Open Access Research Article

The Participation of View in the Perception of Object with the Variative Shape

Losik George1*, Vadim Tkachenko1, Igor Boyko1 and Alla Bogurina2

1United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Europe

2Department of Psychology, Belarusian State Pedagogical University, Europe

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Received Date: July 22, 2019  Published Date: August 14, 2019


Aim: to describe that in the perception of the object with a variative shape, the kinesthetic sensations of the joints and the “human hand” system as a whole are involved.

Methods: As objects with the variative shape for perception in all experiments, 12 metal springs were used, different in elasticity, length, diameter of the spiral, pitch of the coil, wire thickness, material, color.

In order to relate the subjective and objective properties of the spring, it was described its color, measured the elasticity of the spring with a dynamometer, the length, the diameter of the spiral, the pitch of the coil and the thickness of the spring wire with a caliper. Eight persons participated in the experiments. participated consequently in three experiments, to evaluate the rate of difference between the same pairs of spring for different combinations of analyzers. For determining the minimum dimension of a psychological space in this space the variativity scale was revealed. This is a complex scale, and therefore it disappears if one or other link of its mechanism is missing.

Results: We assume that there is a superstructure over the self-working visual, tactile, kinesthetic analyzers. This is a superstructure in the form of another, integral signal analyzer from the three analyzers.

The result of this analyzer is the “sensation” of the person of this quality of the object in variativity of its shape. To evaluate this quality, there are no special receptors in humans. Nevertheless, in the phylogeny to evaluate this biologically important quality, a separate scale of evaluation was formed on the behavioral and the cortical levels. An analogue to this analyzer is the object distance from analyzer. Observer for stereopsis vision, by comparison in the visual cortex of two images arriving in the brain from the right and left eyes.

We received matrix scores, which were then processed on a computer. The mechanism of evaluation of elasticity and variativity is realized by hand together with vision. With the help of active influence on the object, a person studies in him “visual” changeability of the shape.

Conclusion: The coordinated work of the visual, tactile and kinesthetic analyzers forms a separate stand-alone analyzer. Due to simultaneous movements of the eyes and hands, this analyzer allows the perceiving person to discover more information for comparing the presented objects of the variative shape and estimating the differences between them. People who are blind from birth cannot, unfortunately, form images of the objects with the variative shape.

Keywords: Perception action; Kinesthetic sensations; Visual analyzer

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