Review Article
Exercise Training Increased S-Klotho Expression on Endothelial Dysfunction: Review
Moran Saghiv1 and TJ Exford2*
1 Department of Kinesiology, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, USA
2 Department of Kinesiology, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, USA
TJ Exford, Department of Kinesiology, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, USA.
Received Date:July 15, 2020; Published Date:August 05, 2020
Endothelial dysfunction is characterized by reduced vascular nitric oxide levels, that causes some irregularities in blood artery function. These functional irregularities contribute to atherosclerosis, which promote vasoconstriction of the small arteries, a major factor in hypertension. Secreted klotho (s-klotho) regulates nitric oxide production in the endothelium. It has been suggested that s-Klotho affect nitric oxide thus benefiting endothelial function. S-klotho levels are reflective of aerobic fitness level, s-Klotho is significantly higher in trained individuals compared to untrained. This suggests aerobic training may be an appropriate model for examining the role of physical activity on s-Klotho expression. There is an association with endothelial fusnction improvement with increased s-klotho levels following aerobic exercise training. It is believed that this review will inspire more deliberation on the relationship between aerobic exercise training and circulating s-Klotho, as a possibly effectors on cardiovascular arterial stiffens due to endothelial dysfunction.
Keywords: Nitric oxide; Arteriosclerosis; Hypertension; Apoptosis; Oxidative stress; FGF23
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