Open Access Research Article

Dynamics of Changes in the Parameters of Total Blood Serum Protein in Pheasant (Phasianus Versicolor) in Postembryogenesis

Topchiyeva ShA*

National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Institute of Zoology, Azerbaijan

Corresponding Author

Received Date:May 05, 2022;  Published Date: May 16, 2022


The studies were carried out in 2021 on endemic subspecies of the domestic fauna - emerald and Caucasian pheasants. All pheasants were bred in the (incubator) vivarium of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS. The aim of the research was to study the dynamics of the total protein in the blood serum in connection with the change in the mass of pheasants. In the experiment, a commercial feed was used, which was enriched with protein and vitamin supplements to bring the nutritional level of 100 g of dry feed to: vitamins A - 20,000 IU (0.2 ml) 15,000 IU, D3 - 1400 IU 1250 IU (2 drops), E - 50 mg. As a result of the data obtained, the dynamics of changes in the parameters of the total protein of the blood serum of pheasant was revealed during 2 months of postembryogenesis. As shown by experimental data, with age, there is a change in the total protein of blood serum inversely proportional to the increase in live weight of pheasant calves. It was revealed that the change in the total protein content of the blood serum of pheasant calves is closely related to their growth. A higher intensity of development and weight growth of pheasant calves (21.93, 25.62, 41.93, 86.60, 153.15, 378.60 g) corresponded to a lower content of total protein (2.66, 2.37, 2.60, 2.92, 3.16, 3.84%) of blood serum and vice versa. Thus, with a decrease in the intensity of growth, an increase in the total protein of the blood serum of pheasant calves was noted. In all likelihood, this is due to the high consumption of protein during this period of development of pheasants, during the period when the construction of body tissues is observed.

Keywords: Pheasan; Blood; Protein; Postembryogenesis; Vitamin; Phasianus versicolor

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