Research Article
Efficacy Study of whitening Toothpaste containing Lemon (Citrus Limon (L) and Salt (Sodium Carbonate)
Sudhir Savarkar*, Jayaganesh Sankar and Furtado Mellissa Andrea
Dabur Research and Development, International Business Division, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Sudhir Savarkar, Dabur Research and Development, International Business Division, Dubai.
Received Date: August 30, 2019; Published Date: September 20, 2019
In recent days teeth hygiene is a social image and physiological strength to the people. People spend the huge amount for the oral hygiene with respect to daily use toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth rinses, etc. Everyone desires to maintain a brighter and whiter tooth with smile, no one interested in the yellowing coloring teeth. Many people use the cosmetic dentistry to maintain the teeth as a brighter white in color and shine. Many teeth whitening gel, paste, rinse off products recommended by the dentist and available in over the counter product. In general hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide and peroxide releasing substances used as a bleaching agent. The present study aimed to estimate the clinical efficacy of Whitening toothpaste containing the Salt and Lemon with respect to the substantiation of product claims like whitening thorough cleansing, intense freshness and removal of yellow stains. At the end of study period almost 76% of people moved or shifted to the ‘Good’ scale and remaining 24% subjects are fall under the ‘Fair’ category. Study results clearly indicate that the salt and lemon help to remove the accumulation of supra gingival debris over six weeks period of usage. Tested whitening toothpaste helps to reduce the stains on the teeth, it clearly indicates significant decrease in CI-S (the value decreased from 1.50-1.09). Study results clearly indicate that the salt and lemon help to remove the accumulation of supra gingival debris minimum six weeks period of usage.
Sudhir Savarkar, Jayaganesh Sankar, Furtado Mellissa Andrea. Efficacy Study of whitening Toothpaste containing Lemon (Citrus Limon (L) and Salt (Sodium Carbonate). On J Dent & Oral Health. 2(3): 2019. OJDOH.MS.ID.000538.