Eye Regeneration and Healing with Amniotic Membrane
Carmen Álvarez*
Department of Ophthalmologist, Oculoplasty and ocular surface specialist, Aragua, Venezuela
Carmen Álvarez, Department of Ophthalmologist, Oculoplasty and ocular surface specialist, Aragua, Venezuela.
Received Date: April 02, 2019; Published Date: April 15, 2019
If a person has suffered some tumor, ulcers, epithelial defects of the cornea and the conjunctiva, the treatment with amniotic membrane (MA) provides very satisfactory results to achieve the healing and reconstruction of the ocular surface in the short and long term. It is possible to opt for the use of the amniotic membrane, a medical-surgical procedure that is also used to increase the chances of success in some corneal surgeries, when there are cases with problems of tissue regeneration or scarring in the postoperative period.
Carmen Álvarez. Eye Regeneration and Healing with Amniotic Membrane. W J Opthalmol & Vision Res. 1(4): 2019. WJOVR. MS.ID.000520.
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