Open Access Review Article

A Comprehensive Evaluation of Sustainable Self- Healing Cementitious Materials-Review

Mohamed Alazhari*

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tripoli, Libya

Corresponding Author

Received Date:November 23, 2023;  Published Date:December 19, 2023


In times the concept of self-healing concrete has gained attention from scholars and become a new area of study, in the construction field. The main focus of this effort has been to explore approaches using chemicals, bacteria and additives to prevent or repair cracks in concrete structures. This review aims to clarify the definitions of self-healing terminology established by scientific societies; The Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) Committee, RILEM and Van Tittelboom, K. & De Belie’s definition. Additionally, we provide an assessment of different techniques related to self-healing and remediation in concrete. Our review chapter examines the range of self-healing agents used to tackle micro-cracks in compositions along with an analysis of the testing methods employed to evaluate their effectiveness in the healing process.

Keywords:Concrete; Bacteria; Cracks; Self-healing; Healing-agents


Concrete stands as the preeminent construction material, renowned for its facile castability and cost-effectiveness. However, a prominent drawback inherent to concrete resides in its limited tensile or flexural strength, inevitably resulting in the formation of cracks at any stage of a concrete structure’s lifecycle. These fissures can emanate from diverse sources, encompassing intrinsic material properties (as exemplified by material property inhomogeneity), prolonged loading, design oversights, or the deleterious influence of aggressive environmental factors. The consequences of these cracks extend to compromise the durability of concrete structures.

Recent research endeavors have yielded concrete formulations imbued with the intriguing capability to spontaneously restore a portion of their performance within a compressed timeframe. This phenomenon, stemming from the study of self-healing, holds empirical promise. Rigorous investigations have unequivocally demonstrated concrete’s intrinsic ability to autonomously seal cracks, commonly recognized as autogenous healing, wherein the material undertakes self-reparation without the addition of external healing agents. Prominent scholars [1-4] have diligently explored variables encompassing crack width, water pH, water hardness, and hydrostatic pressure’s role in autogenous healing. Significantly, autogenous healing materializes through varied modalities, including physical, chemical, and mechanical mechanisms [5].

A Comparison of Existing and Proposed Definitions, for the Self-Healing Phenomenon

The phenomenon of self-healing has been a subject of investigation and definition by multiple authors [6-8], Notably, these definitions reveal notable disparities in interpretation, particularly concerning terms such as “autogenous,” “autogenic,” and “autonomic” self-healing. The synthesis of these varied definitions is succinctly presented below.

The Japan concrete institute (JCI) committee

The JCI Committee conducted a comprehensive study of selfhealing and formulated precise definitions for each technical aspect associated with this phenomenon [8] as shown in Figure 1.


RILEM defined [9]:

The self–healing, as “any process by the material itself involving the recovery and subsequent improvement of performance following an earlier action that had compromised the material’s performance”. RILEM further categorizes the self-healing process into:
Autogenic: “the self-healing is autogenic when the recovery process uses materials component that could otherwise also be present when not specifically designed for self-healing”.
Autonomic: “the self-healing process is autonomic when the recovery process uses material components that would otherwise not to found in the material”.

Definition of self-healing given by Van Tittel boom, K. & De Belie [10]

Van Tittel boom and De Belie’s delineation aligns autogenous healing with the concept of natural healing as put forth by JCI. However, they classify autonomic healing as a subset of autogenous healing, denoting it as modified autogenous healing or improved autogenous healing, contingent on the introduction of supplementary materials to enhance healing efficiency. It’s noteworthy that a disparity emerges between RILEM and JCI definitions regarding autonomic healing, with RILEM’s description equivalently encompassing both autonomic and activated repairing self-healing, as delineated by JCI. Figure 1

The proposed definition in this research for the healing phenomenon stratifies it into three distinctive categories: autogenous, autogenomic, and autonomic. This proposed definition closely aligns with the conceptual framework presented by the Japan Concrete Institute (JCI). Furthermore, we introduce an innovative term, “autogenomic,” encapsulating the amalgamation of autogenous and autonomic healing mechanisms. This concept is visually articulated in Figure 2. The neologism “autogenomic” derives from the synthesis of “autogenic” and “autonomic” (autog+nomic), symbolizing the confluence of these two modes of healing.

