Case Report
Use of Endodontic Cores for Rigid Screw Retention of the Natural Dentition to Dental Implants by Means of Fixed Partial Prostheses for the Atrophic Mandible: Long-Term Clinical Results
Cimara Fortes Ferreira1*, Antonio Carlos Cardoso2, Rafaella Cid3, Joao Gustavo Oliveira de Souza3, Russell Anthony Wicks4
1Discipline Periodontics, University of Tennessee Health Sciences College of Dentistry, USA
2Department of Prosthodontics, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
3Department of Implant Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
4Department of Prosthodontics, University of Tennessee Health Sciences College of Dentistry, USA
Cimara Fortes Ferreira, Associate Professor, Director of Implant Dentistry/Department of Prosthodontics, University of Tennessee School of Dentistry, Dunn Dental Building, 875 Union Avenue, Memphis, TN38163, USA.
Received Date: 24 July, 2018; Published Date: August 06, 2018
Purpose: Describe a technique to restore a partially edentulous patient with limited bone for an implant-supported bridge.
Material and methods: Two clinical cases are described using a lingual screw technique for retrievability of implant-tooth supported bridges.
Results: A 7 and 10-year clinical follow-ups showed health for the implants and clinical stability of the surrounding tissues in both cases presented.
Conclusion: The authors suggest this treatment option to be limited to cases where the dental implant placement is not possible; as in the cases reported.
Keywords: Tooth-implant supported prostheses, Fixed bridges, Prosthetic connections, Tooth-implant supported rehabilitations, Tooth-implant splinting
Cimara F F, Antonio C C, Rafaella C, Joao Gustavo O de S, Russell A W. Use of Endodontic Cores for Rigid Screw Retention of the Natural Dentition to Dental Implants by Means of Fixed Partial Prostheses for the Atrophic Mandible: Long- Term Clinical Results. On J Dent & Oral Health. 1(1): 2018. OJDOH.MS.ID.000502.