Open Access Case Report

The Relationship between Rehabilitation of Severe Early Childhood Caries and Well-Being in 5 Years Old Patient, A Case Report

Chaza Kouchaji1* and Asmaa Sayed Sulayman2

1Head of Syrian pedodontic association, Prof of Pedodontic department, Faculty of dental medicine, Damascus university, Syria

2Master pedodontics student, Pedodontic department, Faculty of dental medicine, Damascus university, Syria

Corresponding Author

Received Date: January 08, 2021;  Published Date: February 02, 2021


Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is a public health problem that continues to affect infants and preschool children worldwide, and severe destruction of primary teeth due to caries is a common occurrence in children under 6-years-old. The purpose of this report was to present a case of a 5-yearold patient with severe ECC and the effect of mouth rehabilitation on child’s lifestyle. In this case a comprehensive treatment plan was followed, including many types of procedures to achieve functional requirements which have important role in nutrition and proper development in this age.

Keywords: Early childhood caries; Rehabilitation; Comprehensive treatment; Well-being

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