Let A symbolize autogenous healing, B represent autogenomic healing, and C denotes autonomic healing. The interrelationships among these three categories can be succinctly conveyed through a Venn diagram:


Definition and types of Self-Healing Phenomena

Researchers have been studying the concept of self-healing phenomenon for many years [12-17]. However, it is important to address a common misunderstanding regarding the impact of selfhealing on permeability. Specifically, the belief that self-healing leads to reduced permeability needs to be reconsidered. This misconception becomes evident in the conclusions reached by investigators, where the measurement of inflow holds considerable significance. Nonetheless, due to the absence of specialized assessments focusing on permeability in this specific context, we still lack a clear understanding of how fluid flows within self-healed concrete due to its complex dynamics [18,19].

Understanding the intricate mechanisms and contextual factors at play in healing is crucial. Such knowledge plays a pivotal role in designing resilient healing systems for high-performance concrete structures. In this comprehensive examination, we meticulously analyze three distinct categories of self-healing: autogenic selfhealing, autogenomic self-healing, and autonomic self-healing (Figure 3 visually presents these categories). These classifications provide an essential framework that enhances our comprehension and strategic utilization of self-repairing mechanisms, thereby driving advancements in materials science for concrete applications. Self-healing phenomena can be categorized into different types based on their underlying mechanisms and principles. These categories are explored as follows:


Autogenous Self-Healing

Autogenous self-healing denotes the inherent ability of cementitious materials to counteract environmental degradation, even in the presence of infiltrating water. To comprehend this selfdefensive attribute, the concept of “natural self-healing,” expounded by Hearn [18], comes to the forefront. The first tool, manifested through a physical mechanism, triggers the swelling of hydrated cement paste adjacent to crack boundaries, resulting in crack closure. The degree of swelling exhibits a proportional relationship with the tightness of crack closure.

The second tool involves chemical processes, characterized by two distinct forms:
a. As water permeates cracks, the pre-existing anhydrite cement undergoes hydration, generating novel compounds that expand into crack voids. It is imperative to acknowledge that sustained hydration alone does not suffice for comprehensive self-healing. However, a limited crack width scenario encompassing cement paste + sand (0.05mm-0.1mm) on the micro/mesoscale [20], in conjunction with concurrent physical swelling, yields successful self-healing for crack widths surpassing 0.1mm. Subsequently, the significance of cement hydration and swelling wanes as crack width escalates.
b. The second form involves the growth of crystals and calcium carbonate deposition along the entire crack length, prompted by a chemical interaction between carbonate and calcium ions present in concrete’s pore water. This culminates in the precipitation of calcium carbonate, effectively sealing the crack. The efficacy of this process hinges upon factors like temperature and pH, as elucidated through prior investigations [21].
c. The third tool is mechanical self-healing encompasses two aspects:
d. A minor contribution to autogenous self-healing is observed when unbound fine particles traverse cracks facilitated by water. Over time, these particles aggregate within the crack, inducing partial healing.
e. The second facet arises from crack formation, resulting in the fragmentation of minute concrete particles. These fragments embed themselves in the crack surfaces, partially obstructing its trajectory.

Autogenomic Self-healing

Autogenomic self-healing constitutes an extension of autogenous healing, where crack width control is achieved through the introduction of external materials. The efficacy of autogenous self-healing within the confines of limited crack widths, approximately 300 μm [22], underscores the need for engineering strategies. One approach involves the integration of fibrereinforced strain hardening to regulate crack width. Alternatively, the autonomous incorporation of agents promotes an autogenous healing state. Van Tittelboom, K. & De Belie [10] propose a robust methodology termed “modified autogenous self-healing,” wherein superabsorbent polymers (SAP) are infused into cementitious material, ensuring an augmented water supply. Upon crack initiation, moisture ingress prompts SAP expansion and migration to the crack, affecting physical closure. Additional strategies for autogenomic healing encompass partial cement substitution with materials such as fly ash or blast furnace slag, recognized catalysts for crystal deposition during autogenous self-healing.

