Open Access Mini Review

The Integral Role of Heartfulness Meditation in Rehabilitation

Robyn Gisbert*PT, DPT, CCFP and Margaret Schenkman PT, PhD, FAPTA

Department of Physical therapy, University of Colorado, USA

Corresponding Author

Received Date: June 07, 2021;  Published Date: June 22, 2021


We are navigating an unprecedented time in our lives and in the history of our country. Each of us is facing challenges not only in our daily lives, but also in our expectations for our future. We live in an environment that can bring out many different fears and uncertainties-all of which can lead to a sense of imbalance and can sap our resilience. By and large, we are seeing the strain of the pandemic and evolving sociopolitical climate on the country. Physical therapy students, clinicians, and the patients they serve have additional stressors from their roles within the healthcare system and the challenges therein. Paradoxically, these unprecedented times can be the harbingers of opportunity and innovation if we can learn how to utilize them for the positive. One often untapped resource is raja yoga which can assist physical therapists, students and patients to navigate their respective situations in the current environment with greater ease. Here, we discuss the stresses and strains that make health and health care particularly challenging in today’s world, as well as the manner in which Heartfulness Meditation, a form of raja yoga, can facilitate navigating this current environment.

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