Chest Pain in a Patient with All Normal Cardiologic Exams Can Exclude That the Patient is Not Life- Threatening?
Huang Wei Ling*
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil
Huang Wei Ling, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.
Received Date: February 15, 2023; Published Date: March 09, 2023
In my daily clinical practice, I constantly see patients complaining of chest pain and do routine cardiological exams, many of which come back with normal results. The phase of modern medicine we are going through today means that diagnoses are only partially correct because, after the implementation of the Flexner report in 1910, it made medical schools teach only what they see with the naked eye and thus, only this part of medicine was considered “scientific” [1]. However, everything that exists in our universe is also composed of energy, and the human being is part of this universe, and it is also composed of energy. All the alterations in energy level that happen before materializing the energy, are still not studied by the faculties of medicine and therefore, Western medicine is only studying the materialized part of the human being and the other part formed by energy (invisible by the naked eyes) is not studied yet and it is this energy part that will be the focus of this article, to know if the normal exams of a patient with chest pain, makes it life-threatening to die [2,3]. Since 2010, I have been measuring the energy of the five internal massive organs of the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine, such as the Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidneys and each organ is responsible for producing one internal energy for our survival. The Spleen is responsible for the absorption of nutrients and the formation of Blood. All the factors that will alter the dynamics of nutrient absorption, may affect Blood production and lead to a reduced process of the energy of these organs. The Kidney is responsible for the production of Yin and Yang energy. The Liver and Lungs are responsible for the distribution of energy Qi throughout the body. The Heart is responsible for controlling the Blood flow inside the blood vessels. One organ is also responsible for an external sensory organ such as Vision is the responsibility of the Liver. Communication is the responsibility of the Heart. Sense of taste is the responsibility of Spleen. Sense of smell is governed by the Lungs, and the hearing process is commanded by the Kidney. The Kidney is responsible for several other functions written in the article by me (2022) titled What Are the Other Energy Functions of The Kidney Besides Filtering the Blood [4]? I am explaining to you some processes in the energy level studied by traditional Chinese medicine because, through the recommendations of Hippocrates (460 BCE - 375 BCE), the father of medicine, he said that “we must consider the oldest medicines before the current medical practice”. Therefore, I am emphasizing the need to study traditional Chinese medicine, which existed more than 5000 years ago, to understand what I want to describe in this article today [5].
The entire treatment of traditional Chinese medicine consists of balancing the Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood energies, and the imbalance of one energy or the combination of these 4 energies can cause the formation of internal Heat, as if it were a Fire inside the patient body, consuming his internal liquid and leading to dry mucous membranes, body itching, bad breath, gingival bleeding, abdominal pain, and microscopic hematuria [3, 6]. In a study presented by myself in 2015 at the Acupuncture Research Conference, which was held at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, United States, it was explained that the treatment of the imbalance of these four energies Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood and removal of internal Heat by using techniques such as Chinese dietary therapy, auriculotherapy with apex ear bloodletting can treat all diseases of any specialty, whether physical or emotional [7]. I study the energy of the five internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen., Lungs, and Kidney) of traditional Chinese medicine since 2010 and in a study evaluating the energy of 1000 patients treated between 2015 and 2020, I conclude that 90% of my patients were without energy in the five internal massive organs, leading to a classification of our patients nowadays as immunocompromised and not immunocompetent, as we thought [8, 9]. What is happening in my clinic in Brazil may reflect what may be happening in the whole world, as these changes in the energy of internal organs are related to chronic exposition to electromagnetic radiation with the modernization of telecommunication technologies, with the implementation of the use of cell phones and computers, for example, leading people from all over the world on our planet to be in very low energy, leading many to the false diagnosis of depression, but the real cause of the symptoms of depression, are due to lack of energy, which worsens with the use of any highly concentrated medication, such as with the use of anti-depressant medications as I am showing in the article written by me (2021) titled Why Patients with Depression do Not Improve the Symptoms with Antidepressant Medications [10].
When there is a decrease in the vital energy of all the organs, there is a decrease in the production of Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood energies and, in this way, a picture of Blood stagnation can occur anywhere in the body, such as in the brain, causing the picture of cerebrovascular accident, in the heart, causing a picture of myocardial infarction, even without obstruction, thrombosis, etc., as I wrote (2021) in the articles What We Need to Know When the Patient has a Stroke with or without COVID-19 and in the second article I wrote (2021) titled Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction [11-14].