Autonomic self-healing

Autonomic self-healing pertains to material resilience against environmental degradation without external intercession. This mechanical healing process for repairing damaged structures can be summarized in the following.

Capsule-based autonomic healing materials

Microencapsulation, an established technique since the 1950s, has pervaded diverse industries including construction, food, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and chemicals [23]. Pertinently, researchers endeavor to instil autonomic self-healing within concrete via bacterial spore encapsulation [24-28] and chemical encapsulation [27,29,30]. The efficacy of microcapsules hinges on their capacity to withstand forces during concrete deformation [30, 31] and resist polymerization during mixture formulation [31-33]. Three principal microcapsule fabrication methods emerge [23].
a. Polymerization method,
b. Coacervation method,
c. Mechanical method. Parameters such as microcapsule diameter and thickness mandate meticulous consideration during the design process.

The integration of self-healing microcapsules offers a promising remedy to counteract the predicaments linked with internal cracking and micro-cracking within concrete structures. This progressive methodology encompasses a deliberate dispensation of a self-healing agent sourced from microcapsules that have been meticulously incorporated into the concrete matrix. The rupture of these microcapsules, prompted by the advancement of internal cracks within the concrete framework, orchestrates a controlled discharge of the self-healing agent into the afflicted area. The orchestration of this discharge is a result of the combined influence of gravitational and capillary forces.

Upon contact with the damaged region, the self-healing agent undergoes a reaction triggered by various factors, such as moisture, air exposure, elevated temperatures, or chemical interaction with the cementitious matrix. Additionally, the released self-healing agent can also react with chemically added admixtures within the concrete mix. The process of microcapsule self-healing involves the polymerization of the healing agent, which offers several distinct advantages [24]. These benefits encompass a low rate of shrinkage during the polymerization process, an extended lifespan of the healing effects, and a desirable low viscosity of the healing agent. Microcapsules used in this self-healing approach can take on various shapes, such as spherical or cylindrical forms. A visual representation of the usage frequency of each shape within the research community during the period from 2013 to 2022 is depicted in Table 1.

Table 1:Percentage of main parameters of microcapsules in self-healing concrete.


Vascular autonomic self-healing

The vascular autonomic self-healing materials approach involves the incorporation of repair material within hollow fibers or tubes that establish a connection between the structure’s interior and exterior, thus integrating the repair matrix prior to any potential damage occurrence. This system can adopt a singular channel vascular system, enabling the transportation of a single healing agent component, or a multi-channel system that employs a combination of diverse healing agents. As a consequence, in the event of cracking, the encapsulated healing material is released from within the tubes or fibers, seamlessly permeating the structural matrix.

Subsequently, these liberated healing materials infiltrate the cracks and effectively re-establish bonds with the original structural material. The concept of self-healing and repair has garnered attention from various researchers since its inception in 1990 by Dry, who initially introduced this approach for passive smart self-repair across a spectrum of structures, including beams, frames, and bridges [45-49]. Further exploration of this approach has been undertaken by other scholars [37,38], wherein different healing agents were employed. Figure 4 offers a visual comparison between the utilization of vascular self-repair and encapsulated healing methods during the same timeframe (2010-2022).

Bioengineered concrete

Synthetic materials, such as epoxies, have been employed for concrete crack remediation. However, the use of these materials is marred by several drawbacks. Notably, they exhibit disparate thermal expansion coefficients in comparison to concrete, leading to potential compatibility issues. Additionally, these materials pose concerns for both the environment and health hazards due to their composition. In light of these limitations, an environmentally friendly alternative emerges in the form of bacterial concreteinduced calcium carbonate precipitation. This technique capitalizes on the natural action of bacteria to promote the formation of calcium carbonate, effectively aiding in crack repair. Furthermore, the concept of self-healing concrete holds substantial promise in addressing the persistent issue of cracked concrete. By integrating intrinsic repair mechanisms, self-healing concrete presents an avenue to mitigate the substantial costs associated with repairs. A pivotal factor governing the evaluation of self-healing efficacy is the dominant criterion of cost reduction.

Classification of bacteria

Bioengineered concrete realm, bacteria play an essential role in leading processes that consolidate the material’s properties and functionality. Bacteria classification provides perspicacity into their functionality, suitability, and taxonomy for numeric applications within the construction industry field.

