Research Article
Implications of Oral Health Policy Consequent Covid19
Shaymaa Hussein Rafat kotb*
Alazhar university, faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of Oral Medicine, Periodontology, oral Diagnosis and Dental Radiology, Assuit branch, Ministry of Health & Population, Egypt
Shaymaa Hussein Rafat kotb, Alazhar university, faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of Oral Medicine, Periodontology, oral Diagnosis and Dental Radiology, Assuit branch, Ministry of Health & Population, Egypt.
Received Date:January 03, 2023; Published Date: January 12, 2023
COVID 19 virus rearrange the priorities of the global society regarding oral health to systemic health. Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology (OHPE) is the connection of dentistry, medicine, and public health which increase the perspective and impact of global and community health practice and policy through education, research, and leadership. Dental faculties and students, with community stakeholders and oral health professionals, drive collaborative, interdisciplinary, and innovative approaches to achieve oral health equity and wellbeing for all. Global vision for oral health policy is fully integrated in general health and based on primary health care, with emphasis on promotion on oral health and prevention of oral disease. This policy is a framework contribute to a program strategy of public health to guarantee the access to fundamental rights.
Aim: To thourough the light on impact of oral health diseases on systemic health condition.
Conclusion: The need to develop appropriate policies specific to the oral health needs. There is a bidirectional relation between poor oral hygiene and chronic systemic diseases. Oral microbium is consider a strong contributing factor that trigger the inflammatory condition and resultant systemic diseases. World Health Organization, promote and encourage the preventive measures program to help keep and maintain good oral health to protect the overall body health.
Keywords: Covid 19, Oral health, Oral prevention programs, Periodontal diseases, Malnutrition, Early childhood caries, Dental healthcare, Policy implementation, Oral health services
Shaymaa Hussein Rafat kotb*. Implications of Oral Health Policy Consequent Covid19. On J Dent & Oral Health. 6(4): 2023. OJDOH.MS.ID.000644