The evolution from health to illness takes place in five phases, the first three phases being characterized by symptoms, but the laboratory exams are normal. Western medicine will only diagnose diseases in phases 4 and 5, where the alterations appear at the laboratory exams. Therefore, in phases one, two, and three, energy alterations are happening, but the laboratory exams are still normal. This does not mean that a patient with chest pain is not at risk of dying, even if there is no change in the exams [11-14]. Just yesterday an episode in my life happened that inspired me to write this article. My aunt lives in the United States and is 90 years old. She has high blood pressure and takes medication prescribed by US doctors. Yesterday (02-11-2023) I got a message from my sister saying that my aunt had been having chest pain for about 40 minutes and my aunt has been wanting to be taken to the hospital to see if it could be something more serious. I told her to give her the homeopathy I had sent her containing Phosphorus, Sulphur, Calcarea Carbonica, Silicea, and Natrum muriaticum at 200 CH 20 drops in 20 ml of water and observe for 30 minutes. My aunt got better during this period and she did not have to go to the hospital. The explanation for the improvement with the use of these drugs was that, since the patients had no energy in the five massive internal organs, according to the study I did in Brazil, responsible for the production of Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood, they were compromised and she could be experiencing Blood stagnation, due to lack of energy. Because the Blood to flow normally inside the blood vessels, needs to have Yin, Yang produced by the Kidney, Blood produced by the Spleen, Qi produced when there is a normal production of Yin, Yang, and Blood, and distributed by the energy of Liver and Lungs [15]. These five homeopathic medications are part of the theory written by myself (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy theory of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and are intended to treat this lack of energy in the five massive internal organs, which is present in all individuals today, regardless of age and clinical diagnosis of Western medicine, that was the cause of chest pain, caused by energy deficiency [11-15]. Another case that I am going to tell you to illustrate this article was that of a 56-yearold friend who had a myocardial infarction in 2017 and who is taking antihypertensive medication and antihypercholesterolemic medication. One day he came to my house in 2021 with a history of chest pain, and he went to the hospital several times in the emergency unit and that he did an electrocardiogram several times with a normal diagnosis this exam. At that time, I had measured the energy of the five massive internal organs in 2020 and they were completely without energy, this patient used these homeopathy medications for a while (Phosphorus, Sulphur, Calcarea Carbonica, Silicea, Natrum muriaticum) but then, he did not use them anymore. The use of highly concentrated medications of any kind reduces vital energy and, together with the stress of everyday life, makes him spend even more energy, culminating in a picture of Blood stagnation at the level of coronary arteries and causing pain in the chest, however, it was still at an energy level and had not yet caused a myocardial infarction itself [13]. When he went to my house with these symptoms, I gave him the homeopathic medications described above to give energy to the Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidneys in order to make the Blood flow, and my friend improved a lot with these medications and did not feel any more chest pain. I could treat his chest pain, which was caused by the lack of internal energy of the five internal massive organs, but this did not change the exams at first [13]. Therefore, these five homeopathic should be part of the therapeutic arsenal of patients who come to an emergency unit with chest pain and normal cardiological exams. The use of these five homeopathic could save the lives of many patients who come with chest pain and normal cardiac exams. We are treating immunosuppressed patients due to a lack of energy inside the five internal massive organs and no longer immunocompetent patients. The use of any highly concentrated medication in this situation could aggravate the patient’s situation as it would lead to a drop in vital energy and greater stagnation of Blood in the blood vessels and culminate in thrombosis anywhere in the body or lead to a stroke or even a heart attack of the myocardium, due to lack of energy, as reported in the articles written by myself (2021) titled Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction and in the second article also written by myself (2020) titled The Importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances in the Prevention and Treatment of Myocardial Infarction [13, 14].
Conflict of Interest
No conflict of interest.
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Huang Wei Ling*. Chest Pain in a Patient with All Normal Cardiologic Exams Can Exclude That the Patient is Not Life- Threatening?. On J Cardio Res & Rep. 7(2): 2023. OJCRR.MS.ID.000657.
Blood flow, Blood vessels, Myocardial infarction, Electrocardiogram, Myocardium, Cardiac exams, Heart attack
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