Classification based on function

Bioengineered concrete can be categorized based on the functional roles of bacteria that contribute to enhancing concrete properties. This classification sheds light on the diverse capabilities of bacteria within the concrete matrix, driving favorable alterations.
a. The ability of bacteria to precipitate calcite: the capability of bacteria to induce the precipitation of calcium carbonate CaCO3. There are mainly three groups of microorganisms in nature that produce calcite [52] namely,
i. Sulfate-reducing bacteria,
ii. Photosynthetic microorganisms, and iii. some types of microorganisms participate in the nitrogen cycle.
b. PH-Adjusting bacteria: Certain bacteria modify the pH environment within the concrete matrix [53, 54], aiding in the prevention of corrosion of reinforcing materials and enhancing the overall longevity of the structure.
c. Nutrient-Producing Bacteria: Some bacteria generate nutrients that promote the growth of other beneficial microorganisms, supporting a holistic ecosystem within the concrete environment.

Classification based on Taxonomic

The classification of bacteria in this aspect is based on genus and species. Bacteria are classified based on their distinct genetic and physiological attributes, leading to the identification of specific genus and species. This classification aids in the selection of bacteria suitable for particular concrete enhancement processes.


Classification based on Selection Criteria

The selection of bacteria for bioengineered concrete depends on various factors including:
a. Compatibility: Bacteria chosen for a particular application must be compatible with the concrete mix and exhibit minimal adverse interactions.
b. Longevity: Bacteria that exhibit sustained viability and functionality over time are preferred to ensure the long-term effectiveness of bioengineered concrete.
c. Environmental conditions: The ability of bacteria to thrive and perform optimally in the concrete environment, including considerations of temperature, moisture, and nutrient availability.
d. Specific functionality: Bacteria are selected based on their ability to perform in-demand functions, such as CaCO3 precipitation or pH adjustment.

Viability of bacteria in concrete

Bacterial surfaces assume a pivotal role in the process of calcium precipitation [55]. This significance is attributed to the presence of negatively charged functional groups, particularly evident under specific pH conditions, which facilitate the accumulation of positively charged metal ions on bacterial surfaces. Conventionally, the external surfaces of bacterial cells become sites for the gradual formation of carbonate precipitates through successive stratification mechanisms, ultimately leading to the encapsulation of bacteria within burgeoning carbonate crystals [56]. The fundamental contributions of pH and calcium metabolism to microbial carbonate precipitation have been comprehensively expounded upon by Hammes [57]. These bacteria can be strategically employed in various applications, including external applications for remediating concrete cracks, as depicted in Figure 5. The observable trend in the self-healing of published research papers concerning bacterial concrete over the last three decades as exemplified in Figure 6 indicates a significant increase in their numbers. This surge in publications is plausibly attributed to the growing interest in self-healing concrete, recognized as a promising avenue to enhance the longevity and resilience of concrete structures.

In contrast, while notable, the proliferation of research papers addressing spore self-healing concrete and microcapsule-based techniques has not experienced the same rapid scaling as bacterial concrete. This distinction in growth rates can be attributed to the fact that these methodologies are relatively less established within the field. Conversely, the quantity of research papers committed to concrete repair has remained relatively constant over the same three-decade period. This stability in research output is primarily rooted in the enduring prominence of concrete repair as the most prevalent approach to addressing structural cracks. However, it is remarkable that common concrete repair methods are not universally productive, which may contribute to the sustained interest in exploring alternative solutions.


Types of bacteria used in construction materials

In construction, there are various types of bacteria used. The use of bacteria in the construction field has a number of potential benefits, including increasing the durability and strength of concrete, the ability to heal micro-cracks, and reducing the impact of the environment on the concrete. Thus, the most common use in the construction field is shown in Table 2, Figure 6.


Table 2: Different bacteria used in different building materials in the literature.


