial- stipulations, high-repetitiveness, low-influence, and inadequate social provisions elevated risk. Jun et al. [31] concluded that job-strain was related to increased-risk, however, high-control coping strategies and high social-support mediated this. Additional work-social factors include psychological job-demands [36], physical job- demands [34], and task difficulty [37].

Modifiable physical factors

Inappropriately-positioned computer monitors and keyboards were reported as physical risk factors [33-35]. Eltayeb et al. [37] reported factors relating to unsuitable posture-workstation interactions increased risk. Jun et al. [31] reported the risk-curtailing abilities of neutral thoracic posture and cervical flexor-endurance other physical factors increased computer-usage timescales [37].

Modifiable biomechanical factors

Greater cervical extensor-endurance has been considered preventative in the development of NP [31], whilst atrophic neck flexor-endurance was causative [34]. Whereas Sihawong et al. [36] advocated that neck extension-frequency throughout the workday increased neck pain association. Risk-reduction was purportedly interconnected with improving cervical-extension range-ofmotion by Jun et al. [31], and cervical flexion and extension range surpassing 120° by Hush et al. [30]. Paksaichol et al. [34] postulated that typing technique was a contributing factor in the development of neck pain.

The role of physical activity

Higher physical activity levels have been shown to reduce the risk of neck pain in office workers [31, 32]. Korhonen et al. [33] reported that office workers with higher levels of physical activity correlate with reduced stress levels and when compared to sedentary office workers, they were seven times more at risk of developing neck pain compared to highly active and extremely stressed office workers. Conversely, Hush et al. [30] reported that those exercising a few times a week had greater NP- occurrence risk. Furthermore, those who did exercise three times a week were also reported to spend considerable time working in a seated position and it was those sedentary behaviours that increased the risk of neck pain according to Jun et al. [30].


The results demonstrate how work-social factors affect psychological stress, consequentially provoking neck pain development. Modifiable factors regarding physical environment, individuals’ physical capacities and activity profiles have been found. Psychologically, OW NP is associated with stress [1, 16, 21], general psychological distress [17], anxiety and depression [1] and perceived muscle-tension [19]. This data contained self-reported psychological symptoms therefore it may be susceptible to bias. Future research which uses a professionally assessed medical diagnosis will improve the robustness of the key findings.

Muscular tension was highlighted as causative of OW neck and shoulder pain by Huysmans et al. [38]. However, laboratorybased findings do not associate objectively measured muscular tension with pain. Stress/pain reporting is also more likely by those experiencing muscle-tension, perhaps resulting from other factors.

Consequently, objective determination that stress within office scenarios influences muscle-tension, and NPs are recommended.

Kraatz et al. [39] exhibited compelling evidence for jobdemands, -control, -strain and social-support relationships in general working populations. NP-variable correlations of various work related demands [40], include control [41], support [23], and strain [41]. OW may avoid reporting negative work-social facture for fear of repercussions which may further increase stress. Preventative strategies focused on reducing job-strain, demand, and optimising job-control and social-support could reduce social domain’s detrimental repercussions.

OW have more risk of having NP if they are more physically active [4], with elevated vulnerability in less active [21], and sedentary populations [4, 15]. Sitthipornvorakul et al. [42] reported that those working sedentary jobs could minify NP’s risk by 14% by increasing their physical activity via walking 1000 steps-perday. Opposing to this, Blangstead et al. [43] stated that all-round training (cardiopulmonary-focused exercise) did not precipitate protective OW neck and shoulder symptom effects.

Hildebrandt et al. [44] reported that certain ‘vigorous’ sports retained increased risk. This infers that the physical activity modality is influential and may account for this review’s contradictory finding that exercising 3+ times-per-week increases risk.

Physiotherapists are perfectly placed to inhibit NP via exercise intervention. Wu et al. [45] found a dose-response relationship between exercise frequency and resistance to job-stress. Workplace exercise interventions such as yoga [46], outdoor aerobic/strength [47], and tai chi [48,49] have demonstrated positive effects on stress.

