Open Access Case Report

Placenta Percreta Presenting as an Acute Abdomen in Second Trimester of Pregnancy: Case Report from Middle East

Ahmad Talal Chamsi* and Abdullah S Alshehri

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Security Forces Hospital City, Saudi Arabia

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Received Date: October 03, 2018;  Published Date: October 05, 2018


Abnormal Placentation carries life-threatening consequences to the mother. Placenta percreta is a rare complication of pregnancy. It occurs mostly in the third trimester and presents with severe postpartum hemorrhage and placenta retention. It is rare in the second trimester of pregnancy. Placenta percreta is becoming more common as cesarean section and other uterine surgeries increase. The presence of a uterine scar remains a major risk factor. Clinical presentation is variable with Antepartum hemorrhage is a usual scenario. However, it is usually seen in the third trimester. The presentation here is rare since it occurred in the second trimester rendering clinical suspicion difficult as was evident in the case. We here present a rare presentation of placenta percreta occurring in the second trimester as an acute abdomen secondary to uterine rupture and intraabdominal hemorrhage. She had a life-saving total hysterectomy and good postoperative recovery period. This might be the first case to be presented from Middle east with such scenario. Careful evaluation of a pregnant lady with an acute abdomen must be done with consideration of abnormal placentation as a cause, especially in a patient with risk factors for abnormal placentation.

Keywords: Placenta; Percreta; Accreta; Previa; Increta; Pregnancy; Second Trimester; Acute abdomen

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