Summary of advantages and disadvantages of used bacteria in concrete

The utilization of bacteria in concrete presents both advantageous and disadvantageous aspects. On the positive side, bacteria offer a promising solution for the remediation of external cracks when introduced alongside nutrients and sand into these cracks. This process triggers the formation of calcite, resulting in increased strength and stiffness of the concrete. Furthermore, these bacteria can play a dual role in construction by aiding in the development of biologically derived binders and surface treatments for stones. Whether employed for external self-healing or integrated into bio-concrete, the application of bacteria is associated with improvements in compressive strength and enhanced durability. Additionally, bacterial intervention reduces permeability, thereby mitigating the potential for corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. Importantly, the precipitation material generated through bacterial action seamlessly integrates with the original concrete composition.

However, there are notable downsides to consider. The initial cost of bacterial concrete is considerably higher compared to traditional concrete, although this initial investment is offset by subsequent reductions in maintenance expenses. Notably, different bacterial strains necessitate distinct nutrient compositions and specific atmospheric conditions for optimal performance. Furthermore, safeguarding bacteria from the detrimental effects of high pH in concrete requires additional measures. A lack of standardized mix design for bacterial concrete poses a challenge, as there is currently no established code governing these formulations. Finally, it’s important to acknowledge that incorporating bacteriafilled capsules into the concrete mixture might lead to a reduction in compressive strength due to the increased volume of capsules within the material.

In this review chapter, our findings underscore the most promising domain in the realm of self-healing concrete, as indicated in Figure 7. Notably, the figure reveals that the area with the most potential for fruitful research lies within autogenous healing, while conversely, autonomic healing appears to be the least explored aspect in this field.


In Figure 8, the number of publications including minerals and bacteria is presented. It is obvious from the figure that the research field related to minerals is in high demand compared to the field concentrated on bacteria. This is primarily attributed to the inclusion of mineral-based approaches, which are observed to provide more predictable and reliable results in terms of crack healing, as opposed to the bacteria-centered research field.

Tests of self-healing capabilities

Over the past decade, there has been a notable increase in efforts to innervate concrete’s resistance to environmental deterioration through the application of self-healing techniques. However, a major challenge remains in the field of materials classification, mainly due to the lack of standardized criteria for evaluating self-healing test results. This prevailing lack of universally accepted assessment standards has become a major obstacle in this area. Therefore, the researchers [72] have prioritized the establishment of a universally applicable standard procedure for the comprehensive evaluation of self-healing capabilities


In practice, a set of techniques and tests are implemented to evaluate healing capacity and performance. Among them, visualization tests, especially those using scanning methods, are very popular. When it comes to evaluating the self-healing effectiveness of cracks, permeability tests are popular. Furthermore, the 3-point bending test, shown in Figure 10, is a widely recognized and used method to evaluate the recovery of mechanical properties of self-healing materials.

Summary and Discussion

The objective of this review is to furnish an encompassing perspective on various methodologies that enable the quantitative assessment of distinct self-healing strategies. These strategies encompass intrinsic healing with crack control width, bacterial encapsulation and crack repair, chemical encapsulation, chemical encapsulation in glass tubing, and mineral admixture.

Chemical encapsulation

A diverse range of chemical agents, such as epoxy [24], Na2SIO3 [30], and retarder agents [73], as well as various shell materials like gelatin [74], wax [73], ceramics [29], and glass [19] have been employed in the microencapsulation technique to facilitate chemical self-healing in concrete Figure 9.

The advantages associated with chemical encapsulation within microcapsules for enhancing concrete self-healing are remarkable.

Firstly, it offers the potential for extended service life, which is provisional upon the concentration of the healing agent contained within these capsules. Additionally, this approach enables the simultaneous healing of multiple defects, thereby expediting repair processes. The uniform dispersion of these capsules throughout the concrete matrix ensures comprehensive healing potential. Moreover, the encapsulation method allows for the preservation of healing agents, enabling their deployment for future use. Furthermore, when the healing process is initiated, it leads to the restoration of mechanical strength, contributing to the overall structural integrity of the concrete.

