Mini Review
Endovascular Debulking in Therapy of Occluded Lower Limb Bypass
Miroslav Bulvas*
Division of Interventional Angiology, Charles University, Czech Republic
Miroslav Bulvas, Division of Interventional Angiology, Department of Surgery, Kings Vineyards Hospital, Third Medical School, Charles University, , Czech Republic, Email:
Received Date: June 18, 2019; Published Date: June 21, 2019
The goal of surgical and/or endovascular therapy in patients with lower limb ischemia is the elimination of return or progression of serious and threatening ischemic symptoms (rest pain, ischemic ulcers or gangrene) [1-3]. Thus, bypass occlusion can be associated with renewed acute or critical ischemia and endangered lower extremity. Early (> 30 days) graft failure rate 6.3% was reported in the study that collected 9217 bypass procedures [4] with higher frequency in preceding emergency and re-operative procedures (8.2%).
Miroslav Bulvas. Endovascular Debulking in Therapy of Occluded Lower Limb Bypass. On J Cardio Res & Rep. 2(1): 2019. OJCRR. MS.ID.000530.