Inappropriately set computer monitors as a cause of NP is well recognised [50]. Some studies have used unclear or undefined measures of optimal/sub-optimal. For example, Jensen [35] reported that having a high-placed screen was causative, whilst Paksaichol et al. [34] did not specify high/low positioning specifically. These inconsistencies necessitate a wider study area to aid more indisputable understandings.

Low-placed screens significantly increase neck loading [51] and muscle-activity [52]. Prolonged neck-flexion is also associated with NP in OWs and NP’s association [16]. Muscle-strain with cervical extension has also been associated with high-placed screens [53]. Future research is warranted to determine whether optimal screenheight interventions prevent the onset of NP.

NP is purportedly associated with reduced activity, strength and/or endurance of cervical-extensors [32, 54, 55], -flexors [56- 58] and reduced force-production capacity in all motional planes [57]. Furthermore, minimal neck/shoulder physical capacity was found as an NP risk factor by Hamberg-van Reenen [59]. Falla et al [57, 59] studies investigating cervical-flexor musculature ascertained that pain- inducing neck postures amongst computerusers are rectifiable.

Sihawong et al. [36] preventative intervention study integrated static stretches and muscle-activation to significantly improve neck flexor-endurance and cervical- mobility, which reduced NP cases by 55%. This suggests that tight/weak muscular structures are analogous with NP. Future research determining why cervicalbiomechanical structures affected are compromised would benefit the evidence base. Physiotherapists are perfectly placed to contribute to NP prevention by leading interventions aimed at improving cervical-biomechanical efficiency.

Strengths And Limitations

The methodology was approved by PROSPERO [60, 61] before inception to increase credibility. The process was characterised by elements via systematic search process, additional researchers contributed to screening and appraisal, and implemented a vindicable appraisal tool. It adhered to PRISMA guidelines, increasing robustness. This produced eight high-quality studies’ synthesis, with high ecological validity and conclusions of causeand- effect with clinical implications.

The search was limited to studies published in English, possibly creating publication bias. The CASP appraisal tool was found by both appraisers to rely on subjective interpretation, referring to both the guidance for use and checklist items. This was reflected in different appraiser responses, despite results being broadly similar, the tool also uncovered a lack of representative samples, which, percase, limits the conclusions’ practical applications. Finally, the synthesised studies incorporated significant methodological heterogeneity, perhaps explaining the studies’ widely varied results, possibly influencing the conclusions reached here. Therefore, future research is required to confirm the proposed assertions.


OW are exposed to specific factors that promote NP’s development. Discernment of these factors may assist in NP’s prevention and treatment. Contemporary trends towards office work, and the potential for large workforce exposure to similar risk factors, following the necessitated homeworking during the Covid-19 pandemic, denotes that substantial quanta of the working population may be at risk of developing avoidable NP.

This review has explored modifiable risk factors to address NP’s negative effects. Evidence exists that psychological factors vis-à-vis stress and distress may be decisive causative factors, potentially influenced by work-social factors apropos job- demands, -control, -support, and -strain. Auspiciously, physiotherapeutic advice, exercise recommendations, and general physical activity may yield preventative effects against psychologically induced NP. Physiotherapists, including those within occupational health, are ideally situated to prevent and treat OW NP.

The evidence infers that incongruously positioned screens have causative sequelae, perhaps due to neck angle-related ramifications. Although heterogeneity exists concerning what height is inappropriate, there appears to be a consensus that screen tops should be at eye-level. Furthermore, the finding that sub-optimal cervical biomechanics are causative, strengthens the evidence base. With consideration of the studies’ limitations, the findings of this review may contribute to further scientific enquiry and evidence-based OW NP prevention and treatment stratagems inaugurations.


There are no sources of funding.

Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest.




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