Nonetheless, certain limitations associated with the chemical encapsulation technique warrant consideration. A significant concern apportions to the uncertainty surrounding the strength of the bond between the microcapsules and the surrounding concrete matrix. The reliability of this approach is obstructed by the limited availability of comprehensive data, making precise assessments challenging. Importantly, an increased use of capsules within the concrete mixture can potentially lead to a reduction in the stiffness of the cross-sectional area. Furthermore, the response of this method to varying climatic conditions remains inadequately studied, with a lack of comprehensive insights into its performance in different environmental settings. Additionally, it is essential to note that prior tests have predominantly focused on single-loading cycles, without exploring the behavior of repeated healing cycles.


Mineral Admixtures for Concrete Self-Healing

Mineral admixtures have emerged as a valuable tool for promoting self-healing in concrete cracks by facilitating the deposition of crystals within these fissures. Kashi [75] employed expansive agents like (C4A3S, CaSO4 and CaO), while other researchers [76-79] opted to replace a portion of cement with materials such as fly ash or blast furnace slag. They observed effective healing for cracks up to 0.22mm in width. Furthermore, Ahn and Kishi [80,81] demonstrated that by substituting 10% of the cement with a combination of chemical agents, geo-materials, and expansive agents, significant progress can be made in terms of crack healing.

Mineral admixtures hold promise as a means of enhancing concrete self-healing, offering several advantages while also presenting notable challenges. On the advantageous side, mineral admixtures have demonstrated their efficiency in promoting crack closure and effective healing. Their compatibility with the underlying cement matrix ensures seamless integration, contributing to improved structural integrity. Moreover, the durability of the healing effect is closely tied to the reactivity of additives and anhydrate materials, a factor that is carefully considered. The even distribution of mineral admixtures throughout the concrete mixture further enhances their healing potential, and their applicability in underground structures highlights their versatility.

However, the utilization of mineral admixtures comes with its set of challenges. Managing potential expansion to prevent undesirable consequences demands meticulous attention. Additionally, ensuring the attainment of the desired level of healing remains uncertain. The scarcity of comprehensive data limits their efficacy as a guide for precise assessment. Furthermore, the impact of diverse climatic conditions on their performance remains an unexplored aspect, necessitating further research to gain a comprehensive understanding of their behavior. In light of these considerations, the utilization of mineral admixtures for concrete self-healing warrants careful exploration, taking into account both their advantages and disadvantages.

Chemical in glass/fiber vascular tubing

The glass vascular tubing system consists of a network of hollow tubes connecting both internal and external cracks within a concrete structure. There are two primary types of vascular tubing systems: the single-channel vascular tubing, as studied by Joseph et al.. [82,83] and the multi-channel tubing system, whose efficiency has been explored by Mihashi et al. [84] and Dry and Mcmillan [85]. These systems operate in two distinct modes: the active mode involves the healing of cracks through the embedded tubes within the concrete, while the passive mode relies on the discharge of selfhealing agents from outside the structure container through the glass tubes. The outcomes of these studies indicate that the active mode contributes to enhanced crack tightness, whereas the passive mode improves flexural toughness.

The ability to tailor the release of healing agents to specific requirements enhances adaptability, catering to diverse scenarios. Moreover, the effectiveness of fibers in responding to multifaceted damages ensures a resilient structural response and contributes to overall robustness. The longevity of these systems varies based on the chosen healing agent, offering sustained benefits over time. However, it is important to acknowledge that while notable strength and tightness gains are achieved, full self-healing efficiency may not always be realized. The system also demonstrates compatibility with a range of healing agents, adding versatility to its application. Furthermore, the immune nature of these systems to external environmental influences ensures a consistent and reliable healing mechanism.

Nonetheless, the utilization of glass fiber vascular tubing systems presents specific challenges. Challenges arise during the orientation and casting of glass fibers, demanding careful handling. An increase in the number of tubes leads to reduced structural cross-section efficacy and affects overall mechanical properties. The scarcity of comprehensive data from previous studies poses a hindrance to a comprehensive assessment of their effectiveness. Moreover, the brittleness of glass tubes limits their reusability for healed cracks, potentially affecting their long-term applicability. Additionally, the introduction of glass tubes into the system may influence the cement matrix, necessitating careful consideration. In conclusion, the incorporation of glass/fiber vascular tubing systems for concrete self-healing represents a balance between advantageous attributes and potential limitations, necessitating prudent evaluation of their application.

