Research Article
Demographics and Pattern of Referral of Participants at a One-Week Long Free Glaucoma Screening Event
Elizabeth A Awoyesuku* and Godswill I Nathaniel
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
Elizabeth A Awoyesuku, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria.
Received Date: November 12, 2019; Published Date: November 26, 2019
Aim: The aim was to elucidate the demographic characteristics of the participants who presented at a week-long free eye screening programme to mark the World Glaucoma Week 2019 at the Ophthalmology department, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital and their sources of referral.
Methodology: Members of the public were invited for free eye screening at the department of Ophthalmology, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital using several channels of information dissemination including electronic media (Radio), Posters /Banners and Social media. Each had a comprehensive ocular examination done. Those identified with glaucoma were referred for follow-up in the glaucoma clinic. Data obtained was analyzed using SPSS version 21. The age groups gender, other demographic distribution of the subjects amongst other were presented using frequency tables and charts.
Results: A total of 133 participants (266 eyes) responded to the invitation for free eye screening. 39.1% were male and 60.9% female with a mean age of 42.26 years ±14.58. 48.2% were in the age group of 31-50years. 45.9% of the participants were civil servants with 63.9% of them having a tertiary form of education. 54.5% of participants presented for the screening after listening to radio announcement. The Prevalence of glaucoma in this study was 4.13%.
Conclusion: Women accessed free eye screening more than men in our study and the mass media (Radio announcement) resulted in the most means of referral. The prevalence of glaucoma from our study was 4.13%.
Keywords: Demographics; Glaucoma screening; Pattern of referral
Elizabeth A Awoyesuku,Godswill I Nathaniel. Demographics and Pattern of Referral of Participants at a One-Week Long Free Glaucoma Screening Event. W J Opthalmol & Vision Res. 2(5): 2019. WJOVR.MS.ID.000549.
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