Open Access Opinion

Diabetic Retinopathy: Targeting BIGH3 to Develop Novel Molecular Therapies

Reanna Rodriguez*, Anjalee Choudhury, Daniela Gonzalez, Cristian Mercado and Andrew Tsin

Department of Molecular Science, School of Medicine, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA

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Received Date: March 15, 2020;  Published Date: May 01, 2020


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes due to damage of blood vessels in the retina. Aside from being a major cause of blindness in the world, DR also has a significant impact on quality of life. Although there are methods to delay the progression of DR, there are no existing therapeutic regimens for early intervention. Thus, it is critical to develop cost-effective therapies towards preventing DR development.

Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy; Vision

Abbreviations: DR: Diabetic retinopathy; HRP: Human retinal pericytes; TGFβ: Transforming Growth Factor Beta; BIGH3: TGFβ-induced Gene Human Clone 3

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