Different applications of Bacteria in concrete

Numerous researchers have ventured into the realm of selfhealing concrete, focusing on the application of bacterial spores as a promising avenue. Pioneering work by Jonkers et al.. [86] provided a thorough examination of advancements in self-healing concrete, shedding light on the potential utility of bacterial spores as an effective agent for autonomous repair. A more in-depth exploration of the bacterial spores approach was conducted by Wintor and Jonkers [87], where they identified crucial challenges that must be addressed to facilitate the practical implementation of this innovative method.

In a parallel effort, Wang et al.. [71] conducted a rigorous investigation into the efficacy of various bacterial spore strains for self-healing concrete. Their research highlighted Bacillus subtilis spores as the most promising option for achieving optimal results. Furthermore, in 2019, Chen et al.. [88] meticulously examined the incorporation of bacterial spores immobilized within ceramsite for self-healing concrete. This novel approach demonstrated a remarkable ability to remediate cracks measuring up to 0.46 mm in width, marking significant progress in the field. Offering a contemporary perspective, the comprehensive review by Kumar and Gupta in 2022 [89] encapsulated recent advancements in selfhealing concrete. Their assessment firmly positioned the use of bacterial spores as one of the most promising pathways forward, emphasizing its substantial potential to revolutionize the field.

Intrinsic (autogenous and autogenomic) healing

The phenomenon of intrinsic crack healing within the concrete matrix has garnered significant attention in the literature [13-15]. This particular phenomenon can be categorized into two distinct types: autogenous and autogenomic healing, as elucidated in section 2. Remarkably, this phenomenon is capable of healing cracks of considerable dimensions, up to 300 micrometers [22], owing to the enduring mechanisms of ongoing pozzolanic reactions and carbonation in cementitious materials. Importantly, intrinsic crack healing continues to occur as long as the pozzolanic material and environmental conditions remain conducive.

Intrinsic crack healing offers several notable advantages. Firstly, it demonstrates environmental compatibility, aligning with sustainable practices. Furthermore, it boasts an extended operational lifespan and proves economically viable due to its costeffectiveness. The even distribution of healing agents throughout the structural matrix enhances its effectiveness. Following healing, the treated material exhibits improvements in both crack tightness and mechanical strength. Moreover, the capacity of the healing material to augment its strength even after exposure to multiple loading cycles and diverse environmental conditions underscores its resilience.

However, this approach is not without its inherent limitations. Its effectiveness is primarily confined to addressing smaller crack widths, limiting its applicability in contexts involving larger fissures. Additionally, its performance is susceptible to environments rich in alkaline and chloride components, posing challenges to consistent performance. The absence of comprehensive and sufficient empirical data further hinders a thorough assessment of its potential and limitations.


In this comprehensive review, we have examined five distinct self-healing approaches: bacterial concrete, mineral admixture, chemical encapsulation, a chemical in-glass tubing encapsulation, and intrinsic healing with limitations on crack width. Our investigation reveals that each approach exhibits a certain degree of effectiveness, yet it remains challenging to definitively determine the superiority of one over the others. Notably, autogenous healing, while confined to smaller crack healing and characterized by relatively lower reliability, has historically received substantial research attention, although it represents only a facet of the broader self-healing landscape. The critical assessment of these self-healing strategies, as elucidated in this chapter, underscores their interdisciplinary nature, encompassing microbiology, chemistry, civil engineering, and materials science. A promising avenue for future research involves the integration of these diverse approaches to formulate novel self-healing methodologies. However, the tangible benefits of these self-healing techniques, such as cost reduction and enhanced structural longevity, can only be fully realized through practical implementation on actual construction sites.

Achieving these desired outcomes necessitates the development of concrete mix designs tailored to the principles of each approach, alongside the establishment of a standardized testing protocol for evaluating healed materials and the formulation of international benchmarks. Furthermore, it is imperative to conduct comprehensive research focusing on the mechanical properties, stress responses, and long-term durability of the healed sections. In conclusion, the progression of this field demands a concerted commitment to rigorous research and interdisciplinary collaboration, steering the evolution of self-healing methodologies toward pragmatic and enduring solutions that advance the realm of structural engineering.



Conflict of Interest

No Conflict of interest.


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