Research Article
Anxiety and Smoking Behavior of Teenager in Papua, Indonesia
Agussalim*1, Frans Manangsang2 and Gutit Enny Susanti3
1Nursing School, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia
2Nursing School, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jayapura, Republic of Indonesia
3Nutritionist School, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jayapura, Republic of Indonesia
Agussalim, Nursing School, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia.
Received Date: March 04, 2020; Published Date: March 13, 2020
Introduction: The National Commission on child protection reported receiving an average of 200 case reports of children experiencing anxiety on a monthly basis, throughout in 2015, increasing 98% from the previous year. The report of the National Commission on child protection also indicates an increase in anxiety disorders in children in Indonesia. Papua is the province with the youngest percentage of the highest smoking in Indonesia, 3.2% of children aged 5-9 years in Papua are already smoking.
Method: Using a cross-sectional approach, meaning that all research data is taken at the same time, or each research variable data is collected only once time.
Result: Research shows from 27 students who are not anxious and behave very often there are 18 students, from 2 students who are anxious lightly and behave very often there is 1 person, from 1 student who is anxious and behave often smoke. There were 1 people, and from 1 person who was anxious and behaving smoking sometimes there were 1 people. From the data shows that P value=0.01 (P<0.05), that there is strong connection between the level of anxiety with smoking behavior in young men at Muhammadiyah Jayapura High School.
Suggestion: It is hoped that the teenagers who are active to further increase their knowledge and insights on the impact of smoking by following counseling-health counseling or accessing information in print or electronic media about the dangers of Smoking.
Keywords: Anxiety level, Smoking behavior, Teenagers, Papua, Teenager, Danger
Agussalim, Frans Manangsang, Gutit Enny Susanti. Anxiety and Smoking Behavior of Teenager in Papua, Indonesia. On J Otolaryngol & Rhinol. 2(3): 2020. OJOR.MS.ID.000538.