Case Report
Resistant Kawasaki Disease in an Infant Causing Giant Coronary Aneurysms with Thrombosis
Ayad Anass1*, Hasbaoui Brahim1, Sghir Salah1, Yajouri Abdelhakim1, Abilkassem Rachid1, Hassani Amale1, Agadr Aomar1 and Faid Soumia2
1Department of pediatrics, Military hospital of rabat, Morocco
2Department of cardiology, Military hospital of rabat, Morocco
Ayad Anass, Department of pediatrics, Military hospital of rabat, Morocco.
Received Date:October 19, 2020; Published Date:November 12, 2020
Giant coronary artery aneurysms that occur in 0.5 to 1% of patients with Kawasaki disease can be fatal if associated with thrombosis. Some patients may show persistent inflammation and fever despite treatment with repeated doses of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), steroids, and aspirin. This report describes an infant boy with resistant Kawasaki disease who presented with extensive coronary artery involvement and coronary thrombosis. His inflammation was not controlled with multiple doses of IVIG, parenteral and oral steroids, or high-dose aspirin, and he finally needed infliximab, a monoclonal antibody against tumor necrosis factor alpha.
Keywords: Resistant kawasaki disease; Intravenous immunoglobulin; Coronary thrombus; Aneurysm; Infliximab
Ayad Anass, Hasbaoui Brahim, Sghir Salah, Yajouri Abdelhakim, Abilkassem Rachid. Resistant Kawasaki Disease in an Infant Causing Giant Coronary Aneurysms with Thrombosis. On J Cardio Res & Rep. 4(4): 2020. OJCRR.MS.ID.000595.