Research Article
Dealing with the Sins of the Past and Work towards a Nature-Based Future: New Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture
Leonard Sonnenschein*1 and Etyang Tiberious Brian2
1International Director of Agriculture, President, Conservation for the Oceans Foundation, USA
2Founder eNSPIRE Africa, Nairobi Kenya
Leonard Sonnenschein, International Director of Agriculture, President, Conservation for the Oceans Foundation, Missouri 63102, USA.
Received Date: March 21, 2019; Published Date: April 09, 2019
Many third world developing countries agricultural systems are on the verge of a collapse due to a number of failed schemes. The residues of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and over-use of soil have led to an inability for production to reach optimized levels. The structures for financing and subsidizing the farmers are broken and have proved to be less effective and unsustainable. The effects of climate change have further marginalized productivity due to change in soil conditions and relative cropping equations. The effluents from the farm fields are toxifying streams and residues are being built up into oceanic areas in the form of new eutrophic zones. Further to these factors are the insufficiencies of education, marketing, transportation and the growing lack of nutritional value of the crops raised. To all of these crises there is a need to reinvent the agriculture system towards natural and organic sustainability - economically, environmentally, for food security and eco-safety
Independent field trials using the food-safe nature-based products produced by Salvation Farming Solutions have shown seed and soil treatments led to over 250% increase in corn production compared to Control and 100% pest control by comparison. The control corn had 1.5 cobs per stalk with each cob having corn borer infestation with experimental group having 3.5 cobs per stalk with no pests present. Nutritional analyses showed g/100g percentage change of 400%, 374% and 257% for protein, carbs and fat respectively.
Overall the system allows for reduction in fertilizer by up to 80% while costs of production by 50% while doubling the crop yield hence with potential to quadruple the income of the farmer. This platform that is market ready from seed to finished product which will be easy to sell into the market with high penetration based on regional government, private sector and development partners’ support.
Keywords: Food security; Nutritional analysis; Eutrophic zones; Independent field trials; nature based; Organic; Soil treatment; Seed treatment; Farmer cost savings; Good Agricultural Practices; Sustainable; Fertilizer; Maize; Corn; Climate change; Drought; Pesticide; Innovative technologies
Leonard Sonnenschein, Etyang Tiberious. Dealing with the Sins of the Past and Work towards a Nature-Based Future: New Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture. World J Agri & Soil Sci. 2(1): 2019. WJASS.MS.ID.